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'None of the Above'

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Some people do decline to vote as a protest, or a statement of no confidence in any candidate; but there's no way to distinguish those from the much larger number of people who don't vote because they have no interest whatsoever in politics and couldn't name the PM or any member of Parliament, let alone who their own MP is.


On the other hand, we also cannot distinguish between a ballot paper spoilt in protest and one wrongly filled in by an incompetent buffoon and therefore counted as spoilt. (I'd like to think that the number of sufficiently incompetent buffoons messing up something as simple as a ballot paper, is very small.)


I'm right behind the inclusion of "I decline to vote" as an option on the ballot paper. I'm less convinced that nullifying the election because "NotA" won it, is a good idea, but I'm willing to be argued into it.


In constitutional terms, I'm behind what you say. The whole point of both "None Of The Above" and "Don't Know" options are there so that people who want to vote have extra options, and may even increase the vote.


Equally, not everyone has a candidate standing in their constituency representing the party of their choice. This year is actually the first time I have had that luxury of a positive vote.


Maybe by giving the option of a 'negative' vote could mean that there would be more 'positive' voting in the future?

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I'm seriously thinking of not voting this time round...I may change my mind at the last moment mind you. The reason being is I lack confidence in any of them. I can't get beyond no confidence. It may sound very pessimistic but that's how I see politicians at mo. Going to a box and ticking in my view is just a waste of energy...sad, but there ya go.


Equally, your only way of showing dissatisfaction is to make the effort to spoil your paper. That is a message, and one which is counted.

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