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If Labour remains in power, will the UK go bankrupt like Greece?

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It depends on what it was spent. Your graph proves nothing


Barber printed money and inflation went through the roof (don't forget we had nigh on full employment in those days so shed loads went on wage increases).


Google "Barber Boom".

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That is a huge leap to make from what I posted :huh:


How do you work that out?


It was under Heath that the crisis in the 70s began, Wilson and Callaghan were the ones that averted that crisis through their prudence.


Harold Wilson, Labour Prime Minister - 1974 to 1976

1976: UK bankrupt, borrows money from IMF


James Callaghan, Labour Prime Minister - 1976 to 1979

1978 -1979: Winter of Discontent


Hardly averted a crisis. More like presided over them.


Wilson and Callaghan are the very reason why Thatcher came to power. They screwed the country and the population was crying out for someone to clean up their mess. Hang on, I’m having Déjà vu moment.

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Harold Wilson, Labour Prime Minister - 1974 to 1976

1976: UK bankrupt, borrows money from IMF



Direct effect of the fallout from the Barber Boom plus oil prices going through the roof.

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That didn't cause a financial crisis though.


Interesting that it has always been the Tories that brought in budgets that led to massive inflation.




Inflation rates more then doubled when Labour were in charge.



1978 - 8.3% - Labour / Callaghan

1977 - 15.8% - Labour / Callaghan

1976 - 16.5% - Labour / Callaghan

1975 - 24.2% - Labour / Wilson

1974 - 16.0% - Labour / Wilson

1973 - 9.2% - Conservative / Heath

1972 - 7.1% - Conservative / Heath

1971 - 9.4% - Conservative / Heath

1970 - 6.4% - Conservative / Heath

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