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Does SF discriminate against the ..

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I have never used a spell checker, and no doubt it shows.

*I havent read the entire thread because Im a lazy swine, but my two penneth...



Its one of my pet hates, is txt spk but I dont hate that half as much as people who attack other posters because of their grammar or spelling. It gets so ridiculous at times that people can often devote an entire post or even more to ripping one spelling mistake that someones made.


I recently deleted someone from my Facebook after I heared that he and another SF poster had bullied someone on here because her spelling wasnt perfect, Two blokes picking on a girl because she made a spelling mistake or two... tsk tsk tsk. Thats got to be the definition of Sad.


Some people are good with their typing, some arent, some people are good at maths, some arent, some people are good at juggling whelks whilst standing on one foot and singing Rule Brittania and... some arent.


Having a go at someone because they arent good at something is pathetic and says more about the picker than the victim.


I wouldn't try to communicate using my juggling skills precisely because they are poor (and also not a very convenient way of communicating).

If I were trying to engage in some sort of whelk juggling society, I'd first try to ensure a minimum standard of whelk juggling, and if software existed (a la the Matrix) I'd download it into my brain and declare "I know Whelk Juggling", before demonstrating some Kung Fu.


That's a stretched analogy for using a spell checker, there's no excuse not to.

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I wouldn't try to communicate using my juggling skills precisely because they are poor (and also not a very convenient way of communicating).

If I were trying to engage in some sort of whelk juggling society, I'd first try to ensure a minimum standard of whelk juggling, and if software existed (a la the Matrix) I'd download it into my brain and declare "I know Whelk Juggling", before demonstrating some Kung Fu.


That's a stretched analogy for using a spell checker, there's no excuse not to.


Thing is, this is a forum, Posts last for hours- days at most before theyre gone and forgotten. Ive seen people in chat rooms devote their time to picking on others grammar and spelling and in fast rooms the picker had to type so fast to get his pick in before the victims sentance scrolled out of sight forever that he made more mistakes than the victim did!


This isnt important enough to get frenzied about, if someone makes a spelling mistake or has bad grammar then so what? The world isnt going to end, the forum isnt going to collapse into ruins and no ones going to die. There are no medals for perfect English here, no qualifications gained, just people typing out their thoughts and opinions and if someone puts an I after E Before a C doesnt mean an apeth of difference to anyone, you cant judge anyone by the way they spell, especially on something as spurious as the internet.


Im not sure who to pity the most, the victims or the pickers who actually devote time to picking on others` typing. Imagine having to live like that, imagine having to scan posts for spelling and grammar, its akin to OCD.

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I have never used a spell checker, and no doubt it shows.

*I havent read the entire thread because Im a lazy swine, but my two penneth...



Its one of my pet hates, is txt spk but I dont hate that half as much as people who attack other posters because of their grammar or spelling. It gets so ridiculous at times that people can often devote an entire post or even more to ripping one spelling mistake that someones made.


I recently deleted someone from my Facebook after I heared that he and another SF poster had bullied someone on here because her spelling wasnt perfect, Two blokes picking on a girl because she made a spelling mistake or two... tsk tsk tsk. Thats got to be the definition of Sad.


Some people are good with their typing, some arent, some people are good at maths, some arent, some people are good at juggling whelks whilst standing on one foot and singing Rule Brittania and... some arent.


Having a go at someone because they arent good at something is pathetic and says more about the picker than the victim.


HEY EVERYIONE ! did you all notice Jabbers mistake !!! ... just like to say that 'arent' is actually supposed to be 'aren't' . :hihi:

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HEY EVERYIONE ! did you all notice Jabbers mistake !!! ... just like to say that 'arent' is actually supposed to be 'aren't' . :hihi:


Giz a snog! :D



Look back on one of my posts from... oooh about three years ago and I mentioned then that I occasionally like to leave a nice spelling mistake to see who picks up on it.


You won the ceeeeeegar! :D

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I can't actually read 'text speak' very well at all, so it makes the forum quite hard to read and not worth the time and effort.


One word of text speak that really annoys me and people seem to be able to get away with is 'prolly'. What's the deal with that? Make the people who use it seem a bit simple to me, and it just reminds me of when I lived in the deep south, because they pronounce it like that.

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I have never used a spell checker, and no doubt it shows.

*I havent read the entire thread because Im a lazy swine, but my two penneth...



Its one of my pet hates, is txt spk but I dont hate that half as much as people who attack other posters because of their grammar or spelling. It gets so ridiculous at times that people can often devote an entire post or even more to ripping one spelling mistake that someones made.


I recently deleted someone from my Facebook after I heared that he and another SF poster had bullied someone on here because her spelling wasnt perfect, Two blokes picking on a girl because she made a spelling mistake or two... tsk tsk tsk. Thats got to be the definition of Sad.


Some people are good with their typing, some arent, some people are good at maths, some arent, some people are good at juggling whelks whilst standing on one foot and singing Rule Brittania and... some arent.


Having a go at someone because they arent good at something is pathetic and says more about the picker than the victim.


You should go on Britain's Got Talent with that Jabberwocky :)

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I'm happy to correct people's spelling, grammar and punctuation if I think they'll be grateful for the education, rather than resenting the interference. (Many people nowadays are reverting to pre-16th-century notions of "as long as you can understand my meaning, it doesn't matter a fig if I spelt it right or not." And, at that, it's hard to build a convincing argument that they're wrong!)


What I particularly dislike is people who try to make out they're winning a debate because their opponent has made a grammatical error and is therefore wrong.


... which is a common occurrence with online debating.

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