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Does SF discriminate against the ..

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Thing is, this is a forum, Posts last for hours- days at most before theyre gone and forgotten. Ive seen people in chat rooms devote their time to picking on others grammar and spelling and in fast rooms the picker had to type so fast to get his pick in before the victims sentance scrolled out of sight forever that he made more mistakes than the victim did!


This isnt important enough to get frenzied about, if someone makes a spelling mistake or has bad grammar then so what? The world isnt going to end, the forum isnt going to collapse into ruins and no ones going to die. There are no medals for perfect English here, no qualifications gained, just people typing out their thoughts and opinions and if someone puts an I after E Before a C doesnt mean an apeth of difference to anyone, you cant judge anyone by the way they spell, especially on something as spurious as the internet.


Im not sure who to pity the most, the victims or the pickers who actually devote time to picking on others` typing. Imagine having to live like that, imagine having to scan posts for spelling and grammar, its akin to OCD.


The odd spelling mistake, or the fact that your keyboard has no apostrophe, they don't really matter. But some posts are so badly written that they become difficult to read or understand.

When it actually impacts like that, that's when it matters.

Presumably none of us want to come across as idiots though, so why deliberately handicap yourself by not using a spell checker built into your browser? My spelling is constantly improving because my browser underlines my mistakes and I get to correct them.

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The odd spelling mistake, or the fact that your keyboard has no apostrophe, they don't really matter. But some posts are so badly written that they become difficult to read or understand.

When it actually impacts like that, that's when it matters.

Presumably none of us want to come across as idiots though, so why deliberately handicap yourself by not using a spell checker built into your browser? My spelling is constantly improving because my browser underlines my mistakes and I get to correct them.


Dont get me wrong here, I hate the "helloeverybodyimnewtotheforumandwanttosayhello" posts too and missing commas and full stops bugs the hell out of me but if I see a post like that I reply to it without mentioning the ratty typing.


Picking on people, bullying them because their command of English isnt perfect, now thats another kettle of whelks. I hate that and I`m glad its a rarity these days, it used to be a common occurence but happily rare now.


I didnt even think there was a spellchecker on here, I know that the Opera browser has one, I darent use it because it`ll probably correct practically every word I type.

Actually I know it will because I left school at 13 and because of that only have a primary school education so I`m likely to give a spellchecker a mental breakdown.

I just stick commas and full stops where they look good to me, and I still have to master the concept of apostrophes- something Im always getting told off for.

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