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Look at my photos of Kelvin Flats!


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Does anyone remember me then?


Sam, the ex punk who then married Cockney Mick?


Ha ha!!


For a few more pics of Kelvin, clink on my www @ the bottom.


Not many at the moment but I'm working on it!!


Ahhhhh the happy old days :clap:

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I see my old flat on those pics FetishFairy :D


I always thought I hated living there till I saw those pics. It brought back a lot of good memories which I think were only marred by the burglary that occurred just before we moved. I lived on Woollen Walk from '91 to '93 when they booted us out to demolish the place. I think what I loved most about it was the community feeling, it's something I've never found in any of the houses I've lived in since. In fact it's the only place I've ever lived where I've made good friends with the people living next door, on both sides.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have been adding some more photo's again to this site!


some of the pictures are also slightly improved, and there is a nice new super-imposed signature of mine on each pic!


on top of that, all the pics are now re-sized to fit the screen and load more quickly!!!!!



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  • 1 year later...

added these today, with people on!:








got permission (although not needed technically) from one of the owners of the faces; if you are on here, please let me know whether or not this is okay!



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