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So was Faisal Shahzad a muslim?

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I dont go to the Bronx or the Gorbals to catch my diseases. I prefer to go up market like Nether Edge :hihi:


But we're old enough to remember the days when 'Syph', 'NSU' and 'Mechanised Dandruff' were the likely trio. (OK; 'Saigon Rose' was remotely possible, as was genital herpes, but at least we didn't have to worry about Aids [even hearing aids, which you get from listening to arseholes all day ;)])


Life was easier for us.

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It will be interesting (OK, I will be interested) to see what he's charged with.


'Treason' is a non-starter. (Try proving the mens rea - you would be laughed out of court.)


The fact that he is a US Citizen protects him from some of the outrageous provisions of the 'Patriot Act' (and makes John McCain look like a real plonker.) McCain advocated deferring giving the 'Miranda' warning to him until after he'd been interrogated (typical 'Patriot Act Overkill' but pointless, because even if the arresting/interrogating officers hadn't 'Mirandised' him, he would still enjoy the same Constitutional Rights.)


We'll have to 'wait and see'. Most of the Fibbies I've met (not a huge number, but a significant number) are professional policemen as well as being counter-intelligence people. They don't make too many mistakes and hopefully they will have gathered enough evidence to support (and win) a prosecution.


If Shahzad is prosecuted and convicted, then although some of the (possible) charges could, on conviction, render him liable to the death penalty there would be a considerable legal tension were the Federal Government to attempt to award a sentence not acceptable in the State of New York. Federal Law supersedes State Law, but the States are Sovereign Entities.


If he is convicted, then I wouldn't be surprised to find that Mr Shahzad ends up in a 'SuperMax'.


Handsome bloke, isn't he?


I'd be buggered if I'd go there.


And he will be bu**ered that's for certain. Old Bubba will be waiting for Faisal in the showers for the moment when Faisal drops that bar of soap :D

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But we're old enough to remember the days when 'Syph', 'NSU' and 'Mechanised Dandruff' were the likely trio. (OK; 'Saigon Rose' was remotely possible, as was genital herpes, but at least we didn't have to worry about Aids [even hearing aids, which you get from listening to arseholes all day ;)])


Life was easier for us.


Ah yes the good ole days when a shot of penny in the ass would cure it all :hihi:

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Digging more holes where you can...again.


Tell me, what's the connection with the bloke above and the two below?






Simple- they have a hatred- an ideology which has no reflection to which ever religion (if any) they may associate themselves to.


I know you're an anti theist but at least take off your blinkers and stop linking terror acts (or potential terror acts) directly to the religion(s).


The majority who sincerely adhere to a religion will happily condemn any act involving terrorism- be it muslim/christian/Jew or even atheist- there have been cases of that too in America (Virginia tec shooting) but if people went around saying ALL atheists are evil or have no morals etc then that would be silly.


No blinkers. I think the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were illegal and that Bush was an Uber Terrorist. I don't like people of any fundie religious persuasion and consider them all dangerous but the media seem to be going out of their way not to label this nutjob a Muslim.

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The news said he will be tried as a terrorist or on terrorist charges.

He will need more than just a smart lawyer to get him off that charge given that the trial will be held in New York and the jury people of that state.


The army has called for the death penalty of former army major Nidal the Fort Hood killer.

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I know you're an anti theist but at least take off your blinkers and stop linking terror acts (or potential terror acts) directly to the religion(s).

The majority who sincerely adhere to a religion will happily condemn any act involving terrorism- be it muslim/christian/Jew or even atheist- there have been cases of that too in America (Virginia tec shooting) but if people went around saying ALL atheists are evil or have no morals etc then that would be silly.


Well to be honest I think we can link certain terrorist activities to a certain religion. Planes weren't flown into the trade centre in the name of Socialism, Capitalism or a passion for the teletubbies. They were flown into the trade centre by extreme Islamists. The attack on the hotel in Mumbai wasn't carried out by sceptics, agnostics or humanists, it was religious types, specifically Islamists.


This isn't to say every Muslim is a terrorist, far from it. but I think it is disingenuous to ignore the underlying motivation for these crimes and just call it criminality.

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Well, I'm old, Harleyman ... but not that old. When I hit 70 I'll start to think about selling my K12 (I understand Harleys have a rack for Zimmer frames?)


In the meantime (and you might want to consider this) I have a pair of BMWs. (USAA Insurance. so no problem) If you would like to take a trip to Europe (Munich would be a good destination) I would be more than happy to take you touring. (If you want to bring family, not a problem either... loads of space!)

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They want to keep this as 'home grown' as theres more fear factor. We all know how the media works.


He will be a Muslim but wheres the shock in that ? he is said to have trained in a terrorist camp and therefor it will be for 'the cause' but that should not have any significance as the majority are peace loving and its like saying all footy fans are scum because of the couple of hundred trouble makers.

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