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So Labour have blown it!

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In our heart of hearts we all know that Labour have blown it. They are no more, they have ceased to exist, if someone had not kept nailing Gordie Clown to his perch he would have been pushing up his political daisies.

So what happens to the multicultural society that he secretly bestowed upon us. How long before the new powers repatriate them?:suspect:


Hopefully Labour will go away and take time to really figure out what it is. Then elect a new leader and come back as a real party for the working people. Then and only then, will they be able to rebuild their image and reputation.

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What's really happened of course is that the Tories have decided to cut £6bn from some services, whether or not they're needed.


They are planning in advance where they are going to get the funding for such vital projects as cutting millionaire's inheritance tax. I wonder what other plans for the re-distribution of wealth they have up their sleeves.

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Hopefully Labour will go away and take time to really figure out what it is. Then elect a new leader and come back as a real party for the working people. Then and only then, will they be able to rebuild their image and reputation.


When they had that with Michael Foot as leader the population still preferred to get screwed by Maggie.


If they aren't the party for the working people then who is?

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Looks like Brown will still be prime minister barring a landslide for the Tories. Unless he resigns! That brown stuff really does stick and is terribly hard to shake off.


Which is why I said we may not actually know the election result for several days yet if Cameron doesn't get a majority.

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Looks like Brown will still be prime minister barring a landslide for the Tories. Unless he resigns! That brown stuff really does stick and is terribly hard to shake off.


Brown won't be PM.

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If the Conservatives don't get an overall majority, then Brown will either try and remain as PM and form a government, or he will need to resign and recommend to the Queen who should be PM.


As the last batch of opinion polls were predicting Cameron to get in the region of 310 seats, it really doesn't matter what Brown thinks at all. Cameron doesn't need to do a deal with the Libdems as he can get a working majority from alliances with the remaining parties if the Libdems don't toe the line.

Just as a matter of interest. In every election since polls began the polls have overestimated Labour's vote and underestimated Tory votes by 2% to 5%. So if that is repeated today, it is irrelevant anyhow.

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I agree with Kingmaker, we can't afford to go back to the days of 15% inflation, negative equity on houses, 4 million unemployed that we enjoyed under the last lot of Tories, and the sooner people remember what it was like, the sooner they'll vote Labour to continue the good work of low inflation, a stable economy, and no return to slave wages of £1.20 per hour thanks to the commitment to continue with the minimum wage!


It was hell! No two ways about it!


... those that cannot remember watch Boys from the Blackstuff. I still hate Thatcher with a passion. :gag:

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I really think that you have no understanding of the resentment that is felt by "ordinary" people today. A powder keg is waiting to explode.


We're all ordinary people here and you're the only one apparently planning to fight in the street.

Will it be like a mime sketch?

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