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So Labour have blown it!

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its very rare we've been in that position and as far as I know this is probably the first time the population has wanted a balanced parliament.


if we do end up with a balanced parliament then some sort of coalition especially if it was a broad coalition may be able to maintain enough support in the population to allow them to carry out the difficult decisions that need to be taken


the success or failure of a coalition depends on whether the mp's act like adults or act like 8 yr olds playing wet towel tag in their public school dormitory


Good grief. Someone talking sense.

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Odd then that Cameron already has the Unionists in his pocket. Obviously no one told him about your rules.


What don't you get Uptown girl?


Cameron may have the unionists but he STILL has to wait for Brown to give up the ghost.


Please read:


"The constitutional position has long been clear: if no party secures an overall majority then Gordon Brown, as the incumbent prime minister, has the constitutional right to remain in office to try to form a government.


Constitutionally, a PM cannot be forced to resign because the opposition believes it has a better mandate to govern. But in practice, whether the PM stays in office and tries to form a government is dependent on the political circumstances in which he finds himself.


Britain's system is unusual in that the prime minister does not have to resign if his party fails to secure a majority. Until a deal is done he would serve as a caretaker premier, whose powers and authority are limited by the rules governing electoral "purdah". The constitutional conventions and precedents are designed to provide continuity – to ensure that at no time is the sovereign without a government."



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What don't you get Uptown girl?


Cameron may have the unionists but he STILL has to wait for Brown to give up the ghost.


OK. I will spell this out using nice short words so that you can understand.


At the first sniff of a hung parliament several weeks ago henchmen from all the political parties would be meeting behind closed doors to discuss the price of support in a coalition. These discussions are not normally in the public domain as the detail is sensitive and can seriously damage a party's standing in the election.


Before the polls opened today both Brown & Cameron would know which parties they could count on for support and which they couldn't, because making a deal with one often precludes a deal with another.


So by now both Brown & Cameron will be aware of how much extra support they could count upon, and so as the results come out both will be well aware of who has won this election.


The idea that Brown has first go at ringing around the other parties is ludicrous. All that is required is the phone calls to confirm the arrangements that have been in place for days.


It is already in the public domain that a deal exists that the Unionists will support a Conservative Government. Other parties will have similar arrangements in place that are yet to be announced.

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OK. I will spell this out using nice short words so that you can understand.


At the first sniff of a hung parliament several weeks ago henchmen from all the political parties would be meeting behind closed doors to discuss the price of support in a coalition. These discussions are not normally in the public domain as the detail is sensitive and can seriously damage a party's standing in the election.


Before the polls opened today both Brown & Cameron would know which parties they could count on for support and which they couldn't, because making a deal with one often precludes a deal with another.


So by now both Brown & Cameron will be aware of how much extra support they could count upon, and so as the results come out both will be well aware of who has won this election.


The idea that Brown has first go at ringing around the other parties is ludicrous. All that is required is the phone calls to confirm the arrangements that have been in place for days.


It is already in the public domain that a deal exists that the Unionists will support a Conservative Government. Other parties will have similar arrangements in place that are yet to be announced.




Do you go up to the big school next year?:huh:

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Kingsmaker2, I don't get why you are arguing the point, you're wrong:


Accept it!:rolleyes:


What's wrong with you?:confused:


It's simple......in the event of a hung parliament then Brown will stay in power, how ever temporarily.

If Brown decides on the night that Cameron has secured enough coalition support that he cannot himself secure then he may well resign soon after the result, but it is STILL Gordon Brown's call as to how soon or not Cameron can officially go to the Queen.

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Whichever party wins the fact is that tough times are ahead for the UK and the rest of Europe for some time to come.

The economic problems in Greece have caused a panic in Wall Street. The Dow went down 900 points at one time. We are all tied together economically for better or worse unfortinately

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