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BNP? Thank GOD I'm White

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Sorry to start yet another one of those threads but I was thinking.I know it's bloody obvious but if all of these BNP supporters just happened to be born with a bit of colour,their views would change in an instant.This White supremecy stance they have is as though they earned the right to be White.I know it's a rather boring and obvious perspective but I really feel that this simple view on all things race related is overlooked and and often gets made too overcomplicated when presented on forums and discussions.


we don't live in world where everyone has british values. If they did racism would not come into it..

My forefathers fought and died for us and I honour my parents. not many al qaeda sympathise's are white ,so colour does have some baring.

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Take the white supremacy crap out of the BNP and what do you have left? Just crap:hihi:


White supremecy is illegal in this country however a lot of ethnics hate the white people and tend to see all white people as members of the kkk. I think there's more of an inferiority complex inbred to these kind of people.

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I'm reelly glad I'm not white!


(I'm not a 'dusky sod' [pace Idi Amin Dada either])


I'm one of those 'peachies'.


Light gold skin (until I go out in the sun, when - with a bit of coconut oil (which we used to make us 'sunproof') I go a sort of really dark brown.)


Remember. I don't come from where you do. If I ever got as white and pasty-coloured as a Brit in wintertime I'd be scared Scunthorpe less!


(I would've said '****less' but you can't use that 4-letter word.)


Brits (in wintertime) are un-naturally white. I suppose you can't help it.


I was in Sheffield last week. I went there to see my family (My son, his partner and the 2 grand children.)


We didn't go out much (you Sheffielders lead quiet lives; it was easier to stay at home) but we did go 'out and about' in the City.


I met a lady (a lady of the dark-skinned persuasion ;)) in Tesco. She asked me to help her. She wanted to know about Chilli.


Wrong guy to ask - unless you really do want to know :hihi::hihi::hihi:


I can write essays and deliver lectures (and teach you a whole lot about capsins) on Chilli peppers. I used to live in New Mexico.


She didn't need that, but we managed to find what she needed.


I met a whole variety of people during my week in Sheffield. People of different shades (we are all 'Peach coloured', but there are many shades.)


Nobody was rude. Everybody was polite. The people of Sheffield are the nicest, friendliest people I have ever met.


I'm sure you could find parts of Sheffield where some of the A-holes might try to make life difficult for the rest of the world. I don't go looking and it appears that I am 'naturally unattractive' to people who prefer to make life awkward for people (they tend to leave me alone.)


Sheffield is (to me) a remarkably friendly city.


I go to Sheffield to visit my kids ( and the grand-kids ;))


We go out and we walk around.


The people I meet (those I met) are (were) remarkably friendly.


Seems (to me) like a good place to live.




1. Who is paying for the 'Sheffield Eye' (that wheely thing like the London Eye.)


2. What do you need it for? (I was near the top of the 'Sheffield Ski Run [the kid lives in Shireclifffe] looking down on the 'Sheffield Eye' and my DIL couldn't explain why the good burghers (or shoulf that be 'boogers'? of Sheffield wanted a 'viewpoint' you could look down on.)


Must be a Labour thing.

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Remember. I don't come from where you do. If I ever got as white and pasty-coloured as a Brit in wintertime I'd be scared Scunthorpe less! Brits (in wintertime) are un-naturally white. I suppose you can't help it.
Brits are all shades and tones of skin. Anyone who was born or naturalised here is a Brit. The so-called 'indigenous' English and Welsh are white, afaik. The truly pasty people are the Celts and gingers... like me! I actually almost 'glow' white in the winter :( and I'd prefer to be a bit peachy myself :D


1. Who is paying for the 'Sheffield Eye' (that wheely thing like the London Eye.) The company that owns and built it and the people that take a ride on it.

2. What do you need it for? (I was near the top of the 'Sheffield Ski Run [the kid lives in Shireclifffe] looking down on the 'Sheffield Eye' and my DIL couldn't explain why the good burghers (or shoulf that be 'boogers'? of Sheffield wanted a 'viewpoint' you could look down on.) It's just a bit of fun and a new viewpoint on the old place

Must be a Labour thingNothing to do with Labour, they don't even run the place these days ;)

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Brits are all shades and tones of skin. Anyone who was born or naturalised here is a Brit. The so-called 'indigenous' English and Welsh are white, afaik. The truly pasty people are the Celts and gingers... like me! I actually almost 'glow' white in the winter ... :(


I'm not complaining! - Far from it. I'm genuinely worried about all you people from 'above the arctic circle' (and I genuinely thought you lot were eskimos, when I was a kid) who might get caught out in the sun. I thought (when I was 9 yrs old) that London was at thew northern boundary of civilisation. Tundra started about Watford and further North than that, all you could expect to meet were Esquimaux.


I gather that you, Ruby, are red-haired. An interesting pigmentation. If they survive, red-haired people tend to run the show. Do you run the Eskimo centre in Yorkshire?


Are you the boss around here?

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... and I genuinely thought you lot were eskimos, when I was a kid) who might get caught out in the sun. I thought (when I was 9 yrs old) that London was at the northern boundary of civilisation. Tundra started about Watford and further North than that, all you could expect to meet were Esquimaux.


I gather that you, Ruby, are red-haired. An interesting pigmentation. If they survive, red-haired people tend to run the show. Do you run the Eskimo centre in Yorkshire? Are you the boss around here?

medusa is the boss around here.

I'm not an Inuit, although I did once build an igloo and I do like a bit of fur (don't tell the animals rights people though) :)


So, where are you from originally, Cornwall?

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White supremecy is illegal in this country however a lot of ethnics hate the white people and tend to see all white people as members of the kkk. I think there's more of an inferiority complex inbred to these kind of people.


Roughly how many is 'lots'? Could you perhaps suggest an approximate percentage of 'ethnics' who hate white people?

And how did you arrive at the conclusion that so many 'ethnics' hate whites?

(Do you just mean you feel they hate you? You do seem to have a very paranoid mindset)

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That's strange cos I think they now have non white members


After being forced into it after the Equality and Human Rights Commission issued legal proceedings against it.


They seemed pretty "white supremacist" when they only admitted whites. Probably still are.


Amazing how these awkward little facts slip some people's memories.

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