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BNP? Thank GOD I'm White

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i may be wrong but havnt the BNP been forced to allow applications from all race,colour and creeds? yet groups like the the black police officers association dont allow anyone who isnt black...are they racists? there are many many groups and parties who discriminate against other parts of society, the bnp are only targeted because they are trying to get parlimentary seats along with UKIP and NF..democrecy should be left to run its course if people want to vote for these sort of parties let them cos to be honest the more people rise up against them the stronger they get.

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i may be wrong but havnt the BNP been forced to allow applications from all race,colour and creeds? yet groups like the the black police officers association dont allow anyone who isnt black.
..er, yes they do actually


The NBPA is open to all in policing on application

and there is no bar to membership based on colour


So does that make the BNP racist, because they were forced to allow non white members?


there are many many groups and parties who discriminate against other parts of society, the bnp are only targeted because they are trying to get parlimentary seats along with UKIP and NF..democrecy should be left to run its course if people want to vote for these sort of parties let them cos to be honest the more people rise up against them the stronger they get.


You really believe that? I think you protest too much.

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White supremecy is illegal in this country however a lot of ethnics hate the white people and tend to see all white people as members of the kkk. I think there's more of an inferiority complex inbred to these kind of people.


White supremecy is illegal in this country however a lot of whites hate the ethnic people and tend to see ethnic people as terrorist members of alqaeeda, benefit scroungers, criminals,sex offenders etc.. I think there's more of an inferiority complex inbred into white people.


Oh god I don't know who to disagree with more. You're both borderline racist idiots.

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..er, yes they do actually


The NBPA is open to all in policing on application

and there is no bar to membership based on colour


So does that make the BNP racist, because they were forced to allow non white members?




You really believe that? I think you protest too much.

dont make me out to be racist my friend, thats the typical knee jerk reaction from someone like yourself, who attacks everypost pertaining to anything you dont personally agree with, the bit about the black police officers assocoation was gleened from an interview off the tv, and if you actually read the first words on my post instead of getting a head of steam up and replying before you've absorbed all the info in a post, you'd realise my first 5 words were "I MAY BE WRONG BUT", and yes the bnp have been forced to accept all applications because if they want to be viable political party like the rest they have to be open to all applicants by law

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dont make me out to be racist my friend, thats the typical knee jerk reaction from someone like yourself,
Erm, he didn't. Which part of his post do you think makes you out as a racist? Because as far as I can tell you're just playing the victim.


and if you actually read the first words on my post instead of getting a head of steam up and replying before you've absorbed all the info in a post, you'd realise my first 5 words were "I MAY BE WRONG BUT",
And you were wrong so Boyfriday told you, what's wrong with that?


and yes the bnp have been forced to accept all applications because if they want to be viable political party like the rest they have to be open to all applicants.
SO do you think that the fact that they had to be forced to allow non-white members is a pretty good indicator that they are racist?
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And if Proportional Representation does come in and the people have a voice at last you'll see a big change.
The ten percent of the racists will do what to make the change, please explain?:huh:
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Erm, he didn't. Which part of his post do you think makes you out as a racist? Because as far as I can tell you're just playing the victim.


You really believe that? I think you protest too much.

I think the statement about "protesting too much" which everyone knows is a way of saying you really agree with the point your trying to argue against pretty much says he thinks im a racist,

and it is a pre reqisit for any political party to accept all applications for them to stand in the election process, i believe they are racist yes, i was trying in my origional post to be neutral and post arguments for both sides but like anything with the initials BNP in them on this forum it gets shot in flames by people jumping on the racist bandwaggon, there are racist in all cultures and theres no denying that.


anyway this argument is going to drag on and on so im going to end my participation here.

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dont ya just hate it when folks posts things about you then wont answer simple, polite private messages from you asking for an explination? probably gone over thier 2.90 posts per day ratio i expect.

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