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BNP? Thank GOD I'm White

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dont make me out to be racist my friend, thats the typical knee jerk reaction from someone like yourself,
I dont think you're in a position to lecture me about knee jerk reactions 'my friend', I didn't make you out to be anything whatsoever, it seems your paranoia created that auto suggestion.

who attacks everypost pertaining to anything you dont personally agree with,

Forgive me, but isn't that exactly what you were doing, and most other contributors, including myself, do on here? If you cant stand the heat, play with safety matches.

the bit about the black police officers assocoation was gleened from an interview off the tv, and if you actually read the first words on my post instead of getting a head of steam up and replying before you've absorbed all the info in a post, you'd realise my first 5 words were "I MAY BE WRONG BUT",

..and I pointed out you were wrong, are you always so defensive about receiving a little friendly advice? You were rather 'quick' to create a comparison between the NBPA and the BNP on the basis of a TV interview.


and yes the bnp have been forced to accept all applications because if they want to be viable political party like the rest they have to be open to all applicants by law


So do you believe they were a racist organisation beforehand? That was my question.

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ive noticed, i got shot down in flames earlier for trying to be a neutral in an argument and got branded a racist in a vieled comment
There is a certain element here who seem to use the accusation of racism as their personal pet belonging.
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ive noticed, i got shot down in flames earlier for trying to be a neutral in an argument and got branded a racist in a vieled comment


LOL, dee-dums. :cry:


You were branded nothing of the sort, certainly not by me..crikey and they say black folks indiscriminately play the race card.

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There is a certain element here who seem to use the accusation of racism as their personal pet belonging.


Maybe so, but it never happened on this thread, although there's a certain element that use the reverse race card as their personal pet belonging.

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I think the statement about "protesting too much" which everyone knows is a way of saying you really agree with the point your trying to argue against pretty much says he thinks im a racist,
Do you know how to take 2+2 and make 5? I disagree entirely with your point about the BNP or any other political party for that matter growing stronger through being challenged legitimately. If they aren't challenged then their policies, become accepted by casual observers, that is especially true with the BNP where any criticism or analysis of their policies is responded to defensively or given as another example of them being persecuted.


So no, I didn't say or suggest you were a racist, incidentally-you may have missed my earlier contributions where I said although I believe the BNP is racist, I dont necessarily believe their members are.


and it is a pre reqisit for any political party to accept all applications for them to stand in the election process, i believe they are racist yes, i was trying in my origional post to be neutral and post arguments for both sides but like anything with the initials BNP in them on this forum it gets shot in flames by people jumping on the racist bandwaggon, there are racist in all cultures and theres no denying that.


You may have forgotten, but you used the word 'racist' in your post that I responded to, so introduced that particular backdrop to your post.

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So where do you get this racist business from?
The thread title may be a clue number one, second your insinuation of changes from the main three, unless you mean the Greens
Originally Posted by Parkwood

And if Proportional Representation does come in and the people have a voice at last you'll see a big change.


Now you tell me where do you get the racist business from?

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