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Raw dog food, Is anyone else here feeding the same ??

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Yup- Molly's on raw meat and plain biscuits for dinner with turkey neck or chicken wings for breakfast.


I'll move this to the Pets Group, where there are lots of like minded souls.

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I give my boy raw tripe :gag: but cook his mince chicken bits and mince beef bits ,I cooked his tripe by mistake before :gag: OMG wot a BIGGGGG mistake lol it stunk foul :gag: and he has eaten this since he was a puppy not had any problems at all .Apart from his fluffing, that smells foul too:gag:

Edited by goldenbabe1966
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Yes, I'm another one for raw food. Seems to suit mine so well that I would never go back to commerical food :)


Mine has a mix of chicken carcass, minced raw meats (rabbit, lamb, chicken, beef, tripe), beef bones, beef chunks, eggs, liver, lamb hearts, kidney all served raw :lol:


He does have a biccy at night though!

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same here all my four dogs are fed on raw,including my EPI german shep,i dont buy mince dog food,i mix my own from the butchers,shin beef,lamb breast,chicken wings,carcass,chicken drum sticks,rabbit,pheasant ,quails,venison neck trim,venison heart and tripe,lamb necks,beef ribs,chicxken liver and calves liver,had so much problem with kibbles,never again,my two norwegian forest cats and two siamese cross are rawfed too,not too much luck with bengal,maincoon,british shorthair and stray moggy

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Because I've only got one dog it makes more sense to buy meat already minced and frozen- if I had more than one I'd consider doing my own, but it's not the sort of thing that makes sense with so little being used.


Only one of my cats will even touch Molly's raw meat. Billy monster gets to have a spot of her meat before she gets it- he even waits in the kitchen for it- but we've tried giving him more and he just leaves it and none of the others will even try it. Hey ho- they like their Royal Canin biscuits and that's fine.

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Cool, I have had the odd person saying to me "raw meat will turn him mental!!" but i had it on good authority that this is the stuff to feed them on.....Mine has a bowl of biccys for brekky and then his mince at night and is currently on the chicken/tripe mix as the peeps in the shop told me best to give him white meat whilst he is young !!!!! Costs me about 50p a day to feed him at the mo !!!! Which will increase as the dogs size does obviously but at the most i would imagine it will be a quid a day ???? Good grub too !!!!!


I go by what my good friend say's "How many dogs do you know that can cook?" ha ha ha :hihi:

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i have 2 pups nearly 6 months and have so far been fed on dried food. i have just started putting veg with it and the other night some rice but not sure about putting meat in it.

i have noticed though that if they have raw veg it goes through them in lumps and not really getting digested but it does not happen if i cook it, so will keep doing that.

hope this is the right thing to do

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Not sure about veg mglrgn31.....I have done some research into the raw meat/bone diet for dogs and have found that if wild, the animal would only feed on meat and bone and any other scraps it could find....therefore the dog can only metabolise these foods....horrid as it sounds you can tell by the excrament they produce also, when i first got my newest addition to the family he was also on dried food and was doing really smelly sloppy poo's but when i changed it to raw meat the excrament halved in size and frequency thus proving the point i raised earlier that the dog can take all the nutrients from the meat and metabolise it.....I have also heard lots of speculation about these dried foods containing carcegenics (hope its spelt correctly) which are cancer causing chemical (cant quote on this as i have not done enough research into it yet) even the really expensive ones such as royal canine & Iams.....My dog does eat dried food in small quantities and i would recommend anyone to do what works best for them as my friend feeds his dog on the cheapest nastiest dog food you can find and he is a picture of health !!!!

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Been looking into this for Zeus, but seens as loads of you do it, not worth opening another thread but... is everything raw? Nothing boiled/grilled/fried or anything? Just raw meat/bones, cooked rice? cooked or raw vegetables? What veg?


Hes tried biscuits, wet food and really the only thing he is taking to (ok he stole it but shhh hes perfect really :love: ) is raw bacon, he had about 11 slices this morning and love love loves those meaty sticks what pedigree do - schmackers or something? But thats about it, i put some kibble down this morning, he didnt touch it - so hes gone all day, walked a few good mile too, and i put some wet food down and hasnt touched it, hes just sparked in his bed. But going to wake him up before I want to go to bed see if he eats anything and take him on a walk but I really dont think he will eat it! :confused:

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