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Raw dog food, Is anyone else here feeding the same ??

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Well been back to see Mrs vet and guess what from today poppy is on a Raw diet but for the time being just going to give her fish & white meat as Lamb and Beef has a high fat content also she carnt have tripe.

vet said give her a couple of weeks with the same ie chicken and rice and see how it goes.

The little frozen pks what you can buy she can have a quarter in a morning and a quarter late teatime ish.

I truly do hope it works out for her and she is fine with eating raw.

Well its been a long time realy to get to making my mind up after reading negative and posative riviews of raw and has educated me as well over these last few months.

Poppy in my profile at 12 pound in weight she needs to be around 8/9 so a very long way to go but im sure we will get there please watch this post for a new slimmer sleaker Poppy.

Thank you once again for your replys.

Kind regards Sharon.:)

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Sharon, don't feed her rice. Dogs do not need carbohydrate in there diet. If you want her to lose weight the best thing would be to lightly stream some veg, blitz it through a food processor and add that instead. It will make her feel full without and bulk out her meals.


Eventually you'll need to add some offal to her diet as well as bones, if you use some preprepared mince this is usually contains it.


If you're on Facebook there's some great raw feeding groups on there with people who have many years of raw feeding advice.


Good luck!

Edited by mike84
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If you're going with raw then you really don't need the rice. Cooked green beans or broccoli added in would get the same bulk for far fewer calories.


Whatever else you do, please don't rush Poppy's weight loss. If she needs to lose 2 or 2.5kg then the healthy way to do that is by a maximum of 50g a week (a couple of ounces). It sounds ridiculously slow, but dogs can be very easily pushed into organ failure by weight loss that is too fast, so start off by feeding 2% of her weight in meat (that's per day, not per meal) and see how you go, then work out how much you have to add in terms of vegetables to fill her up from there.


My dog eats quite a lot less than 2% and maintains her weight, some dogs eat 4% and still struggle to keep weight on. I hope that Poppy loves the new diet and it keeps her fuller for longer so she doesn't have to eat so much, and that the weight slips off gently and safely, for a happier and leaner Poppy :)

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This seems a very big change from the previous advice of Chappie. Did you ask the vet why she had changed her mind so radically? It just seems odd, especially in view of the history.


What is the 'quarter of a pack' that you refer to? A pack could be 1kg, 0.5kg or whatever. When dogs are overweight it is because the owner has overestimated the amount they need to maintain a good body weight. If you are to succeed in this diet you must be less random and more specific in feeding amounts. It is important that you get into the habit of weighing the food and monitoring everything that goes into Poppy's mouth. She won't lose weight on raw if you continue to overfeed. If there is someone in your house that is feeding her scraps and treats then that must stop. You should also weigh her weekly - as Medusa has said, the weight loss should not be too fast.


The diet doesn't sound very well balanced as raw diets go, particularly as there is no offal. Does this pack contain bone? As has been said, it is not usual to give rice, especially white rice.


If you are going to pursue this then you should do some research yourself to ensure that Poppy doesn't miss out on vital elements of her nutrition. However, IMHO you would be better off speaking to customer services at Nutriment or similar and following their advice. That particular company sell a light version that is specifically for dogs who need to lose weight or who have a tendency to gain weight. It is perfectly balanced.

Edited by ccit
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If you're going with raw then you really don't need the rice. Cooked green beans or broccoli added in would get the same bulk for far fewer calories.


Whatever else you do, please don't rush Poppy's weight loss. If she needs to lose 2 or 2.5kg then the healthy way to do that is by a maximum of 50g a week (a couple of ounces). It sounds ridiculously slow, but dogs can be very easily pushed into organ failure by weight loss that is too fast, so start off by feeding 2% of her weight in meat (that's per day, not per meal) and see how you go, then work out how much you have to add in terms of vegetables to fill her up from there.


My dog eats quite a lot less than 2% and maintains her weight, some dogs eat 4% and still struggle to keep weight on. I hope that Poppy loves the new diet and it keeps her fuller for longer so she doesn't have to eat so much, and that the weight slips off gently and safely, for a happier and leaner Poppy :)


This is my Boxer all over, he is currently on 700g a day of Natural Instinct (Duck flavour) and weighs 23kg. A healthy weight for his size would be around 25-26kg but he just doesn't put weight on.

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The variability in weight control on a raw diet is why it is necessary to weigh food out. Some people judge quantities well but many don't. If a dog has weight issues it is even more essential to weigh the food. Argos sell small digital scales quite cheaply and they are well worth the money.

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I feed my spaniel on fish and vegetables, she's eaten this from a pup and she has the most amazing coat, sparkly eyes and lovely white teeth.. she's full of energy and fit as a fiddle..


My little jack is fed on just complete wheat free / diary free dry food as I tried him on fish - he got diarrhoea! tried him on raw meat - he got diarrhoea! Poor little lad can't even enjoy a dental stick without having an upset belly :(

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