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Raw dog food, Is anyone else here feeding the same ??

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I think it depends where you get the minced meats from. My minced meat comes from my trainer and it is just whole chicken carcasses minced with some veg. He had to buy an industrial mincing machine to make it! Getting in touch with an abottoir is a great idea :)


I'm guessing you are talking about the minced dog meats from supermarkets that is mechanically recovered dog meat?


Yes the ones that come in small packets, I dont suppose it is much different to giving them chicken carcases it just doent seam right to me, I would much prefer to feed them chicken carcases, where do you get yours from, I have found where to get meat and beast hearts etc but not the chicken carcases.

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Yes the ones that come in small packets, I dont suppose it is much different to giving them chicken carcases it just doent seam right to me, I would much prefer to feed them chicken carcases, where do you get yours from, I have found where to get meat and beast hearts etc but not the chicken carcases.


I get them from my trainer but he only supplies to his training customers I think. On one of the raw food threads someone mentioned they get chicken carcass from somewhere else in Sheffield?

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  • 2 months later...

HI guys


I have been to the shop near towsure and had a chat about everything and have some stuff to get us going. The guy said just to start her on light meat to get her going and then start adding stuff in. He also gave me a filled hoof to give her today to get her interested but well she has completely turned her nose up at it she won't do more than than lick and scrunch her face up in disgust!


HELP am panicking now i have a dog who doesn't like raw meat and bones :) any suggestions for how i can get her interested?I really want her to enjoy her food and get pleasure from it, she has started going off biscuits and not eating them properly so i thought this would be a good way to get her on something different. (have had her teeth checked today and she is in perfect condition and should have no problems chewing etc.)

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HI guys


I have been to the shop near towsure and had a chat about everything and have some stuff to get us going. The guy said just to start her on light meat to get her going and then start adding stuff in. He also gave me a filled hoof to give her today to get her interested but well she has completely turned her nose up at it she won't do more than than lick and scrunch her face up in disgust!


HELP am panicking now i have a dog who doesn't like raw meat and bones :) any suggestions for how i can get her interested?I really want her to enjoy her food and get pleasure from it, she has started going off biscuits and not eating them properly so i thought this would be a good way to get her on something different. (have had her teeth checked today and she is in perfect condition and should have no problems chewing etc.)


Hi Mrs,


Is the food well defrosted. Gruffler was a little funny if it was too cold at first (now they eat it in any state :)).

Could you put some olive oil over it - Luna really loves all the oily suppliments which get added to hers.

Or maybe mix in some chunks of nature diet :) Anything tasty to get her going and maybe just put a tiny bit of meat in the bowl so she isn't overwhelmed by it.

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My boy wasn't keen at first so I started by giving him seared chicken wings. As long as the pan is hot and you only keep them in there for a few seconds the meat will be raw (and the bones uncooked) but the skin will be brown. He soon got used to the idea so I seared them less and less until he was eating them as they came. Once he'd got used to eating raw chicken wings I introduced chicken mince and then was able to slowly introduce other meats and bones without any problem.


Also, not sure if it will work with a dog new to raw but my sister's lurcher (saluki x) is very fussy but she'll eat anything if there's a little tripe mixed in.

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Excellent advice above, Just put it in a bowl and warm it very slightly in the microwave so the chill is off it, makes it smell more too :gag:


D has always loved bones and meat so it has never been a problem. I know some people mix in treats to start off with, normally they get into it once they actually taste it :hihi:

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Ok i shall try warming it slightly and maybe putting some things in with it i know she likes, would a bit of cheese be ok to get her going?

He told me to avoid all the treats i give her like gravy bones and markies etc and to stick with 'real' food treats while she is adjusting.


Thanks guys will let you know how we go on :)

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Well she hasn't eaten it this morning i heated it up a bit and added some cheese in her favourite. She didn't really even have one mouthful. We shall see what happens at teatime. I do feel mean though i wanted her to enjoiy this as she is healthy enough already!

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what meat are we talking about? my Molly won't eat hoof, she doesn't like pigs trotters either but the others adore them all! I've also found none of mine will eat liver or kidney raw which was a shock as I've never ever known Cleo turn her nose up at anything. the only offel I can get them to eat is tripe but raw chicken they love.


(p.s I'm laughing at the thought of Tildy turning her nose up at it, I can picture her now and the look of disgust on her face :) )

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