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Raw dog food, Is anyone else here feeding the same ??

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They do have their own favourites within the meat choices. Molly doesn't like duck and isn't keen on venison or lamb and I know dogs who like poultry but not beef or who like beef but not poultry.


Molly won't eat it if it's too cold and she likes her meat with a bit of warm water in it too, and she loves it with all of the blood mixed in. She's on their meaty mix, which has a bit of everything in and she's happy to have that every day.

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what meat are we talking about? my Molly won't eat hoof, she doesn't like pigs trotters either but the others adore them all! I've also found none of mine will eat liver or kidney raw which was a shock as I've never ever known Cleo turn her nose up at anything. the only offel I can get them to eat is tripe but raw chicken they love.


(p.s I'm laughing at the thought of Tildy turning her nose up at it, I can picture her now and the look of disgust on her face :) )


Lol you got it in one Becks :D the pointy nose is most disguested!


I have bought packs of meat for RAW feeding so meat and bone minced together. I have started her on light meat as suggested as it is easier on the tummy at first. This evening i did her some veg and rice with it but she still wouldn't even try one mouthful. So since yesterday lunchtime she has had about 1/5 of a pack of nature diet on her walk this morning that i use as a training treat otherwise we have no recall!


Help i need more suggestions should i try her on the tripe one?

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I'm still not quite sure what's in the mix your trying her on, I've not yet tried this place for food so I'm not too sure what to suggest. The mince I get is just chicken, I didn't realise there was mixed raw feed specifically made up for them! I'll have to look at this. might be worth trying tripe as its really smelly (makes me feel sick but they love it) but it is offel so I wouldn't want to feed more then a couple of times a week. hope you manage to find a solution and Tildy finds something she likes soon :)

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I'm still not quite sure what's in the mix your trying her on, I've not yet tried this place for food so I'm not too sure what to suggest. The mince I get is just chicken, I didn't realise there was mixed raw feed specifically made up for them! I'll have to look at this. might be worth trying tripe as its really smelly (makes me feel sick but they love it) but it is offel so I wouldn't want to feed more then a couple of times a week. hope you manage to find a solution and Tildy finds something she likes soon :)


It's for them rather than us as it has all the bone minced in with it. Have a pack defrosting for tomorrow and if she won't have that i will try the tripe on Sunday :)


It all makes me feel sick :gag:

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the chicken I get is minced with the carcas too, its pet mince but just chicken and chicken bones, no other meat mixed in, she may not like the mixed tasteif it has different meats in it, I'd be tempted to try them individually to see which she likes and doesn't. Not sure?

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  • 4 years later...

Would a raw diet help to get the excess weight off my dog please.

I do have a very over weight Papillon" Not always the case tho only since she was spade 6 years ago.

Shes walked 3/4 times daily and running around with our other 14 week old puppy Gucci. Most w/e on the beach at cleethorps.

Shes had health issues in the past and they put it down to pancreatitis. But after speaking to the vet and getting second opinions they say Chappie dog food is the only diet she should be getting also a dry chappie.

I like what i read about raw diet and all the good feed back you get from reading posts like thease on the forum.

I would like to know would giving poppy Raw harm her in any way with her having problems in the past.

Poppy is seriously getting fed up with her diet of chappie just sniffs and walks away.

Hopefull in hearing from some of you lovley people on the pet forum.

Thankyou regards Sharon. x

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Hi Sharon


There's no real way to know whether Poppy would have any problems in moving over on to a raw diet unfortunately. If she's got pancreatitis that could change pretty much everything- it could make her the healthiest dog out there, or it could make her pancreas work harder and potentially risk a flare up.


There's no reason why you couldn't try it at least, but be aware that food companies fund the units in vets' school which are about nutrition and there are very few vets which advocate raw feeding for that reason, so be prepared for the horrified looks if you tell the vet that you're going to try a raw diet.


I'd start her just with chicken, and please bear in mind that although you may only be using a little of a pack because Poppy is so weeny, in order to be nutritionally complete it does need to be mince intended for pets rather than humans.


When you've got her started on chicken mince and her guts are doing well you can start branching out into chicken or duck necks, which even small dogs can have a go at, or other sorts of mince. I'd avoid tripe purely because it's so good for weight gain.

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A raw diet can help with weight loss if you get the quantity right. However, I put mine on raw for the same reason and found that they put weight on, even at 2% of body weight.


You should think about it carefully because of the pancreatitis. Raw food can have high fat levels which might exacerbate it. Your vet may not approve of a raw diet but you should speak to him or her first.


Your dog should be able to lose weight gradually if you cut down the food that you are giving her. You are simply over feeding and once you get to grips with this she will start to lose weight. The amount that she needs will probably be very small indeed.


Chappie is not a good food and if you want to change to something better, look for a product that is low in fat but has a decent amount of (named source) protein, e.g. Wainwright's Turkey and Vegetables grain free mature for senior dogs

James Wellbeloved adult light

Fish4 Dogs weight control version

Wainwright's Light - salmon and potato/turkey and rice

There are many more.


Once you have settled on a suitable product, weigh the food accurately. You need a digital scale in one gram divisions. Start off at about half to two thirds of the recommended daily allowance. Weigh your dog weekly and adjust the food down by 10% if necessary.


Remember, no treats or table scraps, although jerky is low in calories so is suitable as a treat.


One of mine has digestive issues and was quite poorly following a changeover to raw feeding. The vet said that dogs like this need lower protein/fat. She was right. Your dog might be different but be careful. it's all too easy to get carried away with the raw feeding rhetoric but it is not suitable for all dogs.

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If you do decide to try raw food, remember to read up about it in order to give a balanced diet. The lower RDA is 2% of body weight and for your overweight dog it might be best to give 2% of the body weight you want her to be, not what she is now.


The reason that your vet recommends Chappie is probably because it is low in protein and fat. There are better products that meet this criteria. You could ask your vet what percentage of fat and protein is appropriate and look for a food that meets it. With your dog's history, Fish4Dogs weight control could be suitable because it is low fat and fish is good for digestive problems. Warm water will bring out the aroma which dogs tend to like. however, to get the weight off your dog, you will still need to weigh the food accurately and to stop treats.


Please let us know what you decide to do and how you get on - your dog will be much healthier with less weight and hopefully it will lessen the chance of pancreatitis recurring.

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