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Pervy men in vans shouting at teenagers

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Sadly, the girls who wear inappropriate school uniform don't have standards either.


At one time it was just a skirt that was too short but now there are issues with the type of skirt as well as length, fashion tights, the wrong type of blouse (see through), a blouse that is too tight, coloured bras and fake tan and make up.


The school rules are clearly defined over what is acceptable and what's not, so why aren't the parents doing anything? Granted, they could be putting on make up on the bus, but they're the ones with the money buying the kids the wrong clothes and fake tan.

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That would make an excellent addition to one of those hidden camera type shows - gangs of women going along to building sites and reversing the normal roles :D



Id be first in the queue. I have to admit though in all seriousness the 'considerate construction' rule thingy that came in a couple of years ago has almost wiped out builders hanging of scaffold and yelling stuff at women, i do believe (and dont quote me on this) that they can be sacked for it now if a complaint is made. I was on the new Barratt Homes site at Handsworth last week, lots of builders who never even glanced in my direction...i was bloody furious!!! It completely upset my day.....how dare they!!! :D:D:D

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The type of schoolgirls I see waiting at the bus stop these days have dyed hair, make up on, and mini skirts. Good luck to them I say.! What a miserable schoolgirl I was in my gymslip and white socks with sandals.!!:(



WAS??? Pattricia i saw you only last week dressed like that, waiting for the bus! :roll::D

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I used to walk to work in the City some years back and always without fail had men (some older than my dad) whistling and shouting things at me every morning. When one day I spoke to my old pops who gave me some great advice: to shout at the workmen before they shouted to me.

After several minutes of building up the guts to actually do this, I shouted upto a gang of workmen something along the lines of 'get it out then lads'.... not one knew what to say back to me, the next day they just said 'hello love'. :P


Mae West said 'It is better to be looked upon than overlooked'.


I don't mind workmen whistling at me, some do step out of line though and become more like sex pests, but what I do mind is when they do it to school girl aged 'children'.

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Sadly, the girls who wear inappropriate school uniform don't have standards either.


At one time it was just a skirt that was too short but now there are issues with the type of skirt as well as length, fashion tights, the wrong type of blouse (see through), a blouse that is too tight, coloured bras and fake tan and make up.


The school rules are clearly defined over what is acceptable and what's not, so why aren't the parents doing anything? Granted, they could be putting on make up on the bus, but they're the ones with the money buying the kids the wrong clothes and fake tan.


I agree with you but when I was around 14-15 years old all I wanted to do was be what I thought was grown up and sexy, which ment piling on make up, doing my hair like I was off to a wedding and wearing my school skirt rolled up with the tie done so it was only 2inches long. I don't know why I thought I looked older like this....? My parents didn't have a clue at all what I was doing, my friends and I used to rub the make up off on the way home!

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What does a tart dress like matty?


Whilst the incident in the OP is hardly crime of the century, why does what a woman wear justify a reaction towards her or the forming of any opinion?


We have many discussions here about the rights & wrongs of burkas, if men cant contain themselves it's no wonder some women choose to take that temptation away from them.


My sentiments entirely. Some blokes think that any woman showing more than her ankles must be gagging for it and if they do get raped then the woman must have contributed to it because their skirt was too short.


I might add my daughter is 18 years old and 6 feet tall but that doesn't make it any more acceptable.

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