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Pervy men in vans shouting at teenagers

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My sentiments entirely. Some blokes think that any woman showing more than her ankles must be gagging for it and if they do get raped then the woman must have contributed to it because their skirt was too short.


I might add my daughter is 18 years old and 6 feet tall but that doesn't make it any more acceptable.


women try to look good to feel confident and to attract the opposite sex when they receive unwanted attention they whinge.

same goes for blokes when they get a minger. ;)

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I am Bloom's daughter, and just to clarify for those of you making assumptions about the way I dress, I do not parade around in skimpy clothing with 'pornstar' written on my shirt.


I'm eighteen, but because of my height I could pass for older from a distance. And yes, I have a clevage. It's pretty hard to hide even when you're NOT wearing skimpy clothing. But just because I choose to wear a shirt that's a little low cut (and in no way slutty) that doesn't mean I want men in their 30's and 40's leering and shouting comments at me while I'm minding my own buisness.


Unlike some women, I don't appreciate the attention.


MAMALOCHA!, I don't dress nicely to attract the opposite sex. I have no interest in men, so I have every right to 'whinge' at their disgusting behavior.

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MAMALOCHA!, I don't dress nicely to attract the opposite sex. I have no interest in men, so I have every right to 'whinge' at their disgusting behavior.


Then why do you wear what you wear? From what you've written it kinda implies you dress nicely to attract people of the same sex. And the final bit makes you sound like a feminist. Not all men are disgusting... I for one don't wolf whistle at women due to lack of whistlin ability neither do I Phwoar or Coooarr the., nor do I own a white van.

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My daughter was waiting for me to pick her up near Magna today. She must have been waiting by the Bessemer Way roundabout for about 5 minutes and she got two lots of sexual comments shouted at her from men in vans.


I can only conclude this is because she has a cleavage. She shouted a few expletives back but I find this kind of behaviour disgusting.


Were they builders and did they give a wolf whistle as well?

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Then why do you wear what you wear? From what you've written it kinda implies you dress nicely to attract people of the same sex. And the final bit makes you sound like a feminist. Not all men are disgusting... I for one don't wolf whistle at women due to lack of whistlin ability neither do I Phwoar or Coooarr the., nor do I own a white van.


Why should I have to alter my appearance and lower my own standards for other people? I dress nice because it makes me feel good. I'd rather wear a nice shirt and jeans than a hoodie and trackie bottoms. It's not a bad thing that I take pride in my own appearance.


As for the disgusting men comment, I have been getting this unwanted attention from old men since I was about 13 or 14 and I get it wherever I go, regardless of how I dress or if I put makeup on. And for men like you to imply that's this appauling behavior is my fault alone, I still stand by my comment.

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- It's only mingers who do this kind of thing.


- It's not "friendly banter". Because if you talk back to them, then they start getting all insulting and coming up with garbage along the lines of "don't flatter youself" or "you wanted it anyway, what are you doing walking along your own road in your own city if not to attract freaks like me".


(unfortunately for them I'm not twelve any more, so find pathetic old men trying to lower my self esteem more amusing than convincing).


- It's not about giving a compliment or asking a girl out. Telling someone you find them attractive or a wolf whistle is fine. Being kerb crawled by some chavs in a car in the early hours of Xmas morning shouting in graphic detail how they would like me perform oral sex on them is not.


Sadly, this level of dialogue is all too common. And I look quite "boyish" as well (short hair, minimal make-up, specs). I can imagine it's a lot worse for someone with a more feminine appearance.


It's about making certain women feel uncomfortable being in a public place. It's NOTHING to do with dress or anything like that. What are people suggesting, we should all wear bloody burkhas or something? :rolleyes:


Some men seem to be unable to accept the fact that most young women dress in an attractive manner to attract young men rather than old ugly men like themselves :roll: Bloody creeps.


(If I saw a handsome man in his teens, and there are some, I wouldn't think "he's doing it to attract an old bird like me", I'd assume he was doing it to attract girls his age and "level". I'm not sure quite why some men seem to have a problem with making this distinction?).


I think these kind of men haven't accepted the fact that the closest they are likely to get to an attractive young woman is an extended toilet break with a hanky and a copy of the Sun. They're angry because obviously they deserve to be regularly shagging birds like out of Nuts magazine, innit? So they take out their rage on the kind of girls they can't get. Pathetic.


I've tried a few things to do back, and my favourite is the "taking a picture" thing. Either on my phone, or sometime I have a camera which is even better. Wouldn't do this if you think it puts you at risk, but it puts the wind up these jerks and that's rather nice :)


To the OP's daughter:


Don't feel you have to justify yourself or your clothing choices to ANYONE. These men were clearly in the wrong, and if anyone decides to imply otherwise that says more about them or our society than about you.

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My daughter was waiting for me to pick her up near Magna today. She must have been waiting by the Bessemer Way roundabout for about 5 minutes and she got two lots of sexual comments shouted at her from men in vans.


I can only conclude this is because she has a cleavage. She shouted a few expletives back but I find this kind of behaviour disgusting.


Apple announced today the development of a microchip that can be implanted into a womans breast and play music.


The i-tit will cost £399 and is regarded as a major breakthrough as women are always moaning that men just stare at thier breasts and never listen to them.

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