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You don't have to vote for the 'big' 3

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Chem1st says you don 't HAVE to vote for any of the BIG 3----and that is quite correct of course. But, having weighed everything up, I urge you all to vote Conservative on Thursday. If THEY get in with a big majority, then the world 's financial markets will be pleased and the pound sterling will probably strengthen. If there 's a hung parliament or a Lib-Lab coalition, the U.K. will end up like Greece [ x 10 ] in about 9 months.


In either case, there 'll be a lot of woe to wade through for you lot, living in the U.K. It 's just that the Lib-Lab woe will be delayed........but worse !! However, if you vote Tory, you will also be helping your brother ex-pats, by strengthening sterling ! As we sit in the sun, drinking cheap beer and smoking, we will be thinking of you all and be grateful for your help.[ Isn 't that good of us ? ].


In the 19th. century, many Brits set forth for the outside world, to help those poor people in strange lands. Now you can do the same from the comfort of your own bed-sit, semi or mansion !! Aren 't you lucky ? So, put your crosses in the right [ ' right ' geddit ? ] place and help those of us, sitting here, dreaming of Blighty.


We thank you, in anticipation,

Yours Sincerely,

The Exiled Lotus Eaters of the East.

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Tomorrow, you can vote for whoever you want, if your registered that is, and over 18 (providing you haven't already voted by post).


I just want to point out, you don't have to vote for the big three.


The media has only concentrated on the big three parties. Just remember there are other choices. You can vote for a minor party if you have no confidence in the big 3. You can choose to abstain from voting. You can even spoil your vote.


Vote for who you want for, do not feel pressured into voting for the big 3, that is NOT democracy.

Under fptp voting for 'who you want' all too often means your vote is completely wasted.


If you really want to vote for someone other than the big 3, vote lib dem this time then vote yes in the referendum on adopting PR and then you should be able to vote for the Greens, UKIP... next time and your vote might even count.

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Under fptp voting for 'who you want' all too often means your vote is completely wasted.


If you really want to vote for someone other than the big 3, vote lib dem this time then vote yes in the referendum on adopting PR and then you should be able to vote for the Greens, UKIP... next time and your vote might even count.


There's two votes between the Greens and the BNP in Sheffield Heeley. A vote for either is a measurement of which issues people care about more strongly in the locality.


Besides I'd rather vote Labour than Lib Dem after reading their Manifestos if I were to pick from the media promoted 3. Which I will not.

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If I vote for the Christian Party tomorrow it won't make the slightest difference. If I vote Lab or Libdem it could do. Possibly.




Dont believe the nonsense about "your vote wont count if you vote for a smaller party."

Take the Christian Party for example, as mentioned above. If you decide not to vote for them even though you want to, and they get 4.99999% of the vote, your one stray vote could have saved somebody their deposit and a whole lot of morale. That goes for any small party. Its not just about coming first, its about getting a respectable result which can be used as a platform to do better next time around.


Not voting for someone because they wont win is ludicrous.

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If you have that opinion, then you only seek to reinforce that view.

I agree, nothing will ever change whilst people think like that!

South Africa would never had changed if people didn't have a different vision for the future. People power has changed many bad practices ie the notion of Fair trade came from people pressure.

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There's two votes between the Greens and the BNP in Sheffield Heeley. A vote for either is a measurement of which issues people care about more strongly in the locality.


Besides I'd rather vote Labour than Lib Dem after reading their Manifestos if I were to pick from the media promoted 3. Which I will not.

Plek, vote for who you want, but if we take your view and consider the fptp system, there is no point voting for Libdem in many wards in Sheffield as your vote will be wasted.

The Lib Dems should win in Hallam and could win in Central.


Every Lib Dem mp will be a strong voice & parliamentary vote for a referendum on voting reform, which can't be said for Labour or Conservative. Vote Lib Dem now & there is a chance you could vote Green, UKIP... in the future and it not be a wasted vote.

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