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2010 General Election megathread

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Are you implying Im an idiot because im not gulible enough to take their word 100% until things are in place?


Situations do change, manifestos arent lies, they are guidlines to what 'may' happen, and i never said they were lies!. I said, we have to wait and see what happens. But to believe them 100% people would be a fool.


Didn't Tony and Gordo offer us a referendum on the Lisbon treaty in their 2005 manifesto? Or was that an acceptable lie?

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Technically the person saying it is right.


Working Tax Credit is means tested, so if your wages go up your tax credit goes down.


A policy that Ms Macbeth has long argued for as it makes no sense to take tax off someone and then to give it back through something else.


this is what labour have been doing for years.

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For those earning over £50,000.


Who out there is saying this stuff? I must have stated this half a dozen times today. Is Labour Central Office on smear overdrive today?


Think possibly some of the labour voters are thowing their toys out of their prams at the moment. They have had their 13 years and are exceedingly annoyed that they haven't got another five.

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this is what labour have been doing for years.


They all do it. The day any government gives us a transparant tax regime will be a good one. It won't happen in this parliament unfortunately - it'll be a fudged compromise of checks and balances.

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Think possibly some of the labour voters are thowing their toys out of their prams at the moment. They have had their 13 years and are exceedingly annoyed that they haven't got another five.


I think it's the righ thing for the Tories to form a government. I just don't get the gusto with which the Libs, especially Cleggy, have jumped to the right. I find that bizarre.

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I don't think he's "jumped" to the right, as it were, maybe took a step in that direction, but also reached out and pulled Cameron a step left.


They've both realised that they need to do something radical and new for the good of the country.

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I have to say, the sight of politicians, who not only have differing points of view but with at least a few opposing points of view, getting round a table and coming to an agreement, with both sides making compromises, rather than the larger trying to steamroller the smaller, I find this sight very unusual and not a just little hopeful and refreshing


it's not the sort of behaviour I expect from politicians after thirteen years of watching prime ministers questions under Labour, where a question is asked and followed by fifteen minutes of insults, not so sotto voce snide remarks and yah boo's


maybe coalitions are the way to go if it stops this childishness and gets politicians to actually debate issues


and if the Libs and Cons can talk to each other like adults what's stopping Labour and the rest joining in ?


and just a thought on fixed term parliaments, this should put an end to the wash up process that allowed at least two extremely complex bills with large consequences to the individual to be nodded through without any serious debate in the house, they know when parliament is going to end so there's no point scheduling any complex bills in the month or two before dissolution

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it's not the sort of behaviour I expect from politicians after thirteen years of watching prime ministers questions under Labour, where a question is asked and followed by fifteen minutes of insults, not so sotto voce snide remarks and yah boo's


What makes you think this will stop.


Are you ready for the sight of Lib Dems sitting on the same side of the house as the Tories and hectoring and hurling abuse at all the other progressive parties.


Do you think the opposition will be nice to Nick Clegg when he deputises for Cameron at the dispatch box? Do you want to see Lib Dem front benchers hectored and abused by members of all the other progressive parties when they have to speak at the dispatch box.


I think you need to take a reality check on what lies ahead. It could be ugly.

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I never said it would stop, I said it was nice that politicians from different camps could actually reach an agreement without the yah boo's and insults and that this was unexpected based on the last thirteen years worth of watching PMQ's degenerate into a less civil version of a chimps tea party


I fully expect, as soon as the parliament opens, insults will be the order of the day once more, as some politicians demonstrate that want the same old crappy politics that we had yesterday and they can get away with anything with impunity


but it has been demonstrated that insults aren't necessary and agreements can be reached without the use of steamroller tactics


I wonder who will kick off with the first insult & snide remarks, the government or the opposition ?

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