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2010 General Election megathread

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You're mistaking me for someone in favour of foxhunting.


The problem with UK workers is they have a bad attitude, we want to be paid to do nothing (thats why a lot of people go on the dole) our economy will not fix itself, we all have to work at putting something into the pot because if we keep taking from it without putting something in we will end up like Greece very quickly.

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You're mistaking me for someone in favour of foxhunting.


The problem with UK workers is they have a bad attitude, we want to be paid to do nothing (thats why a lot of people go on the dole) our economy will not fix itself, we all have to work at putting something into the pot because if we keep taking from it without putting something in we will end up like Greece very quickly.


no I was just arguing with your point because I don't agree with you. I don't want to be paid to do nothing. I have been in that situation and its not good (in a job not on the dole).


Many people do which is where chav hunting comes in!

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Please excuse an out of touch ex pat, but I saw Clegg at a voting station in Sheffield on a video this morning. Does Clegg represent Sheffield? Good Luck to you all, you could use some right now. So could we.


Yes, Clegg represents Sheffield Hallam, in the south west of the city.


If he does a deal with the Conservatives, there is one here who will never vote for him again... mine was an anti-Tory vote.


Shame on you Nick Clegg, but maybe its the public school, old boys, network alive and well again :o

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David Cameron trying to reach out to the lib dems....



Weird....in the recent interview with Paxman he said he wouldn't consider a coalition with the Lib-Dems under any circumstances, - or words to that effect.


The trough is mightier than the word :hihi:

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no I was just arguing with your point because I don't agree with you. I don't want to be paid to do nothing. I have been in that situation and its not good (in a job not on the dole).


Many people do which is where chav hunting comes in!


A lot of britains don't want to be paid to do nothing but more and more of our younger generations ( my generation included) expect to walk out of school and college straight into £30k jobs which require little or no wor, and this is beacuse of the system which they see being exploited day in day out.


I know from experience (as i have friends that do this) that they would rather sit on the dole than take a job paying 12 or 13k which strikes me as utterly disgusting because i work hard Monday-Friday and sometimes weekends to bring my own money home. I don't want handouts either and i'd be prepared to do almost any job if it meant i could make money from actual work.


I am in favour of considering anything which has the potential to create jobs and get the "lazy britains" back into work!

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A lot of britains don't want to be paid to do nothing but more and more of our younger generations ( my generation included) expect to walk out of school and college straight into £30k jobs which require little or no wor, and this is beacuse of the system which they see being exploited day in day out.


I know from experience (as i have friends that do this) that they would rather sit on the dole than take a job paying 12 or 13k which strikes me as utterly disgusting because i work hard Monday-Friday and sometimes weekends to bring my own money home. I don't want handouts either and i'd be prepared to do almost any job if it meant i could make money from actual work.


I am in favour of considering anything which has the potential to create jobs and get the "lazy britains" back into work!


But Im pretty sure that these lazy britains would not in fact end up working for a job related to fox hunting

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Maybe not but fox hunting is just one area that needs considering in my opinion.


There are hundreds of areas but perhaps the first step is to alter the benefits system to make it harder for "lazy britains" to sponge for long periods of time. A tougher system would weed out illegitimate claimants.


We'll get a lot of people now saying that genuine cases will suffer but i don't think they will. If you genuinely cannot find a job then you have nothing to fear from a tougher system but if you are a bone idle layabout then you will have something to fear

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