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2010 General Election megathread

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They are more popular than Blair/Brown's government after the 2005 election.


They may have more votes but there policies certainly aren't more popular.


If you have a look you'll find fewer people support the idea of substantial cuts now and fewer people like the idea of Inheritance Tax changes that benefit the rich whilst cutting the services of the poor.

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They may have more votes but there policies certainly aren't more popular.


If you have a look you'll find fewer people support the idea of substantial cuts now and fewer people like the idea of Inheritance Tax changes that benefit the rich whilst cutting the services of the poor.


Do you really expect anyone to want cuts?

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How can the "majority" have voted Tory when they only got 36% of the vote.


Largest single party quite clearly and should get first crack at forming a government - if they can't perhaps the representatives of the 64% of the electorate that didn't vote Tory can?


A lot of people try to make capital out of the fact that the majority of the electorate didn't vote for the largest seat winning party, in this case the Conservatives, but as you rightly say it is rare for any one single party to get more than 50%.


Many also bemoan the fact that the Liberal Democrats got so few seats even though they got 23% share of the vote, but 22% of the vote only saw then pick up 62 Seats last time out and yet this time you have calls for PR.

I suspect though that quite a few voices that are now "supporting" the idea of PR, probably haven't really studied what PR actually means and quite a few of those probably didn't know what PR was before this election.


The Liberal Democrats were supposed to be "Flavour" of the month, but even at the height of "Cleggmania" the majority of the UK electorate wouldn't have voted for the Liberal Democrats, and as it turns out 77% didn't vote for Liberal Democrats.

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If you have a look you'll find fewer people support the idea of substantial cuts now and fewer people like the idea of Inheritance Tax changes that benefit the rich whilst cutting the services of the poor.


Look where?

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Look where?


Beyond Clegg and Cameron's upper class, private schooled, wiped by Nanny, little noses.


And if I see yet another article about the 'shrinking violet' that is Cameron's wife, that was running up the stairs faster and in front of him, despite her pregnancy, after the election, like she was the new first lady, I'll vomit. Complaining that they can't 'manage' on David's salary, whilst there are families who can't even afford to eat healthily, she is the new Marie Antoinette of politics.



If Clegg gets in bed with these, he'll never get even a sniff again.

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It strikes me that all this gibberish about ' cutting services '....... or which party would cut most from which services, is merely a diversion.


What is, more or less, certain, is that whichever party [ or combination of parties ] gets into power will have to cut SOMETHING ! Maybe cutting waste is the first obvious step ? For the last 15 or 20 years or so, the governments of Britain and a large slice of the British public, have been living in Disneyland. " Spend ? Buy ? On credit ? Yeah, Why not ?? " And so, like ignorant, greedy, childish sheep, they have been led to the slaughter. Now comes the reckoning ! As yet, no-one has had the courage to spell out how bad the economic situation is.


I think, morally speaking, the Labour Party ......or ' government ' should try explaining FIRST, what THEY would do. After all, they have been in power for 13 years, and whatever mess they SAY the Tories left behind, one would think they 'd have solved it by now. Instead, they have run the economy into the ground in a desperate attempt to remain popular. Well...............good luck, you good people of Blighty ! Let us hope & pray that you 've learned some kind of lesson !

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Beyond Clegg and Cameron's upper class, private schooled, wiped by Nanny, little noses.


And if I see yet another article about the 'shrinking violet' that is Cameron's wife, that was running up the stairs faster and in front of him, despite her pregnancy, after the election, I'll vomit. Complaining that they can't 'manage' on David's salary, whilst there are families who can't even afford to eat healthily, she is the new Marie Antoinette of politics.



If Clegg gets in bed with these, he'll never get even a sniff again.


Clegg hasn't really got a choice about talking to the Tories, the numbers do not add up for a Lib-Lab pact. The only realistic choice is to work with the Tories or have a general election again, very soon. The Liberals, as Labour and the Tories, haven't got the funds to fight another general election so soon, so is that a really an option?


So what can Clegg realistically do?

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Clegg hasn't really got a choice about talking to the Tories, the numbers do not add up for a Lib-Lab pact. The only realistic choice is to work with the Tories or have a general election again, very soon. The Liberals, as Labour and the Tories, haven't got the funds to fight another general election so soon, so is that a really an option?


So what can Clegg realistically do?


Why don't they? Lib + Lab would = more than Tory.

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