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2010 General Election megathread

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completely agree. If these rich people weren't around the poor people would be up poo creek. ...........We aren't in the cromwell times anymore!


Yep you are right scrap the minimum wage which we probably wouldn’t have anyway if it was left upto the lot we have just acquired as our new leaders. :rolleyes:

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Yep you are right scrap the minimum wage which we probably wouldn’t have anyway if it was left upto the lot we have just acquired as our new leaders. :rolleyes:


Have they said they are going to do this - I must have missed that bit in the manifesto? Any pointers?

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It's interesting that Simon Hughes said that Labour never entered negotiations seriously, and they were not prepared to give way on any issues. So it looks like the Lib-Dems never had any choice apart from coming to some sort of arrangement with the Tories.

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If this lot are making more things, selling more things, employing more people, creating wealth and paying reasonable taxes then they will be helping everyone out. If however we tax them so much that they move to switzerland, move their manufacturing to the east, sell things from a different country, then we will all suffer and this country will be even worse than it is now.

The narrow minded will disagree with this "make them pay" "Good riddance" "Tax the Rich" etc ad nauseam. But the narrow minded are very wrong.


completely agree. If these rich people weren't around the poor people would be up poo creek. They are paying for other peoples kids etc, they are employing people so that they can pay their own way, they don't owe everyone else all their money. We aren't in the cromwell times anymore!




Seeing as the pair of you love wealth creation, can you explain how these people made their fortunes because it's a total mystery to me.http://timesbusiness.typepad.com/money_weblog/2009/03/filthy-rich-the-10-highest-paid-hedge-fund-managers-of-2008.html

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Seeing as the pair of you love wealth creation, can you explain how these people made their fortunes because it's a total mystery to me.http://timesbusiness.typepad.com/money_weblog/2009/03/filthy-rich-the-10-highest-paid-hedge-fund-managers-of-2008.html


Managing hedge funds I think, employing people and paying taxes - why don't you do it if it is that easy, and then having risked everything you own, take £30k a year to live on and give the rest to the poor. Simples tsk.

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It's interesting that Simon Hughes said that Labour never entered negotiations seriously, and they were not prepared to give way on any issues. So it looks like the Lib-Dems never had any choice apart from coming to some sort of arrangement with the Tories.


Simon Hughes of all people drunk on the slightest whiff of power. A sad day.

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It's interesting that Simon Hughes said that Labour never entered negotiations seriously, and they were not prepared to give way on any issues.


This bit is easy to understand.


So it looks like the Lib-Dems never had any choice apart from coming to some sort of arrangement with the Tories.


This bit less so.

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