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Will Gordon Brown squat in Downing Street?

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Word is that Gordon Brown will squat in Number 10 if there is a hung Parliament even if Labour come third.


On the other hand there is talk that Cameron will go to the Queen and tell her that he's forming a Government even if he has the slimmest majority of seats.


So, with two Pickford's vans sat outside the big black door who should move in?

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Word is that Gordon Brown will squat in Number 10 if there is a hung Parliament even if Labour come third.


On the other hand there is talk that Cameron will go to the Queen and tell her that he's forming a Government even if he has the slimmest majority of seats.


So, with two Pickford's vans sat outside the big black door who should move in?


Gus O'Donnell based on a cross party committee report set out the protocol in February for the time that can be given in the event of a hung parliamnet for a Prime Minsiter to be negotiated.


The stories coming out from the Tory camp that if they have a majority but not large enough to form a Govt they will declare themselves anyway, goes against the procedure set out and that they previously agreed. Their declared behaviour is unconstitutional, and indicates how much they can be trusted if given power.

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He has enough arrogance to pull a stunt like this. He knows full well that the majority of people in this country want him (if not labour) out yet he continues to sit and make a mockery of us all!


So i have no doubts he has it in him to try a stunt like it.

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He has enough arrogance to pull a stunt like this. He knows full well that the majority of people in this country want him (if not labour) out yet he continues to sit and make a mockery of us all!


So i have no doubts he has it in him to try a stunt like it.


You mean he has it in him to follow the constitutional procedure laid out by the cross party committee in february? That is hardly a stunt.


What is a stunt is the Conservatives suggesting the procedure they agreed in february will be ignored.

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You mean he has it in him to follow the constitutional procedure laid out by the cross party committee in february? That is hardly a stunt.


What is a stunt is the Conservatives suggesting the procedure they agreed in february will be ignored.


Another deluded labourite by any chance?


13 years of broken promises and you still believe in labour?

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Another deluded labourite by any chance?


13 years of broken promises and you still believe in labour?


Nothing to do with believing Labour, just having read about the story and what was behind it before Tony had managed to turn it on its head.


Here for example is an article on the Tories plans to seize power unconstitutionally in the event of a hung Parliament.:



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Nothing to do with believing Labour, just having read about the story and what was behind it before Tony had managed to turn it on its head.


Here for example is an article on the Tories plans to seize power unconstitutionally in the event of a hung Parliament.:




Wow. Not Liberal Conspiracy and Sunder Katwala. With reputable sources like that it must be true. Some of them even get space on toilet walls.

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You mean he has it in him to follow the constitutional procedure laid out by the cross party committee in february? That is hardly a stunt.


What is a stunt is the Conservatives suggesting the procedure they agreed in february will be ignored.


Cameron is claiming he wasn't consulted at all and that the Conservatives didn't agree to anything.


they're also claiming that O'Donnell is some kind of lackey of Brown's, just because he was Permanent Sec of the Treasury between 2002-5. Maybe they're hoping that everyone's forgotten that if he was ever anybody's lackey, he was John Major's - he was Major's press secretary when he was Chancellor, transferring to No. 10 when Major succeeded Thatcher.

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