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Will Gordon Brown squat in Downing Street?

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You mean he has it in him to follow the constitutional procedure laid out by the cross party committee in february? That is hardly a stunt.


What is a stunt is the Conservatives suggesting the procedure they agreed in february will be ignored.


Implementing the will of the people?


What a stunt!

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Unconstitutional is what Gordon Brown did in the first place. Succeeding Tony Blair without being voted in.


Labour where voted in under Tony Blair's leadership not Brown's. How is it constitutional to have an unelected Prime Minister?

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Unconstitutional is what Gordon Brown did in the first place. Succeeding Tony Blair without being voted in.


Labour where voted in under Tony Blair's leadership not Brown's. How is it constitutional to have an unelected Prime Minister?


Hmmm a bit like john major then?

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Hmmm a bit like john major then?


Yes just like john major. My point was that if we're banging on about how constitutional david cameron is or isn't then we need to remember how we got in this mess with Gordon Brown in the first place

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it's not really like John Major at all. Everyone knew in 2005 that Brown, or some other Labour party senior figure, was set to succeed Blair as Prime Minister at some point in the parliament.


nobody could have said that about any Conservative minister at all in 1987. As for John Major, he was just a spear carrier at that election, with next to no public profile. In 2005, Blair and Brown campaigned alongside each other. In 1987, Major was totally invisible to the public.

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And he should have his nose rubbed in it after what he and the rest of his amateur band have done to the country!



Are you old enough to remember the tory past? I remember leaving college to take a job offer when I was 17 because I was scared that I would NEVER get a job. Most of my friends and family were either unemployed or taking jobs that paid little because of the state of the economy.

Are you scared that you don't have a future ? That's how it was under Tory rule

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No Prime Minister has ever been voted into power. We do not vote for PM's. That is not how our system works.


Strange how many times this has to be repeated, it's almost like people don't like to admit that Brown is exactly the same as every other PM in our history in terms of being voted into power.


If you mean in terms of Labour voting him as leader, that is irrelevant because how a party elects it's leader is an internal party matter, and nothing to do with anyone outside the party.


I have just voted, and I voted for the Prime Minister that I want to run the country, and I don't need you to tell me how the system works. I voted to get Brown out of Downing Street pure and simple, and made my choice based on that alone.

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