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Will Gordon Brown squat in Downing Street?

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Ah, you are one of those people that when corrected has to resort to insults?


We will not be electing a PM. We will be electing a MPs, via them parties, and via them a PM. However the leader of the winning party becomes PM, and the leader of the party is an internal matter of that party. If they decided to change leaders tomorrow, there would be nothing stopping them.


As was seen in the current administration. Where a Prime Minister was installed as part of a gentlemen's agreement in a restaurant in Hyde Park.

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I did exactly the same. You have to wonder what the Clegg factor is all about if people don't vote for a Prime Minister. I voted for Clegg.


So did I.

His name was on the ballot paper right at the side of the Libdem symbol. People only need to open their minds to work it out.:hihi::hihi:

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Just think within a week we may hear no more from him:)



And you are genuinely that stupid to think that david (his real name was gideon but they changed it because it sounded to posh and off putting) cameron will do any better


You will be eating your words in a few years when you realise what a fool "dave" the pm will be.


Hopefully we will get a hung parliament, bring in PR then bannish right wingers from government for good.


I can see mass protests etc happening...

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And you are genuinely that stupid to think that david (his real name was gideon but they changed it because it sounded to posh and off putting) cameron will do any better


You will be eating your words in a few years when you realise what a fool "dave" the pm will be.


Hopefully we will get a hung parliament, bring in PR then bannish right wingers from government for good.


I can see mass protests etc happening...


There will have to be spending cuts, most will know to lay the blame firmly at the door of the old Labour government.

Unless Labour get in again, in which case it will be spend spend spend until we end up like Greece.

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How is it impossible to vote for a PM?


People vote for a local MP yes that is the system but the idea (if i am not mistaken) is to vote for a party whose policies you agree with. That party has a leader who campaigns for said votes.


When you cast your vote, you are indirectly voting for a PM by voting for a particular party. Who the hell votes for their party because they like their local MP? I couldn't care less about my local MP i vote because i want the party leader to be PM as i think many millions do too!

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