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Can anyone reccomend any pain relief creams for Plantar Fasciltis

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My mum has Plantar Fasciltis and is in a lot of pain. Her job involves her been stood on her feet for 10 hours and come the end of the day she is in agony. Has anyone any experience of this? I have heard anti-inflammatory creams can help - is this correct? Can anyone reccomend anything?


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This is the site I looked at. It mentions that some people find that rubbing a cream or gel that contains an anti-inflammatory medicine on to their heel is helpful.

I would like to know if anyone has tried any creams that worked and what the creams were.




Edit - she cant change her job. She is a qualified cook which means standing for most of the day. She has tried slight heels as reccomended by the doctor and has just been signed off for 1 week to rest (which has not helped)

She has been referred to the hospital but we dont know how long that will take

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i can really sympathise with your mum as i have that same problem. After suffering for over 6 years it has now got a lot better, hasn't gone, but is more bearable.


Croc shoes really helped, insoles from the doctor and doing the exercises constantly is a real must, especially when being on your feet too long.


Was never offered any cream, so cannot comment on that.


My advise is stretching the foot, even if painful, it really does help. But with any kind of problem, the condition will take time, a long time as in my case.

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Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear you have had thos for 6 years. When I sometimes pick my mum up from work I see how much pain she is in and its horrible that I cant help.

I will reccomend the excersies to my mum. Also going to go and get her some cream to try.

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I had this really bad for about a year and unfortunately the creams did little to ease the pain. Movelat gel helped more than most things I tried and Diclofenac tablets prescribed by my GP gave short term relief.


Orthotic insoles helped as prescribed by a Podiatrist, but I found I could get the same insoles off ebay a lot cheaper so bought several pairs.


Unfortunately, I had to have two cortisone injections to give me any sort of lasting relief. Very painful, but they worked and i'm now back to playing squash and football with no probs.


Hope it gets sorted as it aint nice at all.

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I suffered with this very painful condition a few years ago - my job involves standing and walking for up to 10 hours without a rest. I was advised by my GP to see a podiatrist. I had made- to- measure insoles made and I haven't had a problem since. The insoles take a bit of getting used to - it feels as though you're walking on a huge pebble for a while but I've never had that awful sharp pain in my heels again.

I'm in the Westfield and a big chunk of the fee was paid by them.

My GP offered me the steroid injections but, being a bit of a coward, I chose the less invasive route!

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I suffered with this very painful condition a few years ago - my job involves standing and walking for up to 10 hours without a rest. I was advised by my GP to see a podiatrist. I had made- to- measure insoles made and I haven't had a problem since. The insoles take a bit of getting used to - it feels as though you're walking on a huge pebble for a while but I've never had that awful sharp pain in my heels again.

I'm in the Westfield and a big chunk of the fee was paid by them.

My GP offered me the steroid injections but, being a bit of a coward, I chose the less invasive route!


Made to measure insoles or any good thick gel insoles help. I had to walk on the ball of my foot for 3 months, but keeping pressure of the heel did help. Even though better, I find a twinge in the heel coming back every Summer.

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