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Is there a cure for clumsiness?

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Some clumsy people are always thinking of other things and not concentrating on what they are doing, even if it just not walking into a door. Maybe try concentrate a bit more rather than think about what you are having for tea. Although it might not be that simple! :)

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Scarily, Shaz, I am exactly the same.


I find it incredibly frustrating. BUT I've found the only way to really make it work is to focus on every action before and while you're doing it.


But if there's a cup to drop, or sharp surface to walk into - I'm totally there!

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Scarily, Shaz, I am exactly the same.


I find it incredibly frustrating. BUT I've found the only way to really make it work is to focus on every action before and while you're doing it.


But if there's a cup to drop, or sharp surface to walk into - I'm totally there!


Clumsy? I wrote the book!! I am so unsteady on my feet, that I can walk through a doorway, and hit both door-jambs...

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