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Nick Clegg. Britain's most powerful man.

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I am pleased to say that the two leaders, Cameron and Clegg are conducting themselves in a way that the electorate has been demanding.


Good - SuperNick will be showing him the right way.




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I doubt that the lib dems would allow themselves to be strung along.



I agree - our SuperNick is in a very strong position.


Cameron would do anything, he'd sell his own mother,

to be called Prime Minister.




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Your so called SuperNick is caught between a rock and a hard place. Whichever path he chooses he's damned. Side with the Tories and he'll lose support from the left of his party; side with Gordon and ditto the from the right.


I don't envy him at all.

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Breaking News on News 24 - Nick has left his house and is on his way to LibDem HQ.



Will the excitement never start stop :rolleyes:



The world needs to know whenever cult figures do anything.




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77% of the electorate that voted didn't pay much heed to "SuperNick".


SuperNick is not nearly as popular as you try to make out.;)


But like it or not, his party does hold the balance of power.


In terms of party support, he has the most, followed by Brown. Cameron has not impressed his party, and will soon be for the chop.

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77% of the electorate that voted didn't pay much heed to SuperNick.


SuperNick is not nearly as popular as you try to make out.


That was before they realised that he was a true Sheffield hero.


Now he commands a worldwide audience of millions.


It's a pity that Sheffield doesn't have a beach, SuperNick could

sell sand to the Arabs.




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