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Then the election is null & void.


It should be re-run in July.





Ok, first thing, it wasn't millions, was it? And if they were denied a vote in a seat that was close then it can be contested. Secondly, I really don't think the Lib Dems would want another election as they would be likely to lose even more seats and they would have no say in how the government is formed.


(I voted Lib Dem, by the way)

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does anyone have an accurate figure for how many were denied a vote ?


otherwise there's going to be an endless row between the millions camp and the hundreds camp

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could the returning officer have requested more staff after seeing the size of the queue's or does that break some rule or other ?


It was poorly managed, but by the same token rules weren't broken in these cases.

Although rules were broken when polling stations stayed open later than 10pm, although these cases appear to be the exception rather than the rule.

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It was poorly managed, but by the same token rules weren't broken in these cases.

Although rules were broken when polling stations stayed open later than 10pm, although these cases appear to be the exception rather than the rule.


so basically although the returning officer could have called for more staff to deal with the rush they didn't, there was nothing in the rules to prevent them


so would all the people who were denied a vote each have a case for suing the returning officer for denying them a democratic right by reason of not requesting more staff to deal with the rush ?


Well it wasn't millions that's for sure.


but was it tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or what ?


does anyone have an actual verifiable number ?

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Yes - and there could be a legal challenge.





as I understand it, the candidates who stood can issue a legal challenge, the people denied a vote don't have that right, they may be entitled to sue for damages but I was wondering if the returning officers concerned may be personally liable and be subject to civil suits


anyone who couldn't vote because of queue's the electoral commission wants to know

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Even Cameron "agrees with Nick"


His "sucking up to Nick" appeal makes me laugh.


Two faced git.





The Con’s have nothing in common with the Lib, their only hope is to pacify them while they buy time until another election at which point the Lib’s will be dropped like a hot potato. .

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