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Local Bands


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There's a *HUGE* wealth of talent floating around Sheffield...but as many people know, it's *VERY* hard to make it in the music industry.


Some of the local bands that I've had the privelidge to check out and have been mighty impressed by are:


Tegan - Punky, "chordy" music that's just fun to listen to. Saw them numerous times last year, and they rocked out every time


After The Silence - Quality rock outfit, very popular around Sheffield owing to their general amazingness, go see them if you possibly can!


Existend - Relatively new band, starting their Winter "Rockarama" Tour in a few weeks...make sure you check them out! They're rock with gothic influences, and an amazin lead guitarist. I've seen them a few times, and they have to be my *HOT* pick for the moment. If I find any dates, I'll let ya know.


Have you found any local goldnugget of a band? Let us know so we can all enjoy!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As promised...I found Existend have confirmed the following:


Mon 10th Nov @ The Boardwalk - Playing First :P


On first so get down early! I'll be there. Definately worth a visit. :cool:


I'm still looking for other gigs / bands to look out for and brighten up my evenings with... :confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Starlings are a new band that i caught supporting AMOR at the boardwalk last week. They are plying the deepend on the 12th Nov and the casbah on the 8th December. Worth seeing. Great front man. I think tickets are #3.00 on the door on the 12th and its rumoured they are gonna pack the place so you may not get in but worth a try.

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There are alot of good Sheffield bands out there at the mo, a fantastic showcase on Sunday night @ .Zero of some of the best around.

The Solution are amazing and encourage you all to make the effort to go & watch them fantastic tight band with an amazing front man v. Bobby Gilespe


also 1600e goin places!!!

And a big shout out to The Sound & Northern Bliss

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Seems the Starlings are making a bit of a name for themselves locally hey herbaliser. There set at the Deepend rocked on Wednesday. Cant wait to see them at the Casbah on the 8th. Maybe see you there. tell everyone about them i think there gonna be big

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