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Good looks, a blessing or a curse ?

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following on from the 'pervy men in vans thread'


the person in question is obviously upset. She seems to attract a lot of unwanted attention, proberbly because she is a young attractive female


I was wonderin if this is a real a problem for some people....


do you actually hate the attention you recieve.....or love it ?


or would you like to recieve more attention ?

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The realisation that your beauty is fading is hard to handle. Being passed aside for younger "models" in nightclubs is agonising.


Unless you get a grip, lost looks and youth can be exceptionally hard to deal with. I wonder how the super models handle it.

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This is a really interesting thread topic :).


One thing I think we don't take account of often is how much the way we look affects our personalities.


People talk about "personality" and "looks" and the "inside" and "outside" as if they are seperate things, but in reality I think the way you look and the way other people perceive you and treat you as a result does significantly affect your world view, your friendships, and the relationships you get into.


I think if you're quite conventionally attractive, then as mentioned, loss of looks, getting old must be quite scary. You get people being nicer, more male attention, but that's kind of conditional?


Also I never quite trust the idea of men who declare their love too soon :suspect:.

I think they sort of project this image of a perfect girlfriend/partner on a girl just cause she looks a certain way without getting to know her.


Plus you get more random men getting cross with you because you're the kind of girl who will always turn men like them down.


Conversely, I think if you're quite conventionally unattractive, then let's face it, people pay less attention, and however "nice" you are most men aspire to quite a conventionally attractive girl.

So good looks aren't a blessing or a curse, but neutral. They don't guarantee happiness but they don't guarantee unhappiness either.

Personally I reckon the best thing is to get comfortable with what you look like and your own style, don't put up with anyone who makes you feel insecure, and ignore the rest.

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Anytime your looks differ from the norm, if you are especially pretty or not, you will attract attention. Not all the attention is good either. There are times it's nice, but sometimes it can be a pain. And let's not forget how this can anger or annoy others. There are those who think "oh, I suppose she expects preferential treatment because she has a pretty face and a cute behind". They then go out of their way to treat you like crap.


As their mother naturally I'm biased, but I think both of my children are beautiful. When my son was eight, he was having his picture taken with his soccer team. The photographers, (a husband and wife) were so taken with his slender frame and angelic face, they made a huge fuss and talked to me at length about allowing him to model.


His sister would have been lapping it up. Instead, he was horrified at being singled out in front of his teammates for the extra attention and wanted to crawl into a hole and die from embarrasment. Poor kid. He's now seventeen, and is still a bit uncomfortable whenever anyone mentions how tall or good looking he is. Though there are no complaints about the girls who call or come around. ;)


My opinion is that beauty can be a tool, like a hammer or a key. If you don't use it then what good is it? (I'm trying to get this point across to my boy) I liken it to those ladies who are well endowed in the "bustal area". They are often the objects of unwanted attention and assumptions about their character, including other women who think they must be crazy if they want them made smaller. Like race or gender, unless you live with it day in and day out, you really don't know what it's like no matter how sympathetic.

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