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Good looks, a blessing or a curse ?

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I suppose it depnds on the person's ability to deal with the attention they will undoubtedly get. Likewise if anyone is 'different' from the norm. It will shape who they are.


I hate the way that women a glamourised and airbrushed to perfection. It is an impossible act to follow and trying to keep up makes cosmetics companies very rich. We have become obsessed with 'beauty' as defined by the magazine media.

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The problem I have is that my pockets are not big enough. When I walk through any public place, women keep stuffing their phone numbers in them!


Bit of a curse I suppose, untill Farah decide to extend the pocket length in their next season slacks. :mad:

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Fantastic good looks can indeed be a curse.


Only this morning did i finally get the injunction passed on that bloody Angelina Jolie.........


Now i can concentrate on getting rid of that sex pest Scarlett Johansson :D


Is this true!? The two timing B****! So all the time she was meant to be in Castle market, shopping around for my new slacks, she was actually stalking you! :mad::hihi:

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This is a really interesting thread topic :).


One thing I think we don't take account of often is how much the way we look affects our personalities.


People talk about "personality" and "looks" and the "inside" and "outside" as if they are seperate things, but in reality I think the way you look and the way other people perceive you and treat you as a result does significantly affect your world view, your friendships, and the relationships you get into.


I think if you're quite conventionally attractive, then as mentioned, loss of looks, getting old must be quite scary. You get people being nicer, more male attention, but that's kind of conditional?


Also I never quite trust the idea of men who declare their love too soon :suspect:.

I think they sort of project this image of a perfect girlfriend/partner on a girl just cause she looks a certain way without getting to know her.


Plus you get more random men getting cross with you because you're the kind of girl who will always turn men like them down.


Conversely, I think if you're quite conventionally unattractive, then let's face it, people pay less attention, and however "nice" you are most men aspire to quite a conventionally attractive girl.

So good looks aren't a blessing or a curse, but neutral. They don't guarantee happiness but they don't guarantee unhappiness either.

Personally I reckon the best thing is to get comfortable with what you look like and your own style, don't put up with anyone who makes you feel insecure, and ignore the rest.


Couldn't agree more with your view on this. Especially the bit about it affecting our personalities....and obviously our confidence.

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Give me a brainy man any day.


You're in luck i have an IQ over a hundred and sixty and look better than johnny depp!.

But i buy my trousers at milletts my t-shirts from prymark and have no interests beyond cars and outddor pursuits (it's surprising how few women find a man dressed like ray mears smeared with grease and considering Bog snorkelling as a new hobby attractive)

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This is a really interesting thread topic :).


One thing I think we don't take account of often is how much the way we look affects our personalities.


People talk about "personality" and "looks" and the "inside" and "outside" as if they are seperate things, but in reality I think the way you look and the way other people perceive you and treat you as a result does significantly affect your world view, your friendships, and the relationships you get into.


I think if you're quite conventionally attractive, then as mentioned, loss of looks, getting old must be quite scary. You get people being nicer, more male attention, but that's kind of conditional?


Also I never quite trust the idea of men who declare their love too soon :suspect:.

I think they sort of project this image of a perfect girlfriend/partner on a girl just cause she looks a certain way without getting to know her.


Plus you get more random men getting cross with you because you're the kind of girl who will always turn men like them down.


I would say almost without doubt this is correct.


Though I'm of the opinion that 'life' development is a continuous process, it's difficult to argue against early development (particularly teenage years) having a significant impact on later life.


If I remember rightly, all the popular kids at school were 'attractive'. That perhaps gave them a more dominant personality and ego that has carried on in their adult years (from what I've seen of them). Mind you, most of them turned out to be toss pots, and are married or partnered to similarly 'attractive' toss pots. :hihi:


As for the unattractive ones, I'm not sure, I never hung around them, as they were below me. ;):hihi:

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