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BNP election wipeout

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well if they are NOT your party and you dont agree with all of their policies why apologise for them consistantly?

if its only the immigration thing you agree with why not support another party that also share the same hardline stance on immigration?? such as ukip...the tories

Because unlike you and your rabid friends I dont happen to think that all BNP voters supporters or whatever you want to call them are the evil nazi racist scum you continually call them ,I think a lot of them are concerned people that have been driven to use a party like this to make their voices heard simply because the big parties continually bottle it on the subject of immigration.

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I work too mate...5am start everyday...why didn't the BBC get me as an example of an English person in THAT programme?? i'd give those Poles a run for their money.


But wouldn't that defeat the object - you already have a job, they were showing up the unemployed work shy British citizens who were scared of working.

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Because unlike you and your rabid friends I dont happen to think that all BNP voters supporters or whatever you want to call them are the evil nazi racist scum you continually call them ,I think a lot of them are concerned people that have been driven to use a party like this to make their voices heard simply because the big parties continually bottle it on the subject of immigration.

my bold

i have NEVER called bnp supporters nazi scum, i know theres a cross section of society that supports them, please dont place words in my mouth i aint said.

I know the majority of the actual party could be called nazis, facists and racists, especially the ones convicted and or seen, heard spouting it.

the vast majority of supporters / voters are people purely misguided towards the party for ONE REASON, they are opposed to immigration, thats why i will point out the real face of the bnp and that there IS alternatives to taking a harder stance on immigration

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If the German people had been as paranoically rabid about Hitler in 1930s Germany then millions of people would have been spared his final solution in the holocaust. Or are you one of those people who denied it happened?


It is for this reason that so many people stand up to the bnpiss and say we are not having racism in this country.

But the BNP are never going that way,the rise of Nazi Germany is a unique occurrence that could never happen again and especially in this country.stop being paranoid about a two bit political that has no substance what so ever,at least not in its current incarnation,if you believe that the BNP could cause a rise in Nazism and Fascism in this country then you have no respect for the very men that died fighting to suppress it ,they did their job..successfully and for you and the like to question the legacy that they died for and handed down is a betrayal of their sacrifice,and shows a profound ignorance of the mindset of your own countrymen.


The reason why the bnpiss will never lead this country the way of Nazi Germany is because of the constant exposure of their lies and racism. Why can you not accept that?

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You haven't been on SF long enough to remember some BNP members / supporters denying the holocaust and regretting that we went to war with the nazis.

The length of time I have been on here is irrelevant Im not stupid I know that the core of the BNP was built on anti semitism and the love of Nazis its a follow on from the old National Front party who went round the pubs recruiting skin heads in the 70,s,sadly its still a magnet for people like that but the fact is you as we leave the war behind in the depths of time people tend to forget and spout the denial rubbish Blimey I speak to some youths and they have never heard of people like Churchill and Montgomery so with the denials I dont think they realise a lot of what they are saying...could it be the lack of quality of education they receive ?...Lest we forget..it sounds good but sadly the fact is eventually we will, take the kids who peed on the memorials I dont think they were being malicious I think it was just ignorance..If I had done that when I were their age I would have got a scutch from any adult walking by now it will have just been ignored.

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The reason why the bnpiss will never lead this country the way of Nazi Germany is because of the constant exposure of their lies and racism. Why can you not accept that?

Hold on read my posts I think Iv already covered that,as for lies come on all the political party's get exposed for lies 7 days a week 52 weeks a year so thats not a unique fault of the BNP.

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why should it hurt me ?All councillors are bent so it doesnt bother me who loses their seats ,I am simply pointing out that the actual pro rata vote increased,some reasons why have been pointed out to me and i accept the reasoning,Its not whether the BNP failed or not its the fact that over half a million actually pinned their flag to the BNP mast and their stance on immigration,this is in spite of,as you well know,the ignorant populace labeling them as nazi racists and its that point Im trying to get across,nothing to do with BNP as such there are people ,a hell of a lot of them who are anti immigrant , and not all of them are racist nazis,dont you think theres a little message creeping out ?


The thing is, it isn't the ignorant population that label them Nazi racists. it is the people that know them that do, people like the ex-leader of the BNP group in Stoke.

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