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BNP election wipeout

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my bold

i have NEVER called bnp supporters nazi scum, i know theres a cross section of society that supports them, please dont place words in my mouth i aint said.

I know the majority of the actual party could be called nazis, facists and racists, especially the ones convicted and or seen, heard spouting it.

the vast majority of supporters / voters are people purely misguided towards the party for ONE REASON, they are opposed to immigration, thats why i will point out the real face of the bnp and that there IS alternatives to taking a harder stance on immigration

What are the alternatives ?as Iv said the main parties talk a lot but never seem to say anything and end up bottling it,I believe they actually love party's like the BNP because it deflects the flack from their obvious short comings ..as you and the others continually seem to prove,you cotinue to attack the BNP ,granted on a lot issues you are well within your rights but to focus on them for every seemingly ,to you,racist issue is nothing short of paranoia and while ever you are directing all your time on what the BNP may be doing wrong you are ignoring what the main party's are not doing.

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What are the alternatives ?

The alternatives are going to your MP and saying "i don't like immigration," and it happens all the time. It happened the other day, did it not? Some will call you a bigot, some will listen, some will ignore, but a vote for the BNP is not a vote for your stance. It is a vote against what Britain truly is. The BNP will not represent moderate views on immigration because they don't have them, they are extremists. I don't like cars filling up the planet and poisoning the atmosphere, but i don't vote green because i understand those cars are normal people trying to get to work.


We do have roles for immigrants, but not all immigrants. We do value their work, but they can't come here and take from society. That's a fair stance the BNP won't take, because it has been proven time after time after time after time what Nick Griffin believes in, and what his friends believe, is ugly at heart and has no place in British politics.

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my bold

i have NEVER called bnp supporters nazi scum, i know theres a cross section of society that supports them, please dont place words in my mouth i aint said.

I know the majority of the actual party could be called nazis, facists and racists, especially the ones convicted and or seen, heard spouting it.

the vast majority of supporters / voters are people purely misguided towards the party for ONE REASON, they are opposed to immigration, thats why i will point out the real face of the bnp and that there IS alternatives to taking a harder stance on immigration


You don't even vote you pillock.



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you actually gonna respond to any points ive raised or just to personally abuse me?


Streamline is big on personal abuse - default position when he fails to evidence a BNP breakthrough ie all threads.

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