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Cash carriers in shops


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The co.op on Barber rd had a overhead money system and the cashier sat in the office looking down into the shop.

The Shentalls grocery shop lower down the road was too small for such a setup,but they had a bigger bacon slicer.

Cole brother when they were on the corner of Church street had a more modern vacuum system which went downwards.


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  • 1 year later...
I'm sure there was an overhead wire system in a toy shop in London Road, Heeley bottom. Sorry, I can't remember the name, but it was one of the last shops on the left going out of town before the railway bridge and Broadfield Road and the Post office on the right. This would have been around 1967.

My grandfather allegedly invented "cash tramways" which were in the drapers shop at Heeley from the early 20 cent. I used to have all the patterns for the cast bits used. He was approached by Co-op for the design but refused, so the Co-op allegedly sent a man with a paper & pencil and the rest is history, as they say!

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There was a similar kind of system in Sayers the butchers on Dixon Lane when it was open. Many moons ago.They put the money in a tube which was on a wire to the cashier sat over the top end of the counter.They then let it go with the bill & the money in it & she sent it back to the salesman with the change.It always fascinated me to see such technology.

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I'm almost certain hawksfords on South Rd, Walkley had a cash railway, you popped the money from the sale in a container, pulled the trigger mechanism & shot the money on a cableway to the cashier, fascinating to watch.


Nostalgia, it's a thing of the past

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Blanchards on Infirmary Road had a vacuum cash thingy too. I remember it because that was where I had my first Saturday job when I was about 15 and I was really impressed by the way it whooooshed the cash away to some mysterious far away office (on the next floor probably) If I remember rightly Blanchards was part of the Wigfall group?

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