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Help please - karaoke/irish pubs on thursday?


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Hi so its a level results on thursday and i'm in charge of tryin to find us somethin different 2 do 2 celebrate [or drown our sorrows!] Can anyone suggest somewhere in town centre doing karaoke on thursday nights? Or an irish pub/bar? Or anythin cheesily fun like that that we could get 2 easily?


Preferably 1] not 2 sleazy and 2] cheap! but any suggestions will b gratefully received!


Thanks guys, i kno this is quite short notice but i'm counting on u! x x x



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If you get tonight's Star and look in the entertainment section it'll tell you all about what's on in the pubs round Town and the City in general.


Does anyone know if Fagan's at West Bar is still open? That's an Irish themed pub.

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Dog & Partridge on Trippet Lane is a good Irish Pub, but I dont know if they get up to anything outstandingly Irish on a Thursday night, except drinking and swearing. Possibly some live music though....


Flares is always good for a "cheesily fun" night, especially if you wanna go fancy dress and rock the afros, medallions and tank tops.


Fagan's is still goin strong, Rich. Paddy's day favourite for me...

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Originally posted by Rich

IfDoes anyone know if Fagan's at West Bar is still open? That's an Irish themed pub.


It's not 'themed' at all, it's a proper Irish place with superb Guinness and the chance of an impromptu session starting up in the back room at any time.


It's still open and still head and shoulders above all the other places in and around town (though Fat Cat & Kelham Island run it mighty close).

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