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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Margaret Hodge smashes Nick Griffin in Barking and tells BNP: Get out and stay out.


The BNP suffered a humiliating defeat in Barking as Labour stormed to victory with an increased vote.


Labour MP Margaret Hodge fought off the far-Right party's leader Nick Griffin in what she described as the “toughest battle of my life”.


The BNP, which was beaten into third place behind the Tories, is also understood to have lost most of its 12 seats on Barking & Dagenham council.


The disastrous result for the BNP, which saw its vote share drop by two per cent, immediately raised questions about Mr Griffin's future as leader.


As the election campaign progressed the party — whose campaign has been beset with infighting, abuse and violence — had started to think they could win the seat. The Gordon Brown “bigot” row was its high point.


However, Mrs Hodge held on to her seat with 24,628 votes; Tory Simon Marcus came second on 8,073 votes and the BNP third with 6,620 votes


Mrs Hodge said the people of Barking had “overwhelmingly” rejected the politics of hatred and prejudice.


“On behalf of the people of Britain, we in Barking have not just beaten, but we have smashed the attempts of extremist outsiders,”


she said.




“The message from Barking to the BNP is clear — get out and stay out. You're not wanted here, and your vile politics have no place in British democracy. Tomorrow you're going to lose councillors and tomorrow we're giving you a clear message — pack your bags and go.”




So, what went wrong all you BNP supporters out there?


Too lazy or drunk to get off your sofas?


Couldn't get out of that meeting with your parole officer?


You were going to win this seat, weren't you?



:hihi::hihi::hihi: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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Well, most sensible people can only be pleased by the "beating" that the BNP received at the election.


However, if in the case of Terre'Blanche you are happily refering to "beating" as hacked and beaten to death, then perhaps it's rather poor humour.

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Here we go again they really do put the fear of god into you dont they.

Mind you to gloat over the brutal death of someone says a lot about someones mental state.

At least we start to see who the trolls are.



Are you saying that you wouldn't have gloated just a little bit if Mark Collet had carried out his dirty deed on fat Nick, I know many who would!:hihi:

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Always good to see the British Nazi Party getting a hammering at the polls. Decent people in the UK will keep those lowlifes down, even if they get the odd, fluke result.

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