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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Well, most sensible people can only be pleased by the "beating" that the BNP received at the election.


However, if in the case of Terre'Blanche you are happily refering to "beating" as hacked and beaten to death, then perhaps it's rather poor humour.


Yes that's what I'm thinking.


Either wishing that someone or celebrating that someone is hacked to death is more than a little sick in my book.

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Complete rubbish as usual and griffin is a millionare is he?? I bow to your superior knowledge, wonder what you'd score on an IQ test. :hihi:


The great majority of people do despise Griffin and his inadequate pseudofascist tosspot followers.


Millionaire? Don't know what you're on about there, but he's definitely a shameful lying racehating turd in a party full of losers.

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If only dogs could vote :D


A dogs life with Margaret Hodge


Near me was a council housing estate where, in contravention of the tenancy agreement between tenant and council, a 13-year- old girl owned a little dog named Scruffy.

This shocking fact came to the notice of the housing committee and the family were given the option of evicting the dog or being themselves evicted.

After a certain amount of argy-bargying there was no option but to have the unfortunate dog put down. Once the deed was done the council demanded to see a certificate as proof that Scruffy really had departed this life and was not simply hiding under his owner's bed. On it the vet wrote: 'Most regrettable.'

AND that night a 13-yearold girl cried herself to sleep - all unknowing that her best interests were being looked after by a future Labour Government's future Minister for Children.

But the bossy-booted Mrs Watson - the even more bossybooted Mrs Hodge as she now is - was not finished yet. For the benefit of other subversive dog-owners she put out a statement which for sheer vindictiveness and callousness ought to be in some anthology of invective and abuse: 'We hope to persuade the tenants to get rid of the dogs first.

If they don't, we will evict them and rehouse them in houses we usually use for homeless people.

If they co- operate we will try and get them re-housed before the bailiffs come.

'If they want to be dragged out screaming, it's up to them.' Thus the future Minister for Children.




Maragret Hodge is a truely horrible individual and its hard to differentiate between the two candidates as far as I'm concerned, although I have to say I know very little about the BNP guy other than he's in the BNP.

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The great majority of people do despise Griffin and his inadequate pseudofascist tosspot followers.


Millionaire? Don't know what you're on about there, but he's definitely a shameful lying racehating turd in a party full of losers.



Best ask forum BS'er BoyFriday about the millionare status of Nick Griffin and with regards the definition of loser, isn't that you to a tee when you constantly try to justify no one can lay claim to any land?


You obviously live in a shed in someone else's back garden don't you?

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Complete rubbish as usual and griffin is a millionare is he?? I bow to your superior knowledge, wonder what you'd score on an IQ test. :hihi:


I'd score low Streamline, but you'd be challenging Bubbles the Monkey for last place.


This isn't testimony to Griffin's personal wealth, however it is an indication that he's led a charmed life, and knowing what he's like I'm sure he's helped himself to his fair share from the family coffers.


"Born in 1959, the BNP leader comes from a wealthy family with a history of involvement in right-wing politics.


His father, Edgar, was a longstanding member of the Conservative Party, but was expelled in August 2001 over his links with the BNP.


He took his son to his first National Front meeting at the age of 15.


After attending a private school in Suffolk, Mr Griffin went to Cambridge University in 1977, where he studied history and law at Downing College."



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Best ask forum BS'er BoyFriday about the millionare status of Nick Griffin


The way he was going as a EuroMP, it would only have taken him 5 years to earn a million, despite denouncing politicians who had their 'snouts in the trough'


"The costs, which come on top of his £82,000 MEP salary, include some £18,000 in “consultancy fees” and £10,000 in “agent fees”....


...Mr Griffin claimed £175,000 in “staff costs” for eight employees with titles ranging from “European researcher” to “campaigns co-ordinator”. A further £31,000 was for “office management costs”, including an office in his home. His “office costs” included £2,800 on “furnishings” and over £4,000 on “repair, maintenance and security”. Mr Griffin made a pre-election pledge to be transparent about his expenses. But he is yet to reveal how much he has claimed of his £270-a-day MEP's subsistence allowance, worth £40,000 tax-free every year, or how much he has claimed for travel."


Nice work if you can get it eh Streamline ;)

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