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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Are you saying that you wouldn't have gloated just a little bit if Mark Collet had carried out his dirty deed on fat Nick, I know many who would!:hihi:

I dont see any good in gloating over somebody taking a beating and especially gloating over someone who has literally been hacked to bits..I must be a bit strange eh I can understand some people who I see gloating and getting excited over violence ,mind you they are usually people who know how to run very fast and hide behind women.

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Always good to see the British Nazi Party getting a hammering at the polls. Decent people in the UK will keep those lowlifes down, even if they get the odd, fluke result.


Are you saying that decent people voted in a person who whilst leader of Islington Council covered up child abuse and tried to smear one of the victims of the abuse?


I also note that UKIP faired no better and don't have to deal with a negative media so I guess something else is going on in the minds of the electorate and for her to double her vote is suspicious.


Anyway roll on PR and based on available data the BNP will have 22 MPs.

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Anyway roll on PR and based on available data the BNP will have 22 MPs.


What data is that? They got 1.9% of the vote - that would translate into 12 seats top.


Or does MPs mean Meat Pies for Fat Nick to eat :cool:

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What data is that? They got 1.9% of the vote - that would translate into 12 seats top.


Or does MPs mean Meat Pies for Fat Nick to eat :cool:


12 seats and it'll make them around the fourth largest party.



Lose the meat pies nonesense will you, for all we know you are a real fat bloater who whenever he thinks of the BNP starts salivating and thinking of eating pies.

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I also note that UKIP faired no better and don't have to deal with a negative media so I guess something else is going on in the minds of the electorate and for her to double her vote is suspicious.


Here we go the good old BNP conspirational theories have started.

Let me guess, muslims were allowed to vote 5 times by the LibLabCon old gang.:rolleyes:


Maybe the voter's were galvanised into action because they didn't want fat Nick to be their MP?

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Here we go the good old BNP conspirational theories have started.

Let me guess, muslims were allowed to vote 5 times by the LibLabCon old gang.:rolleyes:


Maybe the voter's were galvanised into action because they didn't want fat Nick to be their MP?


Nothing conspiracy about it at all, it justs looks supicious given this woman's track record.

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12 seats and it'll make them around the fourth largest party.




The 12 assumes we'd have a system where the total votes directly equalled seats. None of the systems proposed would work like that as at least half the seats would be for constituency representatives - the BNP doesn't get anything like enough votes in one locality.


So which data did you use for your claim of 22?

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Are you saying that decent people voted in a person who whilst leader of Islington Council covered up child abuse and tried to smear one of the victims of the abuse?


I also note that UKIP faired no better and don't have to deal with a negative media so I guess something else is going on in the minds of the electorate and for her to double her vote is suspicious.


Anyway roll on PR and based on available data the BNP will have 22 MPs.


I'm confident that the bnp and ukip will never wield any power or influence in the UK (and even less, if that is possible, if we get PR). There is too much "middle of the road" consensus in the main parties to allow the extremists to get anything other than just a minor foothold. They will not grow onto positions of power.


I'm happy that parties such as the bnp and ukip exist, where they can be seen for what they are. If they didn't exist as separate parties, their members would be in the mainstream parties where they could cause more problems and actually influence policies - still not very likely, but still a very slight possibility which just doesn't occur with the status quo.

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Nothing conspiracy about it at all, it justs looks supicious given this woman's track record.


Turnout was up 17,000 - Labour vote up 11,000. Bigger constituency this time, boundaries re-drawn.

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The 12 assumes we'd have a system where the total votes directly equalled seats. None of the systems proposed would work like that as at least half the seats would be for constituency representatives - the BNP doesn't get anything like enough votes in one locality.


So which data did you use for your claim of 22?


So now we know that PR isn't actually PR how many seats would the BNP then get?


You get the figure by adding in the fact that the BNP did not have a candidate in every constituency. Around 350 compared to 650 seats available.


You haven't even attempted to do that and your 12 MPs is based on the amount of votes they got on Thursday.

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