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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Here are some of the most recent cases where BNP members have been convicted. To learn about BNP members' more serious crimes, visit the terrorist links.


Ian Hindle Andrew Wells November 2008 Ian Hindle (left) | details |

Jailed for three years for having sex with a child


November 2008 Andrew Wells (right)

Jailed for two years and three months after admitting engaging in sexual activity with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.


October 2008 Lockart Kneen | details |

Fined £150 and £115 after being found guilty of two counts of racially and religiously aggravated harrassment for affixing anti-Islamic stickers to packages he sent out in the mail. He ran an operation selling BNP magazines on the Internet and sent out packages with stickers that read "no more mosques."


October 2008 Martin Glasgow | details |

Chesterfield BNP fundholder Martin Glasgow is jailed for 12 months for a racist assault against an Asian man in June 2006.


October 2008 Anthony Weeks | details |

Darlington BNP member Anthony Weeks is given a ten month jail sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £600 in compensation to his victim and order to do 80 hours community service after admitting racially aggravated assault against an Egyptian customer at his place of work, a local cash and carry. After telling his victim that he was a member of the BNP Weeks then shouted "All you foreigners should not be in my country" before punching him. He was spared jail after his victim spoke up for him. The judge stated that "but for Mr Noaman's intervention, you would have gone immediately to prison."


November 2007 Andrew Kendall | details |

BNP supporter Andrew Kendall was given an 18 month conditional discharge and fined £200 for putting up a racially-offensive and threatening poster which showed three black men, the words read "Illegal immigrant murder scum" and contact details for the British National Party.


October 2007 Shaun Jones | details |

Welsh BNP supporter Shaun Jones is given a six month community order for threatening polling booth staff on 4 May 2007 with a stick after being told he was not registered to vote. He ignored advice from staff who gave him a phone number to call to register and instead continued shouting and swearing at them until he was arrested. He was also made to pay £150 costs.


August 2007 Dominic Bugler | details |

Bugler, the BNP candidate for Pelsall ward, Walsall, in the May 2007 elections is arrested and remanded in custody for the possession of an imitation firearm. He is later handed a two-year ASBO earned because he 'caused misery for residents through his violent and drunken behaviour' and which bans him from parts of Pelsall. The Aldridge and Brownhills Housing Trust won an eviction order against him too but he avoided this by moving of his own accord to a new address. Bugler also appeared in court charge with threatening behaviour towards his wife in late August and agreed to be bound over to keep the peace for 12 months for a sum of £200.


Robert BennettJune 2007 Robert Bennett

Robert Bennett, the convicted gang rapist who oversaw the BNP leafletting campaign in Oldham in 2002, is arrested for his part in a assault on his next door neighbour which began when they ask his son David to leave a BBQ after he began using racist language. David attacked his neighbour after refusing to leave . He returned with his father and the pair subsequently attacked both the male and female neighbour. Robert Bennett who admitted affray was sentenced to 150 hours community service and £250 compensation whilst his son, who also pleaded guilty, was sentenced to 250 hours community service and ordered to pay £500 compensation.


May 2007 Jamie Sedgewick | details |

Jamie Sedgewick, a BNP member from Morden is found guilty of screaming racist abuse at an Asian police officer as he was arrested whilst breaking up a fight at the Hideaway Bar, Kingston Road, in March 2006.


March 2007 David Copeland | details |

The Appeal Court increases David Copeland's sentence to a minimum of 50 years. The London nail bomber, who had been an active member of the BNP, had originally been sentenced to a minimum term of 30 years for the three bombs he set off in 1999 which killed three people and injured 139 others.


John LaidlawFebruary 2007 John Laidlaw | details |

John Laidlaw is sentenced to life after going on a shooting spree in north London in May 2006. He shot Abu Kamara in Upper Street before accidentally shooting Emma Sheridan at Finsbury Park Tube station, as he aimed at a second man. Laidlaw had a string of previous convictions starting at the age of 14. They included property damage, public order offences and 16 counts of theft and possession of knives. He also carried out seven armed street muggings and had been in and out of jail several times. In October 2004 he attacked a black motorist, hurling racist abuse at him. A police report written after Laidlaw was arrested for the attack said he behaved violently in front of officers and was "foaming at the mouth". "In the presence and hearing of the black female gaoler the defendant made racist comments and remarks, stating he was a member of the BNP and that he hated all black people," the document says. He also said he was going to "kill all black people". He was convicted of racially aggravated actual bodily harm and using racist language.


Robert CottageFebruary 2007 Robert Cottage | details |

Robert Cottage, a BNP member and former council election candidate, pleads guilty to possessing explosives. He denies, however, as does his co-defendant David Jackson, conspiracy to cause an explosion. The jury are unable to agree a verdict. A retrial will take place in July.


David EnderbyJanuary 2007 David Enderby | details |

David Enderby, a BNP councillor in Redditch, is found guilty of assault on three members of his estranged wife's family. He is fined £100 for each assault and ordered to pay £100 costs. His wife later told the local newspaper that he had a history of domestic violence.


Mark BulmanJanuary 2007 Mark Bulman | details |

Mark Bulman was jailed for five years for setting fire to Swindon's Broad Street mosque. He used a BNP leaflet as a fuse for his petrol bomb.


Richard MulhallDecember 2006 Richard Mulhall | details |

Richard Mulhall, the BNP's council group leader in Calderdale, was sentenced to do 200 hours of unpaid work on four counts of benefit fraud. Branding him "thoroughly dishonest", Recorder Felicity Davies said he only escaped jail because relevant legislation was not yet in force when he committed the offences. He was also ordered to pay £2,000 costs and to repay £603.18 in jobseekers' allowance. He had already repaid the housing benefit and council tax benefit. A jury had found him guilty in October of falsely claiming a total of £3,002.95 in benefits by concealing the fact that his partner was working.


November 2006 Darren Francis

BNP member Darren Francis is given a five-year restraining order after being found guilty of harassing Sally Keeble, the MP for Northampton North.


Robert McGlynnSeptember 2006 Robert McGlynn | details |

Robert McGlynn, a Swansea BNP activist, is fined £200 plus £200 costs for shouting racist abuse at an Asian woman. He was convicted on evidence from a passer-by. He later loses his appeal against conviction and is ordered to pay a further £140 in costs.


Allen BoyceJuly 2006 Allen Boyce

The former National Front Remembrance Day parade bugler Allen Boyce, 73, now a BNP supporter, receives a two-year suspended sentence for giving bomb-making instructions to Terry Collins, a BNP member, who was sentenced to five years in 2005 for conducting a racist hate campaign against the Asian community in Eastbourne.


May 2006 Angela Clarke

A former BNP councillor Angela Clarke is fined £200 for resisting arrest during a fracas.


Kevin HughesMay 2006 Kevin Hughes

Kevin Hughes, who acted as election agent for the BNP Redditch councillor David Enderby in May 2006, is sentenced to 30 months in prison for assaulting an Iraqi asylum seeker. The sentence is later reduced to two years on appeal.


March 2006 Luke Smith

A former BNP Burnley councillor Luke Smith is imprisoned for 11 months for violent disorder, and a further six months for other violent offences. He is also banned from football matches for six years. Smith was expelled from the BNP in 2003 following an assault on a BNP organiser.


February 2006 Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey, a Lincoln BNP activist, is convicted of 35 charges of criminal damage and 19 of arson. He set fire to sheds, litter bins and a car and is believed to have vandalised more than 80 cars by slashing tyres and damaging bodywork. Bailey was arrested after police seized computer equipment and documents from his home.


November 2005 Roderick Rowley

Roderick Rowley, a former BNP candidate in Coventry, is imprisoned for 15 months after admitting 14 charges of making, distributing or possessing obscene images of children. He is also ordered to register as a sex offender for ten years.


Karl HansonMay 2005 Karl Hanson

Karl Hanson is fined £400 for possessing heroin and crack cocaine. News of his arrest broke a few days before the May 2005 local elections in which he was a BNP candidate in Huddersfield.


April 2005 John Cope

John Cope, a Cheshunt BNP member and election candidate, is fined £750 and ordered to pay £104 costs for harassing an anti-racist campaigner.


March 2005 Terry Collins

Terry Collins, a BNP member, is sentenced to five years in prison for a year-long campaign of terror against Asian families in Eastbourne. He claims the BNP "brainwashed" him. Collins, a former Territorial Army soldier, admitted charges of arson, racially aggravated harassment and criminal damage. He also admitted the possession of bullets found in his home and asked for 11 further offences of racially aggravated criminal damage to be taken into account.


You're still not convincing me........shall I get a list of people from a certain religion who have been convicted for crimes in it's name to try to smear the religion?


I am not going to because that would be "generalising" wouldn't it?

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Here are some of the most recent cases where BNP members have been convicted. To learn about BNP members' more serious crimes, visit the terrorist links.


Ian Hindle Andrew Wells November 2008 Ian Hindle (left) | details |

Jailed for three years for having sex with a child


November 2008 Andrew Wells (right)

Jailed for two years and three months after admitting engaging in sexual activity with a child and engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.


October 2008 Lockart Kneen | details |

Fined £150 and £115 after being found guilty of two counts of racially and religiously aggravated harrassment for affixing anti-Islamic stickers to packages he sent out in the mail. He ran an operation selling BNP magazines on the Internet and sent out packages with stickers that read "no more mosques."


October 2008 Martin Glasgow | details |

Chesterfield BNP fundholder Martin Glasgow is jailed for 12 months for a racist assault against an Asian man in June 2006.


October 2008 Anthony Weeks | details |

Darlington BNP member Anthony Weeks is given a ten month jail sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £600 in compensation to his victim and order to do 80 hours community service after admitting racially aggravated assault against an Egyptian customer at his place of work, a local cash and carry. After telling his victim that he was a member of the BNP Weeks then shouted "All you foreigners should not be in my country" before punching him. He was spared jail after his victim spoke up for him. The judge stated that "but for Mr Noaman's intervention, you would have gone immediately to prison."


November 2007 Andrew Kendall | details |

BNP supporter Andrew Kendall was given an 18 month conditional discharge and fined £200 for putting up a racially-offensive and threatening poster which showed three black men, the words read "Illegal immigrant murder scum" and contact details for the British National Party.


October 2007 Shaun Jones | details |

Welsh BNP supporter Shaun Jones is given a six month community order for threatening polling booth staff on 4 May 2007 with a stick after being told he was not registered to vote. He ignored advice from staff who gave him a phone number to call to register and instead continued shouting and swearing at them until he was arrested. He was also made to pay £150 costs.


August 2007 Dominic Bugler | details |

Bugler, the BNP candidate for Pelsall ward, Walsall, in the May 2007 elections is arrested and remanded in custody for the possession of an imitation firearm. He is later handed a two-year ASBO earned because he 'caused misery for residents through his violent and drunken behaviour' and which bans him from parts of Pelsall. The Aldridge and Brownhills Housing Trust won an eviction order against him too but he avoided this by moving of his own accord to a new address. Bugler also appeared in court charge with threatening behaviour towards his wife in late August and agreed to be bound over to keep the peace for 12 months for a sum of £200.


Robert BennettJune 2007 Robert Bennett

Robert Bennett, the convicted gang rapist who oversaw the BNP leafletting campaign in Oldham in 2002, is arrested for his part in a assault on his next door neighbour which began when they ask his son David to leave a BBQ after he began using racist language. David attacked his neighbour after refusing to leave . He returned with his father and the pair subsequently attacked both the male and female neighbour. Robert Bennett who admitted affray was sentenced to 150 hours community service and £250 compensation whilst his son, who also pleaded guilty, was sentenced to 250 hours community service and ordered to pay £500 compensation.


May 2007 Jamie Sedgewick | details |

Jamie Sedgewick, a BNP member from Morden is found guilty of screaming racist abuse at an Asian police officer as he was arrested whilst breaking up a fight at the Hideaway Bar, Kingston Road, in March 2006.


March 2007 David Copeland | details |

The Appeal Court increases David Copeland's sentence to a minimum of 50 years. The London nail bomber, who had been an active member of the BNP, had originally been sentenced to a minimum term of 30 years for the three bombs he set off in 1999 which killed three people and injured 139 others.


John LaidlawFebruary 2007 John Laidlaw | details |

John Laidlaw is sentenced to life after going on a shooting spree in north London in May 2006. He shot Abu Kamara in Upper Street before accidentally shooting Emma Sheridan at Finsbury Park Tube station, as he aimed at a second man. Laidlaw had a string of previous convictions starting at the age of 14. They included property damage, public order offences and 16 counts of theft and possession of knives. He also carried out seven armed street muggings and had been in and out of jail several times. In October 2004 he attacked a black motorist, hurling racist abuse at him. A police report written after Laidlaw was arrested for the attack said he behaved violently in front of officers and was "foaming at the mouth". "In the presence and hearing of the black female gaoler the defendant made racist comments and remarks, stating he was a member of the BNP and that he hated all black people," the document says. He also said he was going to "kill all black people". He was convicted of racially aggravated actual bodily harm and using racist language.


Robert CottageFebruary 2007 Robert Cottage | details |

Robert Cottage, a BNP member and former council election candidate, pleads guilty to possessing explosives. He denies, however, as does his co-defendant David Jackson, conspiracy to cause an explosion. The jury are unable to agree a verdict. A retrial will take place in July.


David EnderbyJanuary 2007 David Enderby | details |

David Enderby, a BNP councillor in Redditch, is found guilty of assault on three members of his estranged wife's family. He is fined £100 for each assault and ordered to pay £100 costs. His wife later told the local newspaper that he had a history of domestic violence.


Mark BulmanJanuary 2007 Mark Bulman | details |

Mark Bulman was jailed for five years for setting fire to Swindon's Broad Street mosque. He used a BNP leaflet as a fuse for his petrol bomb.


Richard MulhallDecember 2006 Richard Mulhall | details |

Richard Mulhall, the BNP's council group leader in Calderdale, was sentenced to do 200 hours of unpaid work on four counts of benefit fraud. Branding him "thoroughly dishonest", Recorder Felicity Davies said he only escaped jail because relevant legislation was not yet in force when he committed the offences. He was also ordered to pay £2,000 costs and to repay £603.18 in jobseekers' allowance. He had already repaid the housing benefit and council tax benefit. A jury had found him guilty in October of falsely claiming a total of £3,002.95 in benefits by concealing the fact that his partner was working.


November 2006 Darren Francis

BNP member Darren Francis is given a five-year restraining order after being found guilty of harassing Sally Keeble, the MP for Northampton North.


Robert McGlynnSeptember 2006 Robert McGlynn | details |

Robert McGlynn, a Swansea BNP activist, is fined £200 plus £200 costs for shouting racist abuse at an Asian woman. He was convicted on evidence from a passer-by. He later loses his appeal against conviction and is ordered to pay a further £140 in costs.


Allen BoyceJuly 2006 Allen Boyce

The former National Front Remembrance Day parade bugler Allen Boyce, 73, now a BNP supporter, receives a two-year suspended sentence for giving bomb-making instructions to Terry Collins, a BNP member, who was sentenced to five years in 2005 for conducting a racist hate campaign against the Asian community in Eastbourne.


May 2006 Angela Clarke

A former BNP councillor Angela Clarke is fined £200 for resisting arrest during a fracas.


Kevin HughesMay 2006 Kevin Hughes

Kevin Hughes, who acted as election agent for the BNP Redditch councillor David Enderby in May 2006, is sentenced to 30 months in prison for assaulting an Iraqi asylum seeker. The sentence is later reduced to two years on appeal.


March 2006 Luke Smith

A former BNP Burnley councillor Luke Smith is imprisoned for 11 months for violent disorder, and a further six months for other violent offences. He is also banned from football matches for six years. Smith was expelled from the BNP in 2003 following an assault on a BNP organiser.


February 2006 Stephen Bailey

Stephen Bailey, a Lincoln BNP activist, is convicted of 35 charges of criminal damage and 19 of arson. He set fire to sheds, litter bins and a car and is believed to have vandalised more than 80 cars by slashing tyres and damaging bodywork. Bailey was arrested after police seized computer equipment and documents from his home.


November 2005 Roderick Rowley

Roderick Rowley, a former BNP candidate in Coventry, is imprisoned for 15 months after admitting 14 charges of making, distributing or possessing obscene images of children. He is also ordered to register as a sex offender for ten years.


Karl HansonMay 2005 Karl Hanson

Karl Hanson is fined £400 for possessing heroin and crack cocaine. News of his arrest broke a few days before the May 2005 local elections in which he was a BNP candidate in Huddersfield.


April 2005 John Cope

John Cope, a Cheshunt BNP member and election candidate, is fined £750 and ordered to pay £104 costs for harassing an anti-racist campaigner.


March 2005 Terry Collins

Terry Collins, a BNP member, is sentenced to five years in prison for a year-long campaign of terror against Asian families in Eastbourne. He claims the BNP "brainwashed" him. Collins, a former Territorial Army soldier, admitted charges of arson, racially aggravated harassment and criminal damage. He also admitted the possession of bullets found in his home and asked for 11 further offences of racially aggravated criminal damage to be taken into account.


You're a joke ..take a closer look at the few cases you have quoted..public disorder ,breach of the peace common assault ...go in any magistrate court on any given day and there will be at least 20 or 30 of these cases tried every day you ignorant fool how many will be Labour or Tories or lib/dem voters ...grow up ....what is the prison population?.... all Bnp ?

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You're still not convincing me........shall I get a list of people from a certain religion who have been convicted for crimes in it's name to try to smear the religion?


I am not going to because that would be "generalising" wouldn't it?






What we need is the proportion of bnp scum convicted of raping children versus the proportion of worldwide muslims convicted of terrorism!



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What we need is the proportion of bnp scum convicted of raping children versus the proportion of worldwide muslims convicted of terrorism!




I don't think you got my point.......so I will spell it out in more detail.




So no, I won't be doing that. No deal.

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List of crap BNP councillors (and other idiots)


(most recent additions at the top of the list)


Click on the links in the snippets to take you to the complete articles on the Lancaster Unity page.


A prominent BNP councillor has escaped suspension after a disciplinary hearing was postponed at the 11th hour. The hearing had been set up by City Hall and Barking and Dagenham council after Richard Barnbrook falsely claimed on YouTube that three people were murdered in three weeks in the borough. But last night officials were forced to delay the hearing after the BNP member of the London Assembly presented a dossier of new evidence denying that he had brought the Greater London Authority and council into disrepute.


A Preston man has been charged with distributing leaflets in Lancashire which claim Muslims are responsible for the heroin trade. Anthony Bamber, 53, of Greenbank Street, Preston, will appear at Preston Magistrates Court charged with incitement to commit religious hatred. Three other people arrested last year in connection with the investigation have been released from their police bail.


A senior BNP member has caused outrage - by driving a car with a number plate that looks like "Nazi". British National Party councillor Julian Leppert has angered political rivals by turning up for meetings in his black Ford Focus, registration NA51 ZCY. And they are now demanding that Leppert, 41, a councillor in Hainault, East London, removes it at once.


BNP "super-activist" Peter Tierney was arraigned at the Liverpool Magistrates Court on assault charges. On St George's Day, he split open a man's head with a camera tripod during an attack perpetrated by him and Steve Greenhalgh on anti-fascists who had managed to organise opposition to the party's city-centre leafleting on a moment's notice. Despite accusing another anti-fascist of attacking him, Tierney was eventually arrested and charged by Merseyside police. In response, the BNP claimed that it was in fact they, "including women and elderly folk," who were "suddenly physically attacked" by "a mob of violent Tory and Labour-supported UAF thugs." These "thugs," of course, being local anti-fascists who were not "harassing" Tierney and his fellow fascists but leafleting against them and their lies.


August brings autumn with it and the return of another BNP liar. When a woman convicted of intimidating an Asian mother was branded a ‘BNP mum’ by the media, Councillor Paul Golding made a video vigorously claiming she had never been a member of his party. However, News Shopper has discovered she was registered as a member of the British National Party - under a different name. The Daily Mirror said Gravesend resident Helen Forster was a member of the BNP after she was found guilty of intimidating her Asian neighbour in May. In response, Paul Golding, councillor for the St Mary’s ward of Swanley, made a video in which he claimed the reports were “outrageous lies”.


A serving Burnley councillor could face criminal charges after a civil court judge ruled he tried to defraud an insurance company. Coun. Derek Dawson, the British National Party councillor for Gannow, made a claim against Zurich Insurance which would have initially been worth up to £30,000. The claim related to an accident in 2003 at Zurich customer Mr Stephen Hargreaves' house in Whalley, where it was alleged Coun. Dawson's severely fractured ankle was caused by a ladder being knocked onto his leg by a car driven by Mr Hargreaves. As it was a civil trial no punishment was handed down by the court, but Zurich was granted permission to pursue Dawson and Hargreaves for Contempt of Court proceedings through the Attorney General. If successful, this will attract a criminal penalty.


A mother-of-three who has previously claimed to be a member of the British National Party (BNP) has pleaded guilty to common assault and perverting the course of justice. Helen Forster, of Park Place, Gravesend, admitted the charges at Maidstone Crown Court on July 27.


Norwich North voters gave a two fingered salute to the BNP and its bogus vicar in yesterday's hard fought by-election, rewarding the racist party with a deposit-losing 2.7% of the vote - putting the "reverend" Robert West in seventh place, behind Craig Murray, the "Honest Man" candidate.


A West Yorkshire Police employee has been arrested and sacked over his alleged association with the British National Party and for using work time to compile right-wing CDs and DVDs. Gary Marsden I'Anson, a controversial right wing singer-songwriter who has worked for the police for 23 years, is claiming unfair dismissal and racial discrimination against West Yorkshire Police. He was arrested at his Morley home on suspicion of possession of written material with intent to incite racial hatred – which he vigorously denied. No charges were brought. After being suspended on full pay he was eventually sacked in February, after a two-year investigation.


A teenage BNP supporter who drove a classmate to the brink of suicide has been convicted of racial harassment in a landmark legal case. The youth, 15, subjected his female victim to months of racist abuse, on one occasion telling her: 'Go back to your own country, you don't belong here.' A court heard the 14-year-old girl - who had already moved schools once to avoid racist abuse - was also called 'wog, coon, ******, gorilla and golliwog' by her tormentor. He taunted her with chants of 'white, white, white is right, kick them out, fight, fight, fight' - taken from a film about football hooliganism. But the girl feared reporting the abuse would make him become violent and instead suffered in silence, the court was told. The victim, who has mixed white English and black African heritage, endured the abuse for four months before she attempted suicide in January this year. No names for legal reasons.


In April, we reported on an attack perpetrated by Merseyside BNP activists Steve Greenhalgh and Peter Tierney, which took place in Liverpool City Centre on St George's Day. Greenhalgh and Tierney used an upended table and a folded camera tripod respectively as weapons against anti-fascists who had routed their leafleting with counter-leafleting in and around their location. Despite Tierney's lies, which got one anti-fascist arrested for "assaulting" him, he was ultimately taken into custody and released on bail. The arrested anti-fascist was also bailed, but only after being held in the same station as Tierney and subsequently followed home by a car full of BNP activists threatening "we know where you live, we’re going to ****ing kill you." Court for assault beckons.


A meeting to consider whether Richard Barnbrook, one of the most senior elected members of the British National Party, had brought his office into disrepute was cut short after he failed to turn up, claiming to be sick with 'stress'.


Leading Norfolk clergymen are calling on voters in Norwich North to shun the British National Party at Thursday's by-election. In a statement, the six top churchmen repeated concerns they expressed before last month's European and county council elections - and distanced themselves from BNP candidate Robert West. “It is important for us to do so since the British National Party candidate styles himself as 'Revd' and is often to be seen dressed as a clergyman,” they said. “He belongs to no known denomination and voters should not be misled by his adoption of clerical dress. The policies he promotes are not shared by any of the Churches we serve and are contrary to the teaching of the New Testament. There we read that in Christ 'there is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female' (Galatians 3.28). Christians in Norfolk and Norwich have had a long tradition of welcoming the stranger. We pray that this generous instinct may continue to be celebrated here.”


The political career of Croydon Central's BNP candidate is in jeopardy as he is being investigated by his own party after ranting about "violent immigrants" in New Addington. Clifford Le May is in trouble for his response to a Tory questionnaire encouraging residents to raise any concerns with London mayor Boris Johnson. His reply was to write: "Stop ruining our community by stuffing New Addington with violent immigrants who have no right to live among decent civilised white people." In the questionnaire he also refers to his Tory rival for the Croydon Central seat, Gavin Barwell, as a "traitor to his race and nation". Despite admitting the words were written in "anger", Mr Le May has refused to retract anything and is now hoping he will not be deselected as a result.


The British National party leader, Nick Griffin, delivered his first European parliamentary speech, using a debate on the crisis in Iran to denounce alleged human rights violations against "nationalist dissidents" in Britain. As the UK government declared it would have no truck with those "who are clearly racist and extremist individuals" and barred Griffin and his fellow BNP MEP, Andrew Brons, from a Strasbourg reception tonight, he accused Labour, the Tories and the Lib Dems of routinely deploying "intimidation and violence against nationalist dissidents in Britain". He claimed they were using taxpayers' money "to fund their own militia, which breaks up opposition meetings and attacks their opponents with bricks, darts and claw-hammers" and described the Unite Against Fascism movement as an "organisation of far-left criminals". ****.

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I don't think you got my point.......so I will spell it out in more detail.




So no, I won't be doing that. No deal.


It's not a minority! :hihi::hihi:

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A man who made his Asian next door neighbours’ lives a misery with his anti-social and racist conduct was spared immediate jail. Burnley Crown Court heard how Nigel Hesmondhalgh, 36, who had a British National Party sticker in the window of his Accrington home, was abusive and insulting to the couple, repeatedly picking on the wife. He piled dog dirt up in the alley outside their home and told them: “It’s a white country, not a Muslim state.” Hesmondhalgh, said to be the carer for his brother, who has learning difficulties, told the husband of the couple he should be scared and shouted support for the BNP.


As the BNP struggles for right-wing support in the European Parliament, leader Nick Griffin tells Cathy Newman he believes there is "no place in Europe for Islam". The BNP leader Nick Griffin has described Islam as a “cancer” that should be removed from Europe by "chemotherapy". In an interview with Channel 4 News, Mr Griffin, who has just been elected to the European Parliament, said there was "no place in Europe for Islam". He added: "Western values, freedom of speech, democracy and rights for women are incompatible with Islam, which is a cancer eating away at our freedoms and our democracy and rights for our women and something needs to be done about it".


An engineer threatened to knock out a doorman and shouted at him: "I'm part of the BNP". The fracas took place during the weekend the BNP was holding its conference in Blackpool. Lee Kelly, 33, pleaded guilty to threatening behaviour. He was fined £300 with £60 costs and ordered to pay the £15 victims' surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.


The EU should sink boats carrying illegal immigrants to prevent them entering Europe, British National Party leader Nick Griffin has told the BBC. The MEP for the North-West of England said the EU had to get "very tough" with migrants from sub-Saharan Africa. Pressed on what should happen to those on board, he said: "Throw them a life raft and they can go back to Libya".


Charlotte Lewis (her again), who stood as a BNP candidate in the recent Waddon by-election, left distasteful comments on stories relating to ethnic minorities. On the website Digg.com Miss Lewis wrote “Bloody Pakis” beneath a story entitled 'New shock figures reveal how UK student visa scheme is abused'. On another story headlined 'Schoolboy’s killers facing life' she wrote, “No surprise that they’re black........”


A BNP activist whose name was put to alleged racist leaflets distributed in Lancashire has been rebailed by police probing the incident. Tony Bamber, aged 53, of Greenbank Street in Plungington, Preston, was arrested late last year on suspicion of the publication and distribution of written material intended to stir up racial hatred, and the possession of racially inflammatory material. It has now emerged three other men arrested over the distribution of leaflets in Lancashire which alleged Muslims were responsible for the heroin trade, will not be prosecuted. However, Bamber must answer bail again later this month.


A family told of their shock and fear after a neighbour racially abused them before pointing a gun at their father. The Adedoyin family watched in horror as Ian Maitland, 44, “erupted like a raging bull” before waving the gun and unleashing a torrent of racist abuse. They had never spoken to the cabbie across the street before he screamed at the children aged five, 10 and 15-year-old twins and told Jeff Adedoyin to “get home to Africa”. He boasted about being a BNP member before declaring he “would kill them all”. Maitland was jailed for nine months yesterday after telling Liverpool crown court the children awoke him by playing outside around 9pm.


July is here and a BNP sympathiser has admitted threatening staff at a bookshop during a far-right march. Liam Pinkham, 21, was taking part in a BNP march through Liverpool city centre when he burst into the News from Nowhere community bookshop on Bold Street. Liverpool crown court was told the skinhead was dressed in stereotypical far-right clothing, including a bomber jacket and jack boots and was abusive to the two women workers inside. They claimed he threatened to “burn down the shop”. Pinkham admitted intentionally causing harassment, although his barrister Philip Astbury insisted he had only threatened to “shut down the shop”.


There was confusion last night over whether Norwich North's British National Party (BNP) candidate has the credentials to call himself “reverend”. The Rev Robert West is at the centre of a row over his ministerial moniker, which he claimed was genuine - even though he admitted he had no current connection to any Christian denomination. When questioned, Mr West, who lives in Holbeach in Lincolnshire, said: “It's been dealt with once and I don't have to justify myself.”


A Rotheram councillor has parted company with the BNP and joined another far-right organisation, the England First Party. Coun John Gamble, who has represented Catcliffe and Brinsworth since last May when he defeated the then Mayor, Labour Coun Allan Jackson, had been a member of the BNP for about 10 years. His move has halved the party's representation on Rotherham Council to one seat. Coun Gamble was unavailable for comment but, in a statement, the England First Party said: "In recent months he had become increasingly disillusioned with the BNP's national and local leadership, and has now decided to join a party that offers a serious, radical challenge to the corrupt political establishment."

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Croydon Council is looking to see whether it can take a BNP member to court after she boasted about mounting a hate campaign against a family of immigrants living in the flat above her. Charlotte Lewis, who earlier this year stood as a candidate in the Waddon by-election, told a meeting of British National Party members she played loud music late into the night - which may have contributed to the Afghan family moving out. The comments were made at a meeting in east London to celebrate the party's showing in the recent European elections. Addressing party members at a pub in Dagenham, she said: "I don't think they could take any more of my penchant for playing heavy metal at 1am."


Council chiefs have admitted that they would make the parents of a black or Asian child with special needs to travel to school in a taxi driven by a firm run by BNP supporters. In a move anti-fascist campaigners described as 'outrageous', council chiefs said they had awarded the family taxi firm run by Corsham town councillor Mick Simpkins a renewed school run contract, and said that they would not fund an alternative if a black or ethnic minority parent objected to their child being transported to school. Other white parents who have already objected to their children being transported to school by the firm were refused council funding for an alternative, and the council said it would be no different for an ethnic minority family.


British National Party supporters cheered for one of their candidates to be awarded a Nazi military medal at a Euro election after-party. A member of the crowd made the call after learning that braindead Charlotte Lewis had travelled to Calais to lead a protest against the refugee camp there, taking placards reading "Britain's full up" and "Asylum seekers don't unpack, you're going back". The ex-jailbird was telling the meeting about her exploits when a supporter shouted she should be given an Iron Cross - strongly associated with the Nazis and an emblem of the German army during World War Two.


BNP leader Nick Griffin, who last week branded gypsies “anti social and criminal”, can trace his roots to travellers hawking cheap goods from a horse and cart. The controversial MEP’s great-grandfather George Griffin roamed from town to town in a horse-drawn caravan with his wife Esther and their children, selling china and crockery. Census reports show he spent years living the gypsy life, never settling in one place because as an impoverished traveller he was on the margins of society and never fully accepted anywhere. A bit like Griffin himself, really.


A British National Party activist drives around with the word “Nazi” written on the back of his car, it has been revealed. Robin Evans, the BNP’s Blackburn organiser, said he had not tried to remove the word as he did not find it offensive. The former councillor for Mill Hill in Blackburn, who now lives in Darwen, said he did not know who had stuck the letters on his metallic green Volkswagen Golf, but thought it was “quite funny”, adding: “It doesn’t bother me” Blackburn MP Jack Straw said the sticker “exposed the true colours of the BNP”.


Andrew Brons, who became the first member of the British National Party to be elected to the European Parliament, has said that Kelly Holmes' mixed race heritage means she is "only partially from this country". The BNP – which bars blacks or Asians from joining – rejects the notion of a multicultural society and refuses to consider black and ethnic minorities to be British, even if they or their parents were born here. But until now it has been careful not to single out noted ethnic minority celebrities for fear of provoking a public backlash.


British National Party deputy leader Simon Darby has been suspended by City Hall for attacking the Archbishop of York as "anti-British". Mr Darby now faces a disciplinary hearing and could be issued with a warning or even be dismissed by the Greater London Authority for bringing it into disrepute.

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No name here - just an example of the BNP's dirty tricks. A man has been arrested on suspicion of impersonating a voter during elections in Cannock Chase. He allegedly cast a vote in another person’s name at the Staffordshire County Council and European Parliament elections last Thursday. Two hours later the real voter arrived at the polling station to cast his vote, which raised the alarm with election officials. On Thursday night as the votes were being counted at Cannock Chase Leisure Centre, the man was recognised wearing a BNP rosette. He was taken out of the count and arrested. He was then questioned by police and bailed.


The BNP's top fundraiser is today exposed as a militant anti-abortion campaigner with links to a Loyalist killer and a string of criminal convictions. Jim Dowson is a former Orangeman who featured on a tape of flute band music supporting murderer Michael Stone. He was also the face of a hardline pro-life organisation who posted names and addresses of pro-choice MSPs and a family planning group boss on the internet. Dowson, of Cumbernauld, near Glasgow, is now a key aide to BNP leader Nick Griffin. Griffin appointed Dowson as the party's money man and campaign organiser for their attempt to win seats in tomorrow's European Parliament election.


A leading candidate for the British National Party in the forthcoming European elections has been charged with failing to provide a specimen and using a vehicle with no insurance or MoT test certificate, Scotland Yard said. Robert Bailey, 43, of Romford, east London, has been bailed to appear before Havering magistrates after being charged with failing to provide a specimen and using a vehicle with no insurance and no test certificate, Scotland Yard said.


The British National Party's Richard Barnbrook faces a six month suspension after City Hall found he brought his office, the GLA and his council into disrepute. The Greater London Assembly member and councillor at Barking and Redbridge admitted knowing that murder claims he made on YouTube were false. He wrongly stated on a video that three murders had taken place in the East London borough when in fact the trio were on life-support.


A brave whistleblower warns today how race-hatred is still the lifeblood of the evil BNP - and begs People readers: "Vote for anybody but them this week." Former BNP candidate Christopher Brennan made his plea as the far-right party try to win support for Thursday's vital Euro and local elections. Leader Nick Griffin and his henchmen are selling themselves as mainstream moderates. But Chris, 21, declared: "Don't be fooled - they are racist to the core."


A British National Party activist who has run for council and to be an MP was arrested on suspicion of assaulting his deaf wife. Clive Courtney, 55, was yesterday being questioned by Avon and Somerset police for alleged violence against his spouse, Julie, at their home in Pensford. Mr Courtney has been a local organiser of the right-wing party for Bristol and has been active during the current local election campaigns.


A BNP candidate has tried to pull out of next week’s local elections because she “doesn’t want people thinking I’m racist” – and is now asking Worcester people NOT to vote for her. Corinne Tovey-Jones told your Worcester News she wants to withdraw her candidacy for the far-right British National Party in next Thursday’s Worcestershire County Council elections, but has discovered it is now too late to have her name taken off the ballot papers. Mrs Tovey-Jones, who is standing in Nunnery division in Worcester, said she had been convinced to stand for the BNP by a neighbour after her husband was made redundant. But she decided she wanted to pull out of the poll this week after comments from family and friends.


A British National Party Euro election candidate from South Yorkshire has been condemned by Jewish leaders for remarks made about the Holocaust in a television documentary. Marlene Guest, of Kimberworth Park, Rotherham, claimed 'dentistry and plastic surgery' were positives to come out of the genocide, while being filmed for Sky One documentary 'BNP Wives'. Mrs Guest, standing for the far-right party as a candidate in next week's European Parliament elections, also questioned the scale of the atrocity, saying: "I've read a thing called 'Did Six Million Jews Really Die?'. If they'd have kept the crematorium going 24/7 for 50 years, they still couldn't have burnt that amount of bodies."


A councillor arrested last year in connection with a leaked BNP membership list has lost her seat. Sadie Graham-Single is no longer councillor for Brinsley after Broxtowe Borough Council announced it is to hold a by-election for her seat. The council has called the election following Mrs Graham-Single's failure to attend the requisite number of meetings during a six-month period.


A BNP Euro election candidate is at the centre of a storm today after making obscene race-hate comments on his public Facebook page. Eddy O'Sullivan, who is standing in the Euro elections with party leader Nick Griffin, set his 'status' on the social networking website so that it said: '**** go home, Gurkhas very welcome'. He joined a group called **** Islam and wrote a string of offensive comments on his Facebook profile. His page was public even though he could have made it private so only friends could see it.


Two leading members of the far-right British National Party plan to attend the Queen's garden party at Buckingham Palace. Richard Barnbrook, a member of the London Assembly, received the invitation in his capacity at City Hall and has decided to take the chairman of the BNP, Nick Griffin, as his guest. The move will provoke anger at City Hall among those who believe the party should not be part of the democratic system.


BNP spokesman Lee Barnes rants: 'I hate anyone with a ****ing facebook account, who twitters, who has a myspace account, who spends time posting up pictures of their sad lives and their ugly mugs on the internet - if you have one of those techno ****e accounts then you are sad ****ing, no life, metrosexual ****.' Here’s a typical example of a 'sad ****ing, no life, metrosexual ****': Nick Griffin.


Meet the female face of the BNP - the sneering single mum who led a mob of kids to throw eggs and fire an airgun at an Asian neighbour. Graphic designer Helen Forster, a paid-up member who produces leaflets for the far right group, was yesterday spared jail after being convicted of intimidation. She was the lone adult urging the hate-filled kids - some only 10 - to shout abuse during the siege at the home of terrified Meherjan Miah, who had previously lodged a complaint to police about a racially-aggravated assault. But after getting off with a 10 months suspended sentence, mum-of-three Forster, 32 - who has previous convictions for dishonesty and drug possession - failed to apologise. She just defiantly called on the authorities to "move on" Mrs Miah to stop further incidents.

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Nothing to do with BNP councillors but this one made me so angry I had to include it. British National Party cowards have launched an outrageous attack on a decorated Iraq war hero - claiming he only got the Victoria Cross because he is BLACK. The vile BNP denounced brave Johnson Beharry for being "an immigrant" and tried to belittle his heroics - which saved the lives of 30 comrades - as no more than "routine". In a sick rant on its website the far-right BNP - headed by Nick Griffin - allege Lance Corporal Beharry only got Britain's top military honour because of "positive discrimination by the PC-mad government". They really are scum.


The most senior elected member of the British National Party could face suspension from the London assembly for up to six months after he admitted inventing three murders to highlight knife crime, it emerged today. A joint investigation by the Greater London authority and Barking and Dagenham council has concluded that Richard Barnbrook brought his office and the respective authorities into disrepute after falsely claiming in an interview that three murders had taken place over a three week period in the Barking and Dagenham area. The complaint is continuing, so we'll shut up.


Officials are investigating one candidate in the Darwen Town Council elections after the Lancashire Telegraph told them he was convicted for election fraud four years ago and believed to have been banned from standing in elections. BNP member Robin Evans pleaded guilty in December 2005 to two counts of forging signatures on a nomination paper for the 2004 Earcroft, Darwen, by-election and was prosecuted under the Representation of the People Act 1983. He completed 60 hours of community service and was reported at the time as being banned from standing in elections for five years.


Poulton Resident's Association invited BNP candidate Ms Vicky (Julie) Blain to a hustings for Poulton Ward Parish Council candidates at the Poulton Children's Centre, Clark Street, Morecambe. We asked Lancaster Unity readers to phone the centre and register a strong but polite protest at the fact that they are allowing the BNP on to the premises to spread its racist poison. The meeting was cancelled within a couple of hours, following dozens of phone calls.


His mindless "pranks" have ended in pain and tragedy. Now skip fire killer Kris Cherry has been exposed as a member of the BNP in court after he fired potshots from a pellet gun at members of Gateshead’s Jewish community. Just three weeks ago the 20-year-old was named for the first time as the youth who killed Michael Temperley by setting fire to the skip he was trapped in. Both boys were 15 when Cherry lit paper and pushed it through a gap between the skip’s door and its frame, on the Team Valley Retail Park, Gateshead, six years ago. There was nothing motorists and nearby shop staff could do to free Michael as debris inside caught fire. Cherry was locked away for four years’ detention after he was found guilty of manslaughter at Newcastle Crown Court in March. Today Cherry is at the start of a 12-month supervision order after being brought back before the courts to be sentenced for firing a toy pellet-gun at a Jewish man “for a laugh”. In court, prosecutor Jenny Hart referred to police records to inform magistrates that Cherry had been a known member of the British National Party, and he still bears a tattoo in loyalty to the party.


A political campaigner claims he set off a Burnley Town Hall fire alarm because he feared people were trapped behind a fire door. But town hall staff insist they had told British National Party supporter John Rowe that the venue’s public gallery had been closed for a full council meeting in February, 2008, Burnley Crown Court heard. Councillors and mayor Coun Ida Carmichael, along with staff and the public, were forced to evacuate the building just after 7pm. Police arrested Rowe, who was found inside the town hall complex and he was later convicted by Burnley magistrates of causing criminal damage. He later lodged an appeal against the ruling but has lost. Good job, too.


Doctor Dicky Barnbrook has made it his business to investigate the origins of the current swine flu pandemic - no doubt using the well-equipped laboratories and highly-qualified medical personnel at the BNP's disposal - and has come to the conclusion that the illness could well originate from 'the countries of Africa', not Mexico as all other medical experts around the world have stated after examining all the evidence. This is not the first time that Doctor Dicky has taken on the medical establishment. A couple of years ago, he claimed that his bout of tuberculosis, contracted on a visit to Turkey, was actually caused by immigrants, backing up this claim by stating that TB had been eradicated in the UK 'donkey's years ago'. Fact: Cases here have NEVER fallen below 5,000 a year. Half of all TB diagnosed is in British people that were born in the UK.


May is here and the deputy leader of the British National Party, Simon Darby, has made an astonishing attack on Dr John Sentamu, the former Bishop of Birmingham, describing his Ugandan countrymen as SPEAR-THROWERS. Darby blasted Dr Sentamu, now Archbishop of York, after the cleric criticised the BNP’s controversial call for black and Asian Britons to be described as “racial foreigners” in future. Darby, who is bidding to become a Midlands Euro MP, said: “Dr Sentamu should not interfere in the political process. He’s not in any position to tell me or anyone else who is, or isn’t, English. If I went to Uganda and told them that they were all genetic mongrels and that anyone could be Ugandan I’d still be picking spears out of myself now.”


The Suffolk farmer who built gallows for export was arrested just weeks after the British National Party chose him as a candidate for the European elections. The BNP confirmed that David Lucas, of Mildenhall, was arrested and questioned by Suffolk Police and that he had been released on bail. A spokesman for Suffolk police said: “A 48-year-old man from Lakenheath has been arrested on suspicion of handling stolen goods".


A BNP councillor was disowned by the party in an extraordinary move. Cllr John Gamble, who won a seat in the Brinsworth and Catcliffe ward last May, will no longer represent the BNP on Rotherham Borough Council. The shock move to strip Cllr Gamble of the party whip by regional officials reduces the number of BNP councillors on the council from two to one and appears to have been caused by 'serious differences'.


A row erupted after BNP members parked a campaign trailer outside a school. Representatives, including two councillors, were filmed arguing with a senior teacher from Pendle Vale College, in Oxford Road, after a large sign emblazoned with the party’s logo and a slogan was driven to the site. Coun Derek Dawson, who represents Gannow ward on Burnley Council, said he and Pendle borough councillor Brian Parker were in front of the school to do an interview for BNP TV about the Government’s £250million Building Schools for the Future programme.


A landlord has accused the council of ‘bullying’ him for standing as a BNP candidate by issuing his pub with a compulsory purchase order (CPO). Derek Adams, who came second in a recent Moston by-election, said that his premises - the Ace of Diamonds on Oldham Road - faces a CPO under the council’s Private Finance Initiative in Miles Platting. In a statement on its website, the BNP claims that the CPO was issued ‘for no apparent reason other than to persecute the owner’ and that the pub was not originally included in the area’s redevelopment plans. However, council officials have rubbished the claims, saying that the decision to issue the CPO in December 2007 followed widespread consultation and publicity about plans for the area dating back to 2001. The fact that the Ace of Diamonds is a dump anyway might have helped.


A row broke out between the church and the British National Party in Heanor after a councillor branded the teachings of the Bible "twisted and evil" in his internet blog. Lewis Allsebrook, BNP member for Heanor West on Amber Valley Borough Council, was responding in his 'Amber Valley Does Matter' blog to comments made by the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams, who said that the church must watch very carefully for any potential BNP gains during the financial crisis.


In a cruel and warped outburst against those who had expressed their condolences at the death of David Cameron's severely-disabled son Ivan, Jeff Marshall, the central London BNP organiser, who lives in Whitechapel, wrote: “We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it.” Not content with attacking those mourning the death of a severely disabled child who brought “joy and love to those around him”, Marshall continued in his sick tirade, stating that although it would be “a kindness” to kill children with disabilities, this was not the same as advocating such a measure as compulsory state policy. “But so what if it is,” he asked. “At least we would all know where we stand. There is actually not a great deal of point in keeping these sort of people alive, after all.”

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