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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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The Wakefield Express reported that a Mapplewell man has been sent to prison for attacking his ex-partner. What was not mentioned in both the newspaper and the courtroom was that the convicted man was none other than John Aveyard, former organiser of the BNP's Wakefield branch and serial candidate for Wakefield South. He was sent to prison for 22 weeks for assault and harassment. This is not the first time Aveyard has had a brush with the law. In 2005 he received a £100 fine with £75 costs for failing to maintain proper records at his Wakefield taxi firm, which is a condition of his private hire licence.


April Fool's Day arrives and who better to play the fool but Dicky Barnbrook, the BNP's idiot in chief, who has become a mobile kissogram (allegedly).


A man who regularly stands in elections for the British National Party has boasted about his disregard for “rules and regulations” controlling the use of firearms in the UK. Steve Fyfe, who has stood for North East Lincolnshire Council on four occasions, has numerous postings on internet forums which reveal an unhealthy obsession with guns and contain hints that not everything he owns is legal. Fyfe (known as 'sidneysausage' to the Guns 'n Ammo cognoscenti), the party's Grimsby organiser, managed to come a stunning fourth in the Yarborough Ward by-election.


Parents of children at Hereward Primary School have condemned the nomination of local BNP leader Pat Richardson as a school governor. Richardson, the BNP's token Jew, put herself forward for the role after no candidates came forward from the local community.


The British National Party’s regional organiser in the North-East was arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated harassment. Ken Booth, who lives in Fenham, Newcastle, was arrested by Northumbria Police and bailed pending further inquiries. Mr Booth’s arrest is understood to have followed a complaint made to police by a Muslim councillor in the city. Booth has previously stood for the BNP for a seat on Newcastle City Council.


March, and former Stoke BNP candidate Craig Pond decides he has had enough of being in the BNP and goes off and forms his own party, the Potteries Community Federation. Still, he took another two BNP members with him, so we have much to be grateful for.


Roy Kevin West, former BNP candidate at Dukinfield, who racially-abused his German-born neighbour, was fined £125 and ordered to pay £200 costs and a £15 victim's surcharge. He was also ordered to pay Mr Kugow, the neighbour, £50 compensation. West had claimed he was innocent of all charges but finally admitted his guilt at the last minute. So, a liar as well as a racist. West is now facing eviction from his home.


Patrick Sullivan, who stood for the BNP in local by-elections, put a 20ft flagpole draped with Union Jacks outside his bungalow in Highwoods Square, Colchester. Within days he was asked by Colchester Borough Homes, which owns the building, to take it down, following complaints from other residents. After much moaning and groaning he was forced to remove this blight.


February arrives with a blast of freezing wind in the form of Bob Bailey, the BNP's London organise, who tells us that the revelation of one of the party's candidate's criminal past and death threats will win votes. Charlotte Lewis (again) is a former animal rights activist who was sentenced to six months inside for writing threatening letters to employees of Huntingdon Life Sciences, a Cambridgeshire laboratory that carries out product testing on animals. Bailey claimed that 'It's extra publicity for us and it will increase our share of the vote'. We'll see.


BNP candidate for the Canvey East Town Council seat, John Morgan, faced the wrath of the local football team, the Gulls, when his election leaflet showed him standing by the St George’s flag, painted on the gates of the club’s Park Road ground. Gulls publicity officer Glenn Eckett said: “The leaflet makes it look like we support the BNP, which we certainly do not. It didn’t ask if it could take the photo. Had it asked permission we would have said no. The BNP has extreme views which we don’t support. We want to highlight the fact we welcome people of all races and religions at Park Lane.”


Charlotte Lewis, who is rapidly becoming a star in anti-fascist circles, BNP candidate for a ward in Sutton, conveniently forgets to inform the voters that she had attempted to defraud them in the past by standing in a ward under a false address. Sadly, she wasn't taken to court by the local authority though she was questioned extensively by the police about the matter.


January, and Jim Hamezeian, leader of the Peoples Party on Barrow Borough Council, was alleged to have breached the code of conduct at the election count last May. Complainant Mike Ashburner, a British National Party candidate who stood against Cllr Hamezeian for the Ormsgill ward, claimed he was verbally attacked by Cllr Hamezeian after the result of the ballot was read out. “He (Jim Hamezeian) held up to me a poster which read: ‘Down with the racist and fascist scumbags’ and then subjected me to a torrent of vile abuse,” Mr Ashburner told the Evening Mail. The council's Standards Committee found in Hamezeian's favour.


Borough council chiefs in Burnley have formally applied for a court order which would prevent idiotic British National Party member John Rowe from attending the local authority’s meetings in future. The announcement comes as Rowe, of Tennis Street, Burnley, was convicted of causing criminal damage to a fire alarm at the town hall in May.


One of Richard Barnbrook's fellow BNP councillors was thrown out of a Barking and Dagenham council meeting after refusing to apologise for comparing sex education to paedophilia. Lawrence Rustem was asked to say sorry for his remark but rather than withdraw his statement, Rustem instead launched into a long rant about the Labour government and immigration declaring that he would 'answer the question the way I want to answer it.' When even calls from his own party members to 'shut up' were ignored, Rustem was escorted from the chamber. Not willing to leave it there, he turned on a Labour councillor and offered him 'outside for a dance.' What a dick.


A South Normanton parish councillor claims there is a 'political vendetta' against him after a court ordered him to remove a high fence from his property. BNP member Brian Edwards, of Carr Lane, appeared before Derby Magistrates' Court after an enforcement order was issued by Bolsover District Council. Appearing in front of Judge Caroline Golbourn, Edwards admitted failing to remove a two-metre high steel palisade fence from his Market Street house in South Normanton.

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What we need is the proportion of bnp scum convicted of raping children versus the proportion of worldwide muslims convicted of terrorism!



Have you had a personal disastrous relationship with a BNP supporter at any time..do you think counselling would help you ? as for muslims convicted of terrorism ..does that count the vast number who are unable to be convicted simply because the idiots decide to blow themselves up along with their victims in the name of Allah..that bloody Nick Griffin i warned him about blowing the twin towers up..Tinsley's never been the same since.

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Later in the month it emerged that Matt Single, who has twice stood for Basildon Council on behalf of the British National Party, was one of two people arrested in connection with the release last month of a confidential list containing details of more than 10,000 party members. Single is Sadie Graham's partner.


December sees the arrest of dissident BNP councillor Sadie Graham in connection with the unauthorised release of the party's membership list. Booted out of the party a year ago, Graham and the rest of the rebels have become standard targets whenever anything goes wrong for the BNP. A BNP councillor dies - it must be Sadie Graham's fault, Nick Griffin trips over - definitely caused by Sadie Graham, milk's gone off - bloody Sadie Graham. I'm starting to feel quite sorry for her...


Richard Barnbrook, the BNP's only member in the London assembly, is under investigation by the Greater London authority after he was accused of wrongly alleging that three murders had taken place in his borough. The moronic Barnbrook's case is still continuing (Aug 2009).


Independent Barnsley councillor Donna Hollins is in trouble after her name appeared on the leaked BNP membership list. Opposed to supporting asylum-seekers, Hollins simply refused to comment when asked why she was listed as a BNP member but stood as an Independent. Throw her out, the liar!


November sees BNP councillor Mark Logan startle Havering Council by throwing around accusations of murder following the death of an elderly constituent after a forced eviction.


Technology teacher Mark Walker was suspended from Sunnydale Community College, in Shildon, County Durham, last March pending an internal inquiry. Now, the school’s board of governors has terminated Mr Walker’s contract on the basis of his sickness record. He will, of course, appeal. As will his brother, Adam Walker, who is due to appear before England’s General Teaching Council in Birmingham next month and faces being struck off the teaching register. He left his job at Houghton Kepier Sports College, Houghton-le-Spring, Wearside, last year after using a school computer to join an online discussion forum about the BNP. Both men stood unsuccessfully for the BNP in Durham County elections.


We're reminded this month of the truly ghastly Lynne Mozar, one of the 'stars' of the appalling BNP Wives documentary on Sky TV. Mozar has, presumably because there is a lack of coherent speakers in the BNP, joined their speakers list and now travels far and wide to treat branches to her raucous voice. Oddly, the fact that she's a racist imbecile doesn't seem to bother them.


Former BNP candidate for Dukinfield, Roy Kevin West, was charged with racially aggravated harassment over claims he shouted abuse at a German neighbour.


October is upon us and we have news of an Independent councillor, Jeffrey Tucker, at Havering who not only entertains BNP leader Nick Griffin but has links with the National Liberal Party (which has its roots in the National Front).


Not to be outdone by Peter Turpin (see below), the idiotic Joey Smith (or Joe Barber, his real name), the singing BNP candidate for October's Dewsbury East by-election branded Dewsbury an 'enriched slum'. These idiots really know how to make themselves popular, don't they.


Peter Turpin, a councillor for the BNP in Epping Forest, writes a blog in which he singles out Jaywick for criticism, describing it as resembling a 'shanty town', much to the disgust of local residents.


Angela Reid, daughter of the late East Ender's actor Mike Reid, is jubilantly displayed as the latest trophy candidate for the BNP by the party's press officer Simon Darby, and on the party's own website. Fearing adverse publicity, she suddenly removed herself from the candidacy in the Witham West by-election, leaving the BNP candidate-free and with red faces all round.


John Rowe, who seems to be aiming for the post of biggest idiot in the BNP (a difficult challenge but he might just manage it if he keeps up to his current high standards) disrupts yet another Burnley Council meeting by entering the public gallery when he's banned from so doing (and incidentally in breach of bail conditions, having not turned up to court when he should). Three plods arrived to escort this ****wit from the premises.


Colin Auty finally formally resigns as BNP councillor for Dewsbury East after his disastrous leadership challenge that never was. Oh dear, what a shame.


Major ******** and would-be councillor John Rowe, who set off a fire alarm in a fit of pique at not being allowed to disrupt a council meeting, had a warrant issued for his arrest after not turning up to court in September.


The return of an old favourite sees ex-Burnley BNP councillor Luke Smith in court (yet again) for a crime involving violence (yet again). This time, he's at court for attacking a pub landlord rather than glassing Warren Bennett, the old BNP head of security, at the party's annual ****-up, the Red, White and Blue.


A British National Party candidate won just 37 votes in a by-election in Redbridge, east London. Anthony Young, a retired solicitor, came last out of four candidates, with 1.4%, in Cranbrook ward in the south of the borough, which borders onto Barking and Dagenham, where the BNP has 12 councillors.


Finally, Colin Auty realises that the BNP is undemocratic and decides to resign as a councillor for the party. What a pity it took him so many years to cotton on.


Another day, another photo-op for Richard Barnbrook, who this time manages to look a total prat on a bike with a large bunch of fruit attached. Still, it's handy for a caption competition. :-)


July arrives with the news that Colin Auty's leadership challenge has collapsed before it even started as he was unable to get the required hundred signatures to stand against Nick Griffin. Not altogether surprising really, following the anti-Auty letters that have been sent out to the entire membership.


BNP parish councillor Simon Deacon is expected to collapse in confusion when confronted by his council's Equal Opportunities Policy next month. Deacon is a former leading National Front activist.


Colin Auty, in the last desperate throes of his leadership campaign, decides to get a bit harder on Nick Griffin, branding him a crook and a liar. Too little, too late, in our opinion.


Robert Bailey, now leader of the BNP on Barking and Dagenham Council - had a face-off with Barking College principal just hours before the college held a Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR) event at its Dagenham Road, Dagenham campus. According to Mr Parker, the Alibon ward councillor ordered him to stop hosting such events, or there would be "problems" from BNP members at the college.


Barnbrook (again) but this time he's in trouble for taking a banana into the council chamber and eating it while a meeting is in progress, despite a clear rule banning food in the chamber. What is it about BNP councillors that they think rules and the law can just pass them by?


Stan Leese, the BNP's candidate in Stoke-on-Trent's Northwood and Birches Head ward, was given the red card by Staffordshire Football Association which stated that his political views were at odds with the FA's equal rights and anti-racism policies. Quite right, too.

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Richard Barnbrook entertains/disgusts us with the revelation that he can PROVE he has been in a relationship with actress Tilda Swinton. How? Because he still has DNA proof - after twenty years or so. Ohmigod.


June is here and yet another BNP man is under investigation by the Electoral Commission after allegations that John Burgess, who was elected to represent the far-right party in the Meir Park and Sandon ward on Stoke-on-Trent City Council, may have misled the voters on statements he made on his nomination papers.


Barking and Dagenham's BNP councillors are famed for their appalling attendance record for meetings. Working out their allowances and the meetings they actually turned up for, means they 'earned' an average of £1635 per meeting. Not a bad return for doing nothing.


The strangely quiet Richard Barnbrook emerges from his shell to grab a photo-opportunity following the death of Robert Knox, a teenager killed in a knife attack. Barnbrook called on all young people to back him in his campaign to stop knife crime and claimed that 100 would join him in a protest at City Hall. How many turned up to support this opportunist *******? Not a single one.


BNP councillors in Barking and Dagenham came in for lots of criticism after voting against plans for future social and affordable housing in the borough. The lack of social and affordable housing was one of their key election campaigns and their biggest single pledge was to get more. The hapless idiots on this occasion? Robert Bailey and Lawrence Rustem.


British National Party candidate and all-round moron John Rowe was nicked by police after he set off a fire alarm in a fit of pique at being refused admission to a meeting. Instead of the kick in the ******** that he deserved for putting people's lives at risk, he was fined £80.


A couple of weeks into May and it's the turn of BNP election 'guru' Eddy Butler to send out a letter to the membership referring to Colin Auty, a perfectly legitimate challenger, as, among other things, a 'joke' candidate. It's amazing how all these letters can go out to the membership when they are anti-challenger but when Auty asks for the membership list so he can send something out he's told that would be in breach of the Data Protection Act.


A leaflet to promote BNP hopeful Alan Girvan in Dewsbury East was withdrawn after it was pointed out that some of the images used on it breached copyright.


John Oddy, short-lived councillor for Colwyn Bay Town Council (see below) gets done for using his mobile while driving. The BNP - the party of law and order. Indeed.


David Exley, the bane of Kirklees, is booted out as a councillor in favour of Labour - a surprise to both parties.


Lee Barnes, the BNP's pseudo-intellectual legal beagle, sends out the infamous 'puupet' letter to the membership, warning them not to be taken in by Colin Auty's outrageous attempt to challenge the leader of the party, Nick Griffin.


Upon winning a seat on the London Assembly, the idiotic Richard Barnbrook attempted to make a speech (though he sounded pretty sloshed and forgot the name of the new Mayor. That didn't matter much though because most people walked off the stage when he stumbled on. Just to let us know how much of a tosser he intends to be, he immediately called for Union Jacks to be flown permanently and for the burka to be banned. Off to a good start then.


May arrives with a bit of sunshine and the news that Colin Auty, Kirklees BNP councillor, is to challenge Nick Griffin for the leadership of the party. This should prove to be the end of Auty's career (such as it is).


Normally we wouldn't bother writing much about the BNP's parish/town councillors because they generally do even less than its borough/city councillors but when the party loses three at once, it's worth a mention. John Oddy, Paul Harley and Sue Harley all resign the BNP whip at Colwyn Bay town council (before they've even attended their first meeting). A record - even by the extremely low standards of the BNP.


April is here and the BNP is well on form. London BNP's second in line for the Assembly, Nick Eriksen, is discovered to have some peculiar views on women, including the bizarre idea that women are more troubled by bag theft than rape. Thankfully he's booted out the day after his views become public - though he remains in the party and in his role as organiser.


Derek Beacon (or Beackon - no-one seems sure what his name is, not even him) is selected as a candidate for the Orsett ward at Thurrock. Beacon, you may recall, was the BNP's first ever councillor, elected in Millwall back in 1993. Shortly after his election he announced 'I am only going to represent the white people. I will not represent Asians. I will not do anything for them. They have no right to be in my great country'.


Richard Barnbrook, leader of the BNP's Barking and Dagenham contingent, hits the news a number of times this month. On this first occasion, it's as a result of presenting a particularly idiotic budget proposal. There was a lot of fun to be had at Barnbrook's expense but the classic was when Val Rush, the Executive Member for community safety and parks, challenged Barnbrook’s claim that he could cut the parks’ police budget by £150,000 by running it in-house. 'It already is run in-house', she informed him.


The BNP's list for the London Assembly is announced and includes one Chris Forster, a psychic who, according to his website, specialises in the "use of the crystal ball, clairvoyance and mediumship" to "develop opportunities" for businesses and individuals. He promotes himself as "the only qualified internal auditor and accountant working full-time as a psychic". His distress at the fact that his identity as a BNP candidate had been revealed prompted this classic comment by one of our readers.


'When contacted by the Standard, Mr Forster said: "Oh dear, oh dear. I wondered how long it would be before that came out."


You'd have thought he would have known. He's meant to be a ****ing psychic.'


Richard Barnbrook again, only this time he's making himself look an idiot by dressing up as St George, complete with horse and dragon for a great St George's Day march and rally. Thirty minutes later, Barnbrook was back in the pub after the march struggled to get up to double figures.


Derek Beacon hits the news again after his election leaflet includes a picture of him standing outside a popular local pub, giving the impression that it is in some way supportive of him or his ghastly party much to the annoyance of the landlady, who complained and slammed the BNP. Beacon, who is never at a loss for words, no matter how stupid they are, had this to say;


'However, looking back on it I'm not surprised she is upset. Its her livelihood and I can understand that she doesn't want to be associated with us.'




Searchlight Cymru demands that Kevin Edwards, BNP candidate for the ward of Penygroes in Carmarthenshire, justifies two extraordinary claims he has made in his leaflet, where he states that soldiers at Birmingham hospitals have to remove their uniforms so as not to offend Muslim staff and visitors, and that homosexuality is now being taught in our schools to children as young as four years of age. Neither claim is proven - nor does Edwards stand down.


Robert Bailey, second in command of the BNP's Barking and Dagenham's bunch, verbally attacks the news editor at the local paper, the Recorder, claiming bias and calling her a jobsworth and (surprisingly) a nazi. The next day he called her to apologise.


Former police officer and now BNP candidate after a couple of hefty convictions, Simon Goodricke, got in a bit of trouble after allegedly waving a pistol about at reporters from the Barnsley Chronicle. He's presently (April 29th) on bail.


Richard Barnbrook (yet again) appears in the dailies for having a dalliance with a Finnish stunner while supposedly being engaged to ex-ballerina and member of the fake union Solidarity's exec, Simone Clarke. Barnbrook, a regular user of online dating services, was (according to the one who isn't his fiancé) 'average in bed'. She also pointed out that she'd 'only ever seen him properly sober a couple of times'. Us too.


Just for the hell of it, Barnbrook gets another look in at the end of the month when another daily prints a story referring to his former wife (to whom he owes money), his interesting homo-erotic past and his brother, who is believed to be married to a black woman. Shock horror.


March sees the BNP saying goodbye to Pat Pattison, a town councillor for Llysfaen. Pattison claimed he was being booted out because he had helped an Asian family, while the BNP stated that he did not meet the standard it expected from its councillors. And they said that without laughing. Mr Pattison wrote to us to make a few things clear...


On March 17th at Leeds Magistrates Court, John Powell was found guilty of assault by beating/battery of it is believed his wife. Powell who stood as a BNP candidate in Beeston & Holbeck in 2004,Garforth and Swillington in 2006 and Killingbeck and Seacroft in 2007 received a 12 months community order.


February, and we wave a fond goodbye to Alan Bailey, another BNP thug who somehow managed to become a councillor then stood down - this time for work reasons.


December sees a whole host of councillors standing down - maybe. Sadie Graham, Chris Beverley and a few others announce that they are to become 'independent nationalists' rather than BNP councillors. To date, this hasn't happened. We'll change the page when it does.


November begins with a final burst of sun for the year and several BNP councillors, organisers and general hangers-on making fools of themselves, like Ken Booth, Tyneside organiser for the BNP, who claimed that Auschwitz was like a theme park.


There was much embarrassment for the BNP in Scotland when it was revealed that an internal bulletin suggested that the party should take advantage of the shortage of volunteers for the annual Poppy Appeal. They really are opportunistic filth - from Griffin at the top of the party all the way down to the scum at the bottom.


On a lighter note, Richard Barnbrook acts the fool as usual over at Barking and Dagenham. This little exchange should tell you everything you need to know about him.


...Barnbrook claimed that knife crime in his ward was up six-fold this year. 'I refer you to the stabbings at Becontree station'.


'Becontree station is not in your ward', retorted Smith.


'Oh' said Barnbrook.


Still in November and we receive the news that BNP community councillor Patrick Pattison is being dragged off to court by Conwy County Borough Council to prevent him behaving in a “threatening, abusive or insulting way” towards officers and members. His response was interesting; 'I’m being victimised by this council, it’s been going on for years'. Indeed.


October brings us the happy news that James Lloyd, BNP councillor for Princes End ward on Sandwell council, has not attended a meeting in six months and thus will be booted off the council - and the deed is done in mid-October bringing the BNP down to 47 councillors out of around 22,000. Read on below for much more about the appalling Lloyd.


September sees the David Enderby's appeal against a conviction of assaulting his wife, his mother-in-law and a 14-year-old girl upheld. Enderby, who claims to be ex-SAS, was convicted back in January and sadly walked away with just a fine for assault. This appeal adds another £200 to it. Pity he's not inside though the real shame is that he's still a councillor. Scum.


September also brings news that unsuccessful BNP candidate Dominic Bugler has received an ASBO for subjecting his neighbours to 18 months of abuse, littering, drinking and fighting. Pelsall councillor Gary Perry said; "It was ironic that during the May elections he put out leaflets saying he was opposed to antisocial behaviour and in favour of law and order". Indeed it was. Bugler and his vile family have also been evicted from their home for non-payment of rent.

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One of our correspondents states, 'I was one of the residents...who helped obtain the ASBO against Dominic Bugler. He had terrorised Pelsall for years! We had to go to court, but thankfully, did not have to give evidence as he pleaded guilty! Mind you we had to wait 4 hours to hear this news as Bugler had been arrested the day before for breach of the peace and he had to be tried for that first! He had also been found guilty of assault 3 weeks earlier for attacking another resident in the street! Mind you, in the May local elections he did get more votes than all the other independent candidates and he was in prison at the time on a firearms charge!'


What a great example Bugler is of the shiny new law and order-supporting BNP.


Would-be councillor Ian Leadbitter, also the Sunderland BNP organiser, used the letters column of his local newspaper to resign from his post and also as a candidate for the BNP in local elections, citing 'differences of opinions' as his reason. Leadbitter was, you'll recall, the arrogant taxi driver who lost his contract to drive autistic kids to and from school after he ignored pleas that some of them found the extremely loud radio in his taxi distressing.


August, and one of the victims of the purge following the BNP leadership election is Sandwell councillor, Simon Smith. Though resigning as a member of the party, it's pretty clear that his resignation was forced upon him rather than voluntary. This loss puts the BNP with less councillors than it had before the May elections!


July, and summer arrives with the usual deluge of rain and floods all over the place. There is however, a bright spot. Terry Farr, BNP councillor on Epping Forest District Council resigns stating pressure of work. Nobody believes it, choosing instead to believe that he's been embarrassed into resigning because he's just useless (as are all the BNP contingent).


July also sees the ghastly Bradford West BNP councillor Paul Cromie, a veteran of Standard Board investigations, found guilty by the SB of bringing his office into disrepute by dishing out £5 gifts to pensioners at an old people's home.


A British National Party councillor has been suspended for publishing material which was "hateful and abusive" to ethnic minorities. Councillor Simon Smith of Sandwell Council in the Black Country put the material on his council web-page, was reported to the Standards Board, who did the decent thing and suspended him. So why not sack him?


June 2007sees what appears to be an all-time record for the shortest tenure of any councillor - albeit for a parish council, when British National Party member Peter Pirnie quit his Kingswear council seat just three days after taking his seat. It's also the month when Jim Lloyd's lad earned himself three years inside for being a **** - just like his Sandwell BNP councillor father.


May 2007got off to a good start. Dominic Bugler, BNP candidate for Pelsall (Walsall Council), appeared at the town's magistrates court charged with possessing an imitation firearm. He was remanded in custody until after the election.


The May local government elections produced some nice results. Richard Mulhall, formerly councillor for Calderdale and convicted benefit thief, was unceremoniously booted out, while the BNP's very own fake vicar, Robert West, leader of the BNP front-group, the Christian Council of Britain, was kicked out of his Spalding seat too. Oh happy day.


The elections were a disaster for the BNP. They fielded 750 candidates and spent copious amounts of money on leaflets et al, only to find themselves with just one extra councillor. This was cancelled just a week later by Longton North's Mark Leat, who moved across the chamber to become an Independent.


Mike Howson, the BNP's regional organiser for the mid-west and former candidate for the party, who is one of the people responsible for the BNP's ludicrous BNP-instigated vigilante group (sorry, 'community patrol') in Corsham and who is also an apparently highly-regarded air cadet youth leader, was found to have a web site littered with 'white pride' and 'white nationalist' videos, some of which have swastikas prominently placed on them.


Two Sandwell BNP councillors, Simon Smith and Carl Butler, staged an impromptu walkout from Sandwell Council at the Mayor-making ceremony because the new Mayor was a Sikh, Gurcharan Sidhu, claiming that his appointment breaches Magna Carta, the morons. It looks like they'll be joining many of their BNP comrades in a visit to the Standards Board.


April 2007 brings a whole cluster of dodgy nominations courtesy of the BNP - but it also provides some other entertainment. Barnsley BNP candidate Nick Parker has a conviction for fraud, having been fined £450 by Wakefield magistrates for forging a document from a financial firm which stated an insurance policy was worth less than its true value. He was a magistrate until his conviction!


Karl Newman, candidate in Redditch, has an obsession with all things Nazi, going to 're-enactments' and rebuilding swastika-laden WWII-vintage Nazi vehicles. You might think he's just your average fruitcake until you hear that he said in an interview with a local paper; '...so the BNP is only for white people, but that does not mean I am a racist.' Okay Karl. Keep on taking the tablets.


Allan Milton, would-be BNP candidate for Kirklees, had to withdraw from the May 2007 local council election because he works for the council on which he was attempting to sit. Although the rules are very clear and have been in place for the past thirty-five years, Milton just happened not to spot that he would have been in breach of the law if he had stood. How convenient.


Once again, the ghastly Colin Auty, a Kirklees BNP councillor, has been reported (in March and April 2007) to the Standards Board, though this time for a racist song, sung by his crap band Red Claire, which includes Paul Cromie, another habitué of the Standards Board. Auty has now (April 2007) been re-referred to the Standards Board following a further complaint after he played the song outside the office of Labour MP Shahid Malik.


Former British National Party European election candidate has been left nearly £30,000 out of pocket after a court struck out his libel claim against Searchlight. Sidney Chaney, a serial litigant from Basildon, Essex, brought his action against Searchlight Information Services, Gerry Gable and Sonia Gable over a leaflet that Searchlight published during the 2004 European election campaign. Tough luck Sid.


An investigation has been launched into claims that BNP councillors in Sandwell allegedly voted illegally at an annual budget meeting in March 2007. Sandwell Council lawyers are to pass on information to police after allegations that one or more of the borough's four BNP councillors took part in the meeting despite being in arrears with their council tax. It is illegal for local authority members to vote on budgetary matters if they are more than two months behind with payments. A Sandwell Council spokesman confirmed an investigation was under way into the allegations against BNP councillors James Lloyd, Simon Smith, Carl Butler and Russell Green, though it seems likely that the main culprit is James Lloyd, who certainly is in arrears with his council tax.


The three BNP councillors on Kirklees Council, Colin Auty, David Exley and Roger Roberts, also come in for heavy criticism in March 2007 for remaining silent through the entire six-hour budget meeting. Three Green councillors contributed in the proper way and succeeded in influencing the authority’s budget.


Would be BNP councillor, Michael Dafter, who stood for the far-right party twice, received a two-year banning order in court in January 2007, banning him from football matches both home and abroad, after hooliganism in Newcaster City Centre. Dafter's football-related criminal record goes back years.


BNP councillor for Redditch Borough Council, David Enderby, couldn't wait long to get into the swing of things. Just weeks after being elected, he had been charged with three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Enderby, who won by just 12 votes, claims to be ex-SAS and says, as all BNP councillors do when they're accused of absolutely anything illegal, 'I'm not guilty of any offence at all.' The court saw differently and found him guilty on all counts (23.1.2007).


Sandwell BNP councillor, James Lloyd, lost the licence (22.1.2007) to the pub he ran at Tipton after incidents involving attacks with semi-automatic weapons and machetes. Lloyd refused to pass over CCTV footage of the incidents and also refused to make written statements to the police. Could this be a coincidence, given that the pub - the Lagoon - was the local BNP headquarters?


Another Sandwell councillor Simon Smith, had his council-hosted website closed down after the council realised that it contravened its duty to 'promote equality and good race relations'.


Retired businessman Paul Cromie, BNP councillor for the Queensbury ward in Bradford, is going for the triple. He's currently (October 2006) under investigation for vote-buying and the Standards Board are investigating a complaint against him that he brought the council into disrepute by sending out a bunch of pornographic pictures via email. Cromie, of course, denies this, claiming to be computer-illiterate - a strange claim for a councillor and businessman in this day and age. Not content with being in more trouble than the average BNP councillor, Christmas 2006 saw him send out over 200 £5 'presents' to pensioners at sheltered housing in his ward, a 'gift' that many see as a bribe and that has Bradford Council legal officers scurrying around to see if he's acted outside the law. Cromie is either staggeringly naive or shockingly stupid - or he thinks we all are.


November 2006 and Mirfield BNP councillor Roger Roberts is thrown off the council for not attending a meeting for six months, which seems to be a common habit amongst BNP councillors. Sadly, he's still a councillor for Heckmondwike. Since he defected to the BNP from the Tories, he regularly attended a meeting every six months. What a fine example of a hard-working councillor. He won't be missed.


In 2000, BNP member John Haycock was elected unopposed to a parish council in Bromyard. He was sacked from the council nine months later for non-attendance. More contempt for democracy.


In May 2002 one of its candidates in Sunderland stood for election despite having a recent conviction for fraud which disbarred him from standing


The BNP use dirty tricks. In November 2002 they secured their fourth councillor when Robin Evans won Mill Hill ward in Blackburn. Their campaign was based on deception and lies. In one leaflet a picture of Finsbury Park mosque was printed, with a caption stating that Muslims there celebrated the September 11th attacks. It neglected to tell voters that this mosque was in London.


Another ludicrous claim – that Asians were likely to become the majority in Blackburn within 10 years – was aimed at stoking up fear based on misinformation. In fact the non-white population stands at one-fifth in the town.


Forgery was even attempted when the BNP produced a leaflet purporting to come from the Liberal Democrats. Under the title 'Caring for Ethnic Minorities' the leaflet urged people to vote Lib Dem if they wanted more money spent on Asians and asylum seekers. The leaflet is now under police investigation. A similar dirty tricks campaign was used in the Mixenden by-election in Halifax.


Luke Smith (Burnley). Was forced to resign after he smashed a bottle into the face of a Leeds BNP organiser. Despite claiming to be the party of law and order, the BNP failed to call in the police and press charges. Smith had only recently been convicted of football violence when he was elected as a BNP candidate. He has had several more recent convictions and was recently sentenced to 11 months imprisonment after being caught fighting in Manchester.

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It's not a minority! :hihi::hihi:


Of course it is......................you gotta find me six thousand cases based on Wiki figures to prove that the majority of BNP members are paedophiles and rapists.....


I will check back next week.


For an educated man I thought you would have thought of this before making the above statement.

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Brian Turner (Burnley). Was convicted of attacking his wife and a police officer whilst a councillor yet the BNP refused to disown him. In fact they even defended him by issuing a statement saying: “we are not in the business of persecuting our members because the state considers someone guilty.”


Recently found guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence in which he shouted a racist comment at a group of Asian men outside the Orange House pub in Hammerton Street, Burnley, before telling them to get back 'to their own country' for which he was ordered to carry out 300 hours of unpaid work in the community – the maximum magistrates can impose – observe a 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. curfew for four months and pay £300 costs. Attended just three council meetings out of eleven.


Dan Kelley (Barking & Dagenham). Resigned from the council only eight months after being elected after admitting that he was completely out of his depth. “There’s meetings that go right over my head and there’s little point in me being there,” he told the local paper even before he resigned.


Claire Doncaster, one of the new BNP councillors for Alibon ward, was taken to court last year. Rent arrears of £2,280 have still not been paid. Finally evicted in late-August 2006, Doncaster was part of the group of new BNP councillors who became the official opposition in Barking and Dagenham on May 2006. Good to see they're keeping up to their usual standards.


She is now residing with her mother Sandra who is also a BNP councillor for Valence Ward. Sandra Doncaster is also being threatened with eviction from her council home for non payment of council tax. A fine example. Never mind - if they're both evicted, perhaps they could go and stay with fellow BNP councillor Jeffrey Steed. Oh no, sorry, they can't - he owes the council £1300. What a bunch.


Sandra Doncaster is pretty well known in Valence. Two years ago she pleaded guilty at Barking Magistrates Court of leaving her dogs barking in the house for long periods, despite receiving a council warning. She was fined £200 and ordered to pay £250 costs plus her name was placed on the council's list of nuisance neighbours. Back in 2000, Snaresbrook Crown Court rejected an appeal from Doncaster and her husband against an order for the destruction of one of their German Shepherds because it was a danger to the public.


Richard Mulhall (Calderdale) was found guilty on four counts of benefit fraud involving several thousands of pounds at Teeside Crown Court on October 19th. Despite this the BNP had refused to disown him or demand his resignation if he is found guilty. Mulhall had asked to be tried elsewhere as he claims he would not get a fair trial in West Yorkshire. Not very trusting of him. Update: Mulhall was sentenced to a measly 200 hours community service on December 14th 2006, and ordered to pay £2000 costs.


A couple were listed among the assentors on the nomination form for Peter Wade, who unsuccessfully stood for the BNP in the Eccleshill ward in the elections in May 2006. Wade claimed he had met the couple in a pub - which the couple categorically deny. An investigation is now under way by the police.


Maureen Stowe (Burnley). Left the BNP after admitting that they deliberately told lies to get elected. On leaving the BNP she said: “This is the best thing I could have done. I’ve got a chance to do a lot of good. Now I think we can pull all the people of Burnley together to improve things for everybody. I keep asking myself how could I have been so stupid as to have anything to do with them.”


Richard Barnbrook, the leader of the BNP group on Barking and Dagenham Council, is under investigation for allegedly supplying electoral officers with the wrong home address - that enabled him to stand for the council. The whole BNP group of eleven councillors was humiliated at its first meeting when just a single BNP councillor voted for an amendment to a paper. The amendment had been proposed by the BNP itself.


Barnbrook is not Mr Popular, even in his own group. A couple of months ago a group of BNP activists distributed anti-Barnbrook leaflets outside a Dagenham pub and betting office, calling on him to resign as group leader.


Barking and Dagenham BNP tried to take credit for the announcement that thousands of new homes were to be built in the borough, that was made just weeks after the elections. This despite the fact that the decisions were all made months before the BNP arrived on the scene.


Robert Buckley, the new BNP councillor for Mayesbrook ward, appeared at Ilford County Court yesterday (May 25th) after failing to pay his rent for five months. After the hearing, Mr Buckley said his attendance allowance as a councillor would help him repay his debt.


Robin Evans (Blackburn). Left the BNP after complaining about the drug dealers and football hooligans who dominated his local BNP branch. He also criticised the Burnley BNP councillors as useless.


David Watkins (Sandwell). Dubbed ‘possibly the worst councillor in Sandwell,’ Watkins attended just 10 out of 63 meetings. Gave up after just one year.


Steve Batkin (Stoke-on-Trent). Steve Batkin attended none of a possible thirty committee meetings in the nine months to March 2005. Batkin has only spoken twice in his first two years as a councillor and one of those was to ask what “abstain” meant. Was once told to stop talking to the media after he questioned key facts relating to the Holocaust, including saying that Jewish people refused to debate the subject because they would be exposed as liars.


Angela Clarke (Bradford). Resigned from the council less than half-way through her term after her performance was criticised by fellow BNP members. Clarke was fined £200 for resisting arrest and abusing the police during a drunken row at the back of a pub between her and another woman in May 2006.


Clarke has now been booted off her second council seat (on Keighley Town Council) for non-attendance, after missing six month's worth of meetings, a habit she shares with many other BNP councillors.


Terry Farr (Epping). was suspended by the Standards Committee after writing abusive letters. An earlier complaint by him to the Standards Board resulted in a ruling that calling the BNP nazi was fair political comment.


Ramon Johns (Broxbourne). Was elected on the promise to campaign for free bus passes for all the elderly but then immediately voted against such a plan once elected.


James Lloyd (Sandwell). Campaigned on a ticket to make parents responsible for the crimes of their children. What he failed to tell voters was that his own son was one of the areas worst offenders. Also recently put out BNP leaflets claiming a local library building was going to become a mosque. When it was proved that this was a lie he did not apologise but simply claimed that somebody had obviously made up quotes from him.


Pendle's first BNP councillor, Brian Parker (elected May 2006), went on holiday to Scarborough instead of attending his first council meeting at which five items on the agenda related directly to his ward.


He's not the only one. George Morgan, newly-elected to Chelmsley Wood ward on Solihull Council, couldn't be bothered to attend the council's inaugural meeting at the council's Civic Suite, where the new borough councillors normally take their seats for the first time.


Adrian Marsden (Calderdale). The absent councillor. In the six months to March 2006, Marsden has attended just three council meetings and his work record for his ward constituents has been even worse. However, he managed to find the time and strength to act as a bodyguard to BNP leader Nick Griffin during the recent court case in Leeds. But then again, what can you expect from a man with several convictions and a long history with the violent neo-nazi group Combat 18. Marsden has recently been arrested in connection with the theft of 2,500 anti-BNP newsletters though the case was thrown out when 'prosecution lawyers decided they could not prove he intended to permanently deprive people from reading them'. Thankfully, he's decided not to stand again, the thief.


Geoffrey Wallace (Calderdale). Wallace jumped ship from the Tories when he thought he could not win a council seat under the blue flag but refused to call a by-election. He too stood on a ticket to help local people but his record proves he has done nothing of the kind. His recent performance in dealing with casework from local residents is truly shocking and clearly demonstrates his inability to work for local people. In the four months to February 2006 he did only 14.5 hours casework, and all but three were in the last few weeks.


In Halifax and Burnley, BNP councillors failed to attend the crucial budget meeting that sets council tax and spending for the coming year. This was in spite of promising voters that they would fight for tax cuts. In Burnley, all three councillors were absent from the most important meeting of the year.


Confirmed racist and former member of the BNP, Sharon Ebanks, who lost her short-lived BNP seat on Birmingham City Council in July 2006 after the party forced the issue of a miscount to the High Court, which could end up costing the council as much as £100,000, attended her first council meeting but said nothing, preferring to sit and fiddle with her numerous mobile phones. Ebanks has since been sacked from the BNP following claims that £7000 that was collected from supporters to go towards her costs in the High Court had disappeared into the bottomless pockets of the BNP treasury, subsequent angry exchanges and an awful lot of insults and accusations. This one will run and run.


The annual budget meeting is the most important council meeting of the year. It is here that the level of services is determined and the council tax. So what did the BNP councillors in Calderdale do? Largely ignore it. Adrian Marsden did not even bother to attend. Richard Mulhall turned up to enjoy the free buffet but seemed to disappear after only a few minutes of the meeting, so missing all the votes. Geoffrey Wallace did turn up but then vanished missing two key votes, including one that will lead to a cut in funding for the voluntary sector. The voluntary sector, including charities and groups that help the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged children, will not be thanking the BNP. The crucial vote was tied but fell with the casting vote of the Mayor. If only one BNP councillor had been bothered to be present during the vote then the voluntary sector, and the people who rely on their hard work, could have been smiling. As it was they weren't, and once again the BNP let down its voters. All this is a far cry from the BNP's own manual into being a good councillor - written by the Calderdale BNP councillors.


Burnley BNP budget debacle: the budget meeting is the most important council event of the year. It is the meeting where the level of services are determined and the council tax is set. It is an opportunity for political parties to give their views on the priorities over the coming year. In 2003 none of the BNP councillors attended. In 2004 they were there but sat in silence. In 2005 only two of the six attended and then one left after 30 minutes. In 2006 only two of the six attended and they voted for the Labour budget.


Moving on to BNP councillors who never made it, we come to Paul Snell, former candidate for Heanor and Loscoe on Amber Valley Borough Council (twice). Snell first stood for the seat in February, when the BNP was severely criticised for falsely claiming illegal immigrants raped a local woman. Police say the incident never happened.


Former BNP Worcester Organizer, Kevin Hughes, who stood for his local council seat a couple of years ago (and lost), is currently serving thirty months for attacking an Iraqi in a pub after asking him where he came from. West Midlands organiser and deputy leader of the party Simon Darby said they would stand by Hughes. 'We are 100 per cent behind Kevin and the day he steps out of prison is the day he gets his job back,' said Darby. Since then, the BNP has droned on endlessly about their so-called 'political prisoner' and how terrible it is that he's been banged up. Their main problem appears to be articulated in this question, which they use whenever they refer to Hughes; 'What is an Iraqi doing in a British pub when British soldiers are in Iraq?' Update: Hughes had his sentence reduced by six months at his appeal on 6.10.06.


Former BNP council candidate, Garry Marshall, 46, of Sutton in Ashfield, received a life sentence in November 2006 for the murder of his partner a year earlier. A post-mortem examination revealed she suffered 37 stab wounds to her neck and abdomen. Marshall, a former miner who ran for the British National Party in the 1995 Kirkby North by-election for Nottinghamshire County Council and lost, had previously claimed he was elsewhere at the time.


Another would-be BNP councillor is keeping closer to the British National Party's football hooligan tradition. Jason Douglas, who stood in Redbridge, was caught up in a violent pitch invasion at a football match over the weekend after the election. Douglas has a record of hooliganism already and was at the ground despite a prior ban - for hooliganism.


In May 2001, six BNP council candidates in Burnley were excluded after it was discovered that several of the people who were supposed to have signed the nomination papers denied doing so.


Deception also played a role in a council by-election in Three Rivers, Hertfordshire in November 2000. Several people who signed the form nominating BNP member Ian Edwards later complained that they were unaware of what they were signing. This included an 80-year-old Labour Party member.


Colin Smith, a key member of the BNP gave an address in Beckton, despite actually living in Bexleyheath. In May 1998, Smith stood in two local council elections simultaneously, using separate addresses to meet the residence requirement in each case.


One candidate, Paul Henderson, stood under a false name. In Scotland, where the BNP fielded eight candidates, seven were not living at the addresses given on their nomination forms.


Brian Wainwright has twice stood for election for the BNP. In 2004 he was a council BNP candidate for Ovenden, polling 894 votes to Linda Riordan's 1,263. He stood as BNP Parliamentary candidate for Hull North in 2005 but polled just 766. Wainwright is in court for sending hate mail to an Asian councillor, an anti-racist campaigner and a mosque. The mails included threats, a promise that blood would be spilled, a swastika and SS insignia.


In the June 1999 elections, the BNP lied and cheated its way to a five-minute party political broadcast and the free delivery of 15 million leaflets by the Royal Mail. As many as 15 BNP candidates, out of a total of 79, gave false addresses on their nomination forms.


During the passage through Parliament of the Representation of the People act 2000, Home Secretary Jack Straw specifically noted the BNP abuse in his speech introducing the Bill.


In the House of Commons 50 MPs signed an Early Day Motion condemning the BNP’s actions. It read, “This house deplores the unlawful action of the racist and fascist British National Party in once again breaching the Representation of the People Act”.

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I'm off to bed this dipsticks an out and out idiot,I wouldn't be surprised if he still lives with his mother or maybe in care..its a shame they shut Middlewood he would have been well at home.

I wonder if he has read that last list of quotes

"In Halifax and Burnley, BNP councillors failed to attend the crucial budget meeting that sets council tax and spending for the coming year. This was in spite of promising voters that they would fight for tax cuts. In Burnley, all three councillors were absent from the most important meeting of the year."

There you go then naughty naughty BNP member you missed a meeting

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I'm off to bed this dipsticks an out and out idiot,I wouldn't be surprised if he still lives with his mother or maybe in care..its a shame they shut Middlewood he would have been well at home.


Night, let this guy post his stuff all night.....................some very petty things on these comments!! Not so much rape and paedophilia!

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Of course it is......................you gotta find me six thousand cases based on Wiki figures to prove that the majority of BNP members are paedophiles and rapists.....



You're defending the bnp scum because only 76 of the party members have been convicted of sexual assault?


It is fair to say the bnp is a party of sex offenders and paedophiles.


The bnp is riddled with kiddy fiddlers.


You deny this and continue to defend the party, despite the despicable scum who are bnp members.


nh claims that all asians have no desire to intergrate.


Nh tells nasty, racist lies about minorities.


Pig-ignorant, racist lies.


Now, tell me, whose side are you on?

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