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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Margaret Hodge smashes Nick Griffin in Barking and tells BNP: Get out and stay out.


The BNP suffered a humiliating defeat in Barking as Labour stormed to victory with an increased vote.


Labour MP Margaret Hodge fought off the far-Right party's leader Nick Griffin in what she described as the “toughest battle of my life”.


The BNP, which was beaten into third place behind the Tories, is also understood to have lost most of its 12 seats on Barking & Dagenham council.


The disastrous result for the BNP, which saw its vote share drop by two per cent, immediately raised questions about Mr Griffin's future as leader.


As the election campaign progressed the party — whose campaign has been beset with infighting, abuse and violence — had started to think they could win the seat. The Gordon Brown “bigot” row was its high point.


However, Mrs Hodge held on to her seat with 24,628 votes; Tory Simon Marcus came second on 8,073 votes and the BNP third with 6,620 votes


Mrs Hodge said the people of Barking had “overwhelmingly” rejected the politics of hatred and prejudice.


“On behalf of the people of Britain, we in Barking have not just beaten, but we have smashed the attempts of extremist outsiders,”


she said.




“The message from Barking to the BNP is clear — get out and stay out. You're not wanted here, and your vile politics have no place in British democracy. Tomorrow you're going to lose councillors and tomorrow we're giving you a clear message — pack your bags and go.”




So, what went wrong all you BNP supporters out there?


Too lazy or drunk to get off your sofas?


Couldn't get out of that meeting with your parole officer?


You were going to win this seat, weren't you?



:hihi::hihi::hihi: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


What about other extremist? or do we just worry about the British National Pricks?

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Bob Bailey, who's contribution to the BNP campaign involved kicking some Asian kid in the head, is now calling for Griffin to go:


----- Original Message -----

From: "Robert W. Bailey" <dagenham.bnp@*****.com>

To: <membership@bnp.org.uk>

Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 12:47 AM

Subject: Election results - time for Nick to step down



fellow activist


as an active nationalist with over 23 years supporting the cause, i

can tell you all after the polls of 6th May i have never felt such

utter dismay at the general publics naivety to support the tabloid

clamour for a hung parliament, but also the failures and incompetence

of the leader of the party which i love.


i refer to nick griffin, who i have in the past defended on many

occasions. i have to question the actions and decisions taken in the

past few months that have led to a catalogue of events that have

caused such harm to the party, including the disaster of the polls on

6th May. To say morale is low is an understatement.


The decision to field over 300 candidates was absurd, what a waste of

money and effort-for what? when 30 candidates in the election in our

best areas would have been sufficient.


With nicks persona being so vilified by the media, establishment, he

is not popular with the ordinary man on the street, making him near

unelectable, so why was he put in the BNP's best seat, leading to an

onslaught from our opponents and the destruction of what was once the

BNP's best area of support and growth, not only did we lose

convincingly in the general election, but a knock on effect was we

lost every bnp council seat as well.


The bnp are two elections at least away from ever gaining an mp, and

it wont be nick griffin who gets elected, that i can promise you.


well done griffin, bravo.


Being a euro mp, why was this decision taken, why was he standing

anywhere at all, is the party so shallow in real members of similar

ability or preferably better credentials that we have to push this man

in front of the media at every opportunity?


Griffin shook the party up post tyndall, this i applaud, but there

comes a time when in the interests of progress a leader must realise

the negative effects he can have also, griffin is now to the BNP what

gordon brown is to the labour party.


To salvage anything in time for next years local elections and to stop

the party suffering from internal squabbles and splits (like history

tells us), we need action NOW!


we need change, a leadership change, and i and many others committed

to the BNP wish griffin to acknowledge this, and do the honourable

thing, apologise to the membership for getting this so very wrong and

quickly step aside.


I am utterly dismayed at the reckless/cavalier attitude shown in

recent times, the fact that the site also going down is a clear

indication that all is not well at the top.


Nick " this is not a party that is a personal plaything, it is a party

of people who have a dream of progressive nationalism, people who work

hard and contribute much in effort and financially, decent moralistic,

honourable men and women, who love our nation and want to see it

preserved- so why are you seemingly intent on betraying the party and

us the membership?"


A good leader knows when its time to step aside, do the right thing nick,!


Robert Bailey


The problem is the party is Nick Griffin, he has kicked out every contender for his job with the sycophantic support of the membership...


With all the reports on their accounts yet to come the party will be going in to terminal decline regardless of what they try to do now to save the situation.

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Bob Bailey, who's contribution to the BNP campaign involved kicking some Asian kid in the head, is now calling for Griffin to go:


The problem is the party is Nick Griffin, he has kicked out every contender for his job with the sycophantic support of the membership...


With all the reports on their accounts yet to come the party will be going in to terminal decline regardless of what they try to do now to save the situation.


I'd like to see Bob get it. He'd bang a few heads together!:hihi:

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Guest sibon


Anyway roll on PR and based on available data the BNP will have 22 MPs.


I think that you wil find that on available data, it is impossible to predict how many seats any party will get under PR.


It is a reasonable guess that UKIP and the BNP would amass approximately zero seats between them under a STV system, but we won't know until we try it.

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It also looks like Nick Griffin could be facing contempt of Court procedings for not removing the racist clauses from the Constitution as he claimed to have done.


The British National party faces the prospect of renewed legal action from the government’s equalities watchdog over allegations that it has failed to remove potentially racist clauses from its constitution. The court case could potentially see the BNP’s leader, Nick Griffin, jailed or fined for contempt of court, or see party assets seized, lawyers believe.



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So you have ate all your pies for the week you fat fecker.





Longcool had a dig at Griffin and you're so enamoured by Griffin you actually took it as a personal insult...:hihi::loopy:


Whatever side anyone takes on this, left or right, the bnp will always be what they are in the eyes of the vast majority...a fear/hate machine with an agenda towards sections of society. Whether right or wrong they'll get nowhere because of their own incompetence.


If anyone has a problem with immigration then lobby at a local level en mass...If the concerns are that great then it will get to central gov. If it doesn't, march on Whitehall, but for Christ's sake stop blaming your neighbor who's no different to you with the exception of language, religion and/or colour.


As for you, you are a prime example of why the bnp failed abysmally. You're welcome because without that presence and the freedom you gained because of others actions and the past history of what they fought for, we'd have a statue of AH instead of WC at Whitehall.


My guess is you took a heluva beetin from a Black girl at school and you've never/can't forgive...even in your bitter later years.

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