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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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Bob Bailey, who's contribution to the BNP campaign involved kicking some Asian kid in the head, is now calling for Griffin to go:




The problem is the party is Nick Griffin, he has kicked out every contender for his job with the sycophantic support of the membership...


With all the reports on their accounts yet to come the party will be going in to terminal decline regardless of what they try to do now to save the situation.


Bob Bailey is right about the number of candidates, the BNP just arn't big enough to field 300+ candidates, they spread themselves far too thinly...they should have fielded about 30 or 40 in the areas where they are strong.

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562,000 votes for a small party in a general election is quite respectable...under PR that could have been quite iteresting.

it doesnt matter how many votes they had they STILL LOST GROUND

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Bob Bailey is right about the number of candidates, the BNP just arn't big enough to field 300+ candidates, they spread themselves far too thinly...they should have fielded about 30 or 40 in the areas where they are strong.


Where are they then?



What's the difference between a bus and the BNP?


A bus has got seats and direction lol!

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562,000 votes for a small party in a general election is quite respectable...under PR that could have been quite iteresting.

not if there were a minimum number of votes required to win a seat of 1 million.

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562,000 votes for a small party in a general election is quite respectable...under PR that could have been quite iteresting.


That's like the whole population of a city such as Sheffield roughly half a million all voting BNP, so although a small minority in the big scheme of things it isn't insignificant either, for that many people to be actually turning away from mainstream politics. 1.9% would see them get around 12 MPs under PR.

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I think that the title of this troll thread is in very bad taste.


That's the first time I've ever agreed with you!


I think these far left idiots are just as bad as the BNP. They are all violent and full of hatred. It is also really ironic that the same idiots who were on the thread about the violent BNP candidate who attacked those asian lads and were saying that was great are now complaining about violence. You're all as bad as each other!

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