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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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That's the first time I've ever agreed with you!


I think these far left idiots are just as bad as the BNP. They are all violent and full of hatred. It is also really ironic that the same idiots who were on the thread about the violent BNP candidate who attacked those asian lads and were saying that was great are now complaining about violence. You're all as bad as each other!


I'l bet the soap dodgers had a good old laugh about Nigel Farage's plane crash too!

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Guest sibon
I think that the title of this troll thread is in very bad taste.


I agree.


562,000 votes for a small party in a general election is quite respectable...under PR that could have been quite iteresting.


Given the circumstances, it is a pretty poor showing. In tough times, most countries turn inward and isolationist policies become popular. If you are still following me GItD, that means that the BNP have just done as well as they are ever likely to do.


As for PR, I suspect that you don't understand it. If we do go for a PR voting system in this country, it is likely to be STV. I can't see many people voting Labour/Tory/LD 1 and then BNP 2. So it stands to reason that the 500 000 or so BNP voters might unite with the 1 000 000 UKIP voters and return an MP, or two between them.


More likely, a lot of the people who voted that way to register a protest, will do so by putting BNP/UKIP as number 3, 4 or 5. The STV system will be the Death Knell for the right in this country, which is the reason that the Tories still won't concede that, even to form a Government.

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I'l bet the soap dodgers had a good old laugh about Nigel Farage's plane crash too!


Farage kinda laughed it off himself - if it had been Fat Nick no doubt he would have blamed it on immigrants / asylum seekers / reds / assassination attempts from within the BNP.

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As for PR, I suspect that you don't understand it. If we do go for a PR voting system in this country, it is likely to be STV. I can't see many people voting Labour/Tory/LD 1 and then BNP 2. So it stands to reason that the 500 000 or so BNP voters might unite with the 1 000 000 UKIP voters and return an MP, or two between them.


Very crude knowledge of politics there, BBC News bulletin-esque. UKIP are fiscally conservative (Free market, lower taxes, lower public spending etc) and want a vote on becoming a sovereign nation again.


The BNP are national socialists obsessed with nationalising the economy, a country mile away on any political spectrum.


Oh but I forget the UKIP are "Right-Wing" and so must be racists and therefore "Just like the BNP" :roll:


EDIT: Also re: your STV 2nd choice point, isn't it quite clear that a good percentage (>50%?) of BNP voters are former tribal Labour voters? Things are far more fluid than they were and it's not as easy to make sweeping generalisations.

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I wouldn't put that up if I was you, makes him look like a proper plank.


The planks are the mob that were heckling Griffin - very undignified...but its what we've come to expect from the left...these communists go by the term "International solidarity" and wont even discuss immigration and multicultralism, in their minds we're all denizens of One global country, where there are no borders!! Utterly insane and inhuman.


Labour have a cunning plan...when the Labour supporting "BME" population reaches a certern level,(due to Labours mass immigration) so confident that the BME population will vote for it, new Labour will revert back to old Labour, and the socialist dream will be realised.


Thats the plan...WAKE UP.

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