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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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The planks are the mob that were heckling Griffin - very undignified...but its what we've come to expect from the left...these communists go by the term "International solidarity" and wont even discuss immigration and multicultralism, in their minds we're all denizens of One global country, where there are no borders!! Utterly insane and inhuman.


Labour have a cunning plan...when the Labour supporting "BME" population reaches a certern level,(due to Labours mass immigration) so confident that the BME population will vote for it, new Labour will revert back to old Labour, and the socialist dream will be realised.


Thats the plan...WAKE UP.


But Labour might get a shock when a lot of these entrepreneurial immigrants take a look at Labour's big government ethos, decide it's not for them, and vote accordingly.

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Is there any actual proof that immigrants vote labour?


I've not found any.


Talking to yourself still?? :loopy:


Of the immigrant population that bother to vote - aside from the ones who perhaps have a particular gripe with the Iraq/Afghan conflicts, they will nearly all vote Labour.


BME people mostly vote labour, Dianne Abbott would agree with me on that

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Well there's this for a kick off


I think Diane Abbott knows what she's talking about.


Interesting BNP channel. I notice there are some David Irving speeches on there too.


I thought the BNP were shy about their holocaust denial, and yet they seem to advertise it so often.


Why do you think the BNP seem to want to rewrite the genocide of the Jews?

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Interesting BNP channel. I notice there are some David Irving speeches on there too.


I thought the BNP were shy about their holocaust denial, and yet they seem to advertise it so often.


Why do you think the BNP seem to want to rewrite the genocide of the Jews?


I dont give a flying toss about any holocaust denial from the BNP.


Whatever the numbers are its got to be less than the communist genocides that took place in the 20th century.

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I dont give a flying toss about any holocaust denial from the BNP.


Whatever the numbers are its got to be less than the communist genocides that took place in the 20th century.


The atrocities of Mao and Stalin would only be relevant if there was anyone downplaying them standing for election, but there isn't so the comparison is irrelevant.


Even if there were it would be no excuse for the Youtube channel you linked to publicising the holocaust denier David Irving.

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Following Griffin's disastrous Question Time appearance the electorate rejected him. He took a beating. So did Terreblanche.


The BNP voter share was up 1.2% on their result in the 2005 election. I'm not sure that would constitute a rejection by the electorate. I mean they gained more votes and that’s the ONLY indicator we have on their performance as they had no seats in the last election and they still have none now.


Nick Griffin lost support but did come third having received nearly 3,000 more votes than the Lib Dems in Barking.


Your assertion that the BNP (your boys) has taken a beating on Nick Griffins result (-1.7%) is like saying the Labour party had a great election based on Gordon Browns result (+6.4).


The BNP increased its voter share. The only issue here is would their result have meant representation in the House of Commons under Lib Dem proposed proportional representation.

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