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Griffin, Terrablanche,- your boys have taken one hell of a beating!

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The atrocities of Mao and Stalin would only be relevant if there was anyone downplaying them standing for election, but there isn't so the comparison is irrelevant.


Even if there were it would be no excuse for the Youtube channel you linked to publicising the holocaust denier David Irving.


I linked to a video not a channel.

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The BNP voter share was up 1.2% on their result in the 2005 election. I'm not sure that would constitute a rejection by the electorate. I mean they gained more votes and that’s the ONLY indicator we have on their performance as they had no seats in the last election and they still have none now.


Nick Griffin lost support but did come third having received nearly 3,000 more votes than the Lib Dems in Barking.


Your assertion that the BNP (your boys) has taken a beating on Nick Griffins result (-1.7%) is like saying the Labour party had a great election based on Gordon Browns result (+6.4).


The BNP increased its voter share. The only issue here is would their result have meant representation in the House of Commons under Lib Dem proposed proportional representation.


I don't see that there is much of an issue as to whether or not the BNP would get any seats if there was PR. If they got a seat or two doesn't matter. They would still be a non-entity. They are just a pimple on the backside of British History. We get the odd little ripple every few generations - BUF, NF and now BNP. All have come to nothing and will continue to do so.

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Guest sibon
I linked to a video not a channel.


Accidentally, of course. We used to have another poster on here who used the same defence:


"I linked to a video, not a channel"

"I got it from The Daily Telegraph, not Stormfront"

And so on.


By the way, do you know where GItD has gone?

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The BNP voter share was up 1.2% on their result in the 2005 election. I'm not sure that would constitute a rejection by the electorate. I mean they gained more votes and that’s the ONLY indicator we have on their performance as they had no seats in the last election and they still have none now.


Nick Griffin lost support but did come third having received nearly 3,000 more votes than the Lib Dems in Barking.


Your assertion that the BNP (your boys) has taken a beating on Nick Griffins result (-1.7%) is like saying the Labour party had a great election based on Gordon Browns result (+6.4).


The BNP increased its voter share. The only issue here is would their result have meant representation in the House of Commons under Lib Dem proposed proportional representation.


2005 117 candidates

2010 339 candidates


Their vote per candidate average did increase by 16 votes, not anything really to be boasting about:


2005 saw 1,647 votes per candidate

2010 saw 1,663 votes per candidate


But the reason the BNP has had such a disastrous week is that they lost all but one Councillors that stood in the elections.


They had nearly 60 Councillors not so long ago.... Now they have something like 12. (11 were not up for election last week). Where they won before they are losing. Where they are voted in people find out what they are like and vote them out again as soon as they can, unsurprisingly people generally don't want a useless bunch of money grabbing racists around for long.


The other reason it has been a disastrous week is all the negative publicity and infighting. Bob Bailey who got the BNP some publicity before the election by kicking some Asian lads head that this thread is about has even called for Nick Griffin to stand down.


Nick ” this is not a party that is a personal plaything, it is a party of people who have a dream of progressive nationalism, people who work hard and contribute much in effort and financially, decent moralistic, honourable men and women, who love our nation and want to see it preserved- so why are you seemingly intent on betraying the party and

us the membership?”


A good leader knows when its time to step aside, do the right thing nick,!


The BNP website has been taken down by its webmaster, because he had been stitched up to take the blame and costs of the Unilever court action against the Marmite "spoof". He is now saying the same as Mark Collett was saying not so long ago, when he was arrested for allegedly plotting to kill Dowson and Griffin. Basically that the members are being taken for a ride and milked to line their pockets.


The party is in meltdown.

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Guest sibon
I don't see that there is much of an issue as to whether or not the BNP would get any seats if there was PR. If they got a seat or two doesn't matter. They would still be a non-entity. They are just a pimple on the backside of British History. We get the odd little ripple every few generations - BUF, NF and now BNP. All have come to nothing and will continue to do so.


And, it is relatively easy to design PR systems that don't allow true minority parties to punch above their weight.


We might well get the odd BNP MP. As the party have found out in Barking, this is not necessarily the best thing for them. The Councillors who lost their seats did so because they failed abjectly in their roles. That is something that the electorate notice. Sometimes, sunlight has a cleansing effect.

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What's your opinion on the views of the holocaust you linked to?


I didn't link to any holocaust views but i'l indulge you anyway spindrift.


On the holocaust, i believe what historians tell us about it, that millions were killed by Adolf Hiltlers Nazis - terrible stuff.


But is it any less terrible than the communist genocides of the 20th century that you never here of?

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Guest sibon


Following Griffin's disastrous Question Time appearance the electorate rejected him. He took a beating. So did Terreblanche.


And celebrating Griffin's metaphorical beating on Question Time is fine. To construct a thread title that appears to glorify the murder of a human being is not, in my opinion. Even if the human being in question is as terrible as Terreblanche. You could have chosen a better example.


Beware of Godwin's Law, if you choose to reply:)

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