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What cyclists have to put up with..

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Loving your optimism, mate :D


Well, you can but try! :thumbsup:


If they look at the countless others who've tried, and failed miserably, to "win" the usual suspect arguments, they may not try and tread the same, well worn, illogical and non-sensical path again. Probably not, but at least we can give them a chance to retire with a bit of dignity eh? :cool::cool:

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I know these bits of road very well, although my two wheels have a motor between them.

Have to say I think the car in clip 1 should have held back for two reasons a) because it is unsafe to overtake anything at that point even if the cyclist was going straight on let alone turning right onto Slayleigh Lane as oncoming traffic can't be seen at that point and b) the speed of the cyclist was more than adequate to allow him to make the turn first and could have waited until later to overtake.

Clip 2, think there is a bit of 50/50 there. The car was obviously cutting the corner to turn right BUT although traffic was turning right it should have been known to the cyclist that oncoming traffic also turns right so the approach speed could have been a lot less. The cyclist approaches at speed in the middle of the downhill section of the road immediately behind two cars waiting to turn right. The offending car has no sight of the cyclist at this point or until the cyclist reaches the junction line which is the piont the driver has committed to his/her move. It takes 1 second for the cyclist to reach the car from the point the driver would have been able to see the cyclist. In short the cyclist speed was inapropriate and a danger to himself.

Clip 3, ??? the van and trailer passed the very slow moving cyclist before the double yellow lines had started and then turned left. Even if the cyclist was going straight on this would not have been a problem as it took him nearly 7 seconds to reach the junction after he had been passed? and then turned left?


Whatever the rights and wrongs, as a two wheeled user of the roads it is your responsibility to anticipate and often second guess the actions of car users but most of all BE SEEN whether that's what you wear or how you position yourself on the road. I've taken to wearing Hi Vis jackets that at first glance in a wing mirror might look a bit like a Police Motorcycle or Paramedic. it's interesting how many drivers pull over a bit as I approach!

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Maybe some cyclesheffield members would have time to hang around on Langsett Rd at 0730 and catch the idiot who regularly rides through every red light with his high vis vest on. Precisely the kind of person who shouldn't be allowed to cycle as he gives other cyclists a bad name.

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Maybe some cyclesheffield members would have time to hang around on Langsett Rd at 0730 and catch the idiot who regularly rides through every red light with his high vis vest on. Precisely the kind of person who shouldn't be allowed to cycle as he gives other cyclists a bad name.


Why do people generalise about all cyclists when they see one cyclist doing something wrong?


A car driven at 60mph in a 30 zone does not give all car drivers a bad name.

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Why do people generalise about all cyclists when they see one cyclist doing something wrong?


Why do all cyclists act defensive at the mention of poor riding? Motorists aren't the same - if you posted "I saw this guy driving really badly" you wouldn't get 100 replies arguing about it, you would get other motorists saying "Yes, sounds like a plank"

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Why do all cyclists act defensive at the mention of poor riding? Motorists aren't the same - if you posted "I saw this guy driving really badly" you wouldn't get 100 replies arguing about it, you would get other motorists saying "Yes, sounds like a plank"

Complaining about someone generalising about motorists by generalising about cyclists. Nice.


If you had posted "I saw this guy driving really badly whilst riding my bike" you'd get the usual suspects round here, who are certainly not the majority of drivers, chipping in with "but cyclists are so hard to see", "and they all run red lights", "they don't pay some non existent tax so they shouldn't be on the roads", etc.

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