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What cyclists have to put up with..

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To those that think the tax disc gives them entitlement to the road :


I pay £420 a year to tax my two cars, probably a damn sight more than most of you...So get off my road.

But you yourself admit the tax is for your cars - I'll be very happy to keep off them.

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To those that think the tax disc gives them entitlement to the road :


I pay £420 a year to tax my two cars, probably a damn sight more than most of you...So get off my road.


You pay Vehicle Excise Duty, road tax doesn't exist. So keep out of the way of those bikes.

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Why do people generalise about all cyclists when they see one cyclist doing something wrong?


A car driven at 60mph in a 30 zone does not give all car drivers a bad name.


It's defensive I think.

Tell a car driver that they've over taken a cyclist dangerously and they'll try to justify it by pointing out that they once saw a cyclist run a red light.

Tell a cyclist to stop at the red light and they'll probably claim that car drivers are all out to get them.

90% of both groups probably drive safely and cycle safely barring the occasional mistake and so don't feel the need to defend their inadequacies by blaming the other group.

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The best way is to perform a one man war on individuals rather than groups.


So the next time you see a car run a red light, follow them and slash their tyres. Or paint "bad motorist" all over it.


The next time a cyclist jumps a red light or rides on the pavement, knock him off and throw his bike in the river.

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The best way is to perform a one man war on individuals rather than groups.


So the next time you see a car run a red light, follow them and slash their tyres. Or paint "bad motorist" all over it.


The next time a cyclist jumps a red light or rides on the pavement, knock him off and throw his bike in the river.


So a car driver has their property damaged, a cyclist is assaulted. Which fits in nicely with the title of the thread! :D

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Why do people generalise about all cyclists when they see one cyclist doing something wrong?


A car driven at 60mph in a 30 zone does not give all car drivers a bad name.


I'm sure if cyclists were able to break the speed limit they would be all the time!!


Well just been sat watching the traffic, and in the last half an hour over 10 cyclists have jumped a red light and no cars.


So with the amount of cyclists vs cars on the road, there is a very high majority of cyclists breaking the law at this set of lights, and a very very low percentage of cars breaking the law!!

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I'm sure if cyclists were able to break the speed limit they would be all the time!!


Well just been sat watching the traffic, and in the last half an hour over 10 cyclists have jumped a red light and no cars.


So with the amount of cyclists vs cars on the road, there is a very high majority of cyclists breaking the law at this set of lights, and a very very low percentage of cars breaking the law!!


What's your point?


I saw a dozen cars illegally using the bus lane this morning. But many didn't...


And I've seen dozens on the phone whilst driving. But many who weren't...


And I've noticed a few without seatbelts. But most had them on...


And a not inconsiderable number breaking the speed limit. Well, there were quite a few of these actually...


And not one cyclist jumping a red light. But I know some do...


So again, what's your point?

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So with the amount of cyclists vs cars on the road, there is a very high majority of cyclists breaking the law at this set of lights, and a very very low percentage of cars breaking the law!!


Cyclist kill on average half a person a year, car drivers kill 3000.


Where's the danger?


Figures from the London Accident Analysis Unit over the five-year period 2001-05, show that there were:


* 2 cyclists who died while jumping red lights:


* 7 motorbikers died jumping red lights (one of these collisions also killed a car driver);


* 3 cyclists were killed by drivers jumping red lights;


* 7 pedestrians were killed by drivers jumping red lights;


* 7 people (drivers or passengers) were killed in collisions between two motor vehicles (excluding motorbikes), at least one of which was jumping a red light.


So a cyclist is more likely to be killed by a car jumping red lights, than the cyclist is to kill someone.


A study by the City of London at the junction of Fleet Street and New Fetter Lane in 2005 recorded one in ten cyclists failing to comply with the Automatic Traffic Signal and about one in 30 riding round the Signal via the pavement (the cycle lanes here are as short as they are narrow).



Compare that to the high rate of unlicensed drivers (as many as 1 in 8 in London), speeding, parking contraventions etc. and if anything cyclists are more law abiding than drivers.


The difference is that driving while using a mobile phone, speeding, or hitting the accelerator just as the lights turn red (or indeed not paying for a ticket on a bendy bus) are not visible offences in the way that a cyclist jumping the lights is.


So other road users do not seem to challenge "law and order" even if their offences result in far more danger and death on the streets.

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So a car driver has their property damaged, a cyclist is assaulted. Which fits in nicely with the title of the thread!


I hope it's not true that all cyclist have no sense of humour.


No, actually, I'm pretty sure it's not. Because I laughed at that post which you somehow tried to take seriously.

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I'm sure if cyclists were able to break the speed limit they would be all the time!!


Well just been sat watching the traffic, and in the last half an hour over 10 cyclists have jumped a red light and no cars.


So with the amount of cyclists vs cars on the road, there is a very high majority of cyclists breaking the law at this set of lights, and a very very low percentage of cars breaking the law!!


I've seen one car and two cycles run a red light today.

I've also seen a car change lanes dangerously and another one that seemed to be stuck in the outside lane, causing people to undertake him.

The cyclists were only risking their own lives.


Hell, I even made a mistake today, and realised it as I did it, hopefully I won't repeat it, fortunately it didn't cause any harm.

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