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What cyclists have to put up with..

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I apologise for not being funny. I will not eat for three days as punishment.

:D make it two days, I'm feeling generous.


Helmet cams are quite widely available, I have a decent one that I got from dogcam which I've used for snowboarding and go karting.

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well, pay some road tax, and you might have a say. other than that thay deserve everything thay get. if you want two wheels put an engine in it!


I assume you're trolling. If you are you're not funny.


If not, read the thread and the previous ones about cycling and stop wasting everyone's time.

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Neither do you


Nope its paid for through ''general taxation'' *Yawn* :roll:


Makes me wonder where our Vehicle excise duty goes? or does this go into the ''general taxation'' coffers, that they then use to fix the roads??? :huh:

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Nope its paid for through ''general taxation'' *Yawn* :roll:


Makes me wonder where our Vehicle excise duty goes? or does this go into the ''general taxation'' coffers, that they then use to fix the roads??? :huh:


Some of it is probably wasted on trying to educate people into understanding what the heck it is they're actually paying.


If anyone needs help, I've just been appointed a Road Tax Collector. Please send your cheques direct to me, made payable to Collections Associates in Support of Highways.


You can use the abbreviation, if you like

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Are the broken-record bores still babbling on about their "road tax"?


How dull.


Are they slightly slow? I mean in the brain department as well as slow as in stuck in a traffic jam with an average speed less than half that of a bicycle?

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nope deadly serious, tree hugging do gooders, dont pay road tax. so shouldnt be on the road. same goes for horses


Your profile says occupation "total idiot" says it all really:rolleyes:

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