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What cyclists have to put up with..

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Plus anyone who professes to "really hate" other road users as a group ought to surrender their driving licence immediately as they are mentally incapable of being a safe and competent driver


Sadly there are sociopathic drivers out there who behave in a stupidly reckless fashion on the roads because they hate other people based on their mode of transport.

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so are all the cylists who cause no end of trouble and damage to other road users and pedestrians going to hand thier cycles in?


If you factor in the rates of damage (1 death PA by cyclists vs 3500 by motorists, plus incidents causing damage), then I'd guess that a higher number give up their bikes than cars

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If you factor in the rates of damage (1 death PA by cyclists vs 3500 by motorists, plus incidents causing damage), then I'd guess that a higher number give up their bikes than cars


On average, it's half a death per year caused by cyclists, in all circumstances, including pedestrians wandering into the road.


I'm not sure what the poster means by "damage"- perhaps they could elucidate?

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On average, it's half a death per year caused by cyclists, in all circumstances, including pedestrians wandering into the road.


I'm not sure what the poster means by "damage"- perhaps they could elucidate?


Ah, cool. Mind you, I took the 3.5K from here. Having just checked the ONS website




it was just under 3000 in 2007


Aye - Trouble and Damage. Sounds like some 80's hiphop act :)

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Ah, cool. Mind you, I took the 3.5K from here. Having just checked the ONS website




it was just under 3000 in 2007


Yep. 8 children a year kidnapped by paedophiles, a shocking figure, unchanged since the fifties, despite press hysteria.


And ten children EVERY DAY killed or seriously injured on the roads by idiot drivers.

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Yep. 8 children a year kidnapped by paedophiles, a shocking figure, unchanged since the fifties, despite press hysteria.


And ten children EVERY DAY killed or seriously injured on the roads by idiot drivers.


Yeah, but you'll probably find that the paedophiles owned a bike once :|

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I dont moan as a rule and there are few things in this life which really get me riled, as you will see from my lack of posts on this forum. However, I have to say, I really detest cyclists! Where I live there are loads of cycle paths but do you cyclists on them, no, they prefer to take their chances on the already overloaded roads. Do they take notice of road signs and traffic lights and zebra crossings, no, they just cycle on through and leave the car driver looking on in astonishment. I really hate cyclists! I really do.


my bold - have you told Sir Chris Hoy this

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Yeh I class cyclists as a lower road user, but that does not mean I dont give them the same road consideration, why would I want to risk someone elses life ( or my own with jail time)?


so cyclists are a lower road user...therefore a lower class......wiggins, indurain, armstrong, hoy, pedro delgado are you listening?

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so are all the cylists who cause no end of trouble and damage to other road users and pedestrians going to hand thier cycles in?


Citation required for "no end of trouble and damage" please.

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Trying to educate the anti-cycling participants on this thread, or any other cycling thread for that matter, is a little like trying to plait fog...


The "road tax" myth has been comprehensively dealt with on occasions too numerous to mention. If the anti-cycling lobby can arrange to collect VED without creating a load of pointless buearocracy, then let me know where to send my cheque made out for £0.00 to please...


So they shift their ground to "insurance". Ignoring the fact that many are insured already, 60,000 + through CTC alone, let alone all other insurance companies. Despite the fact that it is not obligatory to have insurance. If they don't like this, they can lobby their MPs etc etc...


But no, they bitch and whine like spoilt children on here. Actually, that's a bit unfair on children, most 5 year olds will eventually understand sound reasoning if you explain a concept often enough...


Red Light Jumping. A silly thing to do, but again, no car driver has ever done that have they...:rolleyes:



Cycle lanes/paths. Contrary to some opinion, they are not compulsory, and many cyclists don't use them because they are useless, don't go anywhere, are full of broken glass/parked cars etc etc...


With some of the attitudes on here, including the view that cyclists are second class road users, I can only hope that those drivers eventually have their licences withdrawn. Preferably without any injury involved.


With the posters who say that cyclists are second class road users, it would be interesting to see if they have the guts to admit that view to a Police Traffic officer, should they be involved in an incident with a cyclist. If I were a betting man, I'd say they wouldn't have the guts. Doubly so when the judge is speaking to them.


And if they did, what do they think the traffic officer's view may be? Ditto judge?

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